The most powerful system in history

Chapter 61 4th Ring Mission

Chapter 61 Fourth Ring Mission

"Wow~ bang bang bang"

At the top of Jiuding Peak, a passionate and highly anticipated fight ended.

The master of Heijinmen is dead!

At the beginning when the Heijin drum sounded, the Heijin Sect Master who came in a chariot was incomparably majestic, and that kind of aura of a master and powerhouse shocked many low-level monks.

But he still died, in the hands of Wu Liang.

The outcome of this sect war was probably not thought of by anyone before.

Except Wu Liang!

At the moment when the master of the Black Golden Gate fell, an incomparably bright smile appeared on Wu Liang's face. Even though Wu Liang was exhausted both physically and mentally due to the sequelae of the small universe explosion and epiphany, he wished he could just fall asleep .

But Wu Liang persisted with great perseverance, because there was still one most important thing that he hadn't done.

The fruits of victory!

Almost immediately, the familiar prompt sounded like raindrops in Wu Liang, bombarding him with incomparable happiness.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, you successfully killed [Body Tempering Level 1000 Heijinmen Master], experience [-]."

"Congratulations to the host, the cultivation base has reached the critical value, the level has been improved, and he has entered the second level of Body Tempering Realm (5/2000), and his spiritual power is 42000."

"Ding, congratulations to the host, you have completed the third ring task [Bandit Elimination], obliterated and exempted, rewards will be issued soon, and the rewards are being counted..."

"The statistics are complete!"

"Kill 240 and three black gold bandits, and get 24300 master points."

"Kill Hong Heijin, the leader of the bandit, 1 skill point gift pack, 20000 points."

"Promote to Body Tempering Realm, gold skill point 1."

"Protect the people of the sect from harm, and reward a set of forbidden methods of the mysterious order."

"In exchange for Yuan Qi Cannon, you will be rewarded with Huang-rank Ninth-Rank Artifact Refining Technique and Xuan-rank Puppet Blueprint 1."

"The host has an epiphany before the battle, and rewards the killing illusion with intermediate authority 1."

"The host set up a plan to completely destroy the second-rank sect Heijinmen, with a reputation of 500."


【Mission Completion Degree: S】

[Remarks: The higher the degree of task completion, the higher the reward. 】

[Mission evaluation: The host perfectly demonstrated his wisdom and courage in this mission, successfully killed an opponent who was much stronger than himself, and let his name spread throughout the radius... I have to say, this system feels His dignity has been challenged, it seems that the next task must be more difficult, because only a system that tires the host into a dog is a good system! 】

When Wu Liang saw the degree of completion of the task this time, the smile on his face became even brighter.

S class!
This is Wu Liang's first time entering this level, and it's no wonder that the rewards are also unprecedentedly rich. The continuous bombing directly knocked Wu Liang unconscious, so that Wu Liang completely ignored the routine malicious taunting of the system.


Wu Liang, who was on the point of fainting before one breath, became completely alive at this moment.

From the first level of the Body Tempering Realm to the second level of the Body Tempering Realm, the majestic true energy poured into the body, and naturally all the consumption was recovered in an instant.

And at this time, after killing all the remnants of the Black Golden Gate on the peak, the three women also greeted Wu Liang happily.

"Brother Suzerain, we have won."

The first one to ask for credit was naturally Linglong. At this time, the little loli had completely lost her worry before, and her face was full of joy. Looking at Wu Liang was like looking at an incredible god.Sister Pu's eyes were the same, as gentle as water, which almost made Wu Liang unable to restrain himself from embracing this incomparably gentle big sister.

On the other hand, Lu Xue was as arrogant as ever, but the soft light in the corner of her eyes still betrayed her.

It is not surprising that the three women are like this.

Ever since Wu Liang came to this world, under the arrangement of that incomparably cheating system, one after another, horrific and dangerous missions have pushed both Jiudingzong and Wu Liang to the brink of death.

As members of the Nine Cauldron Sect, the three daughters have eggs under the nest.

It can be said that the horror of those missions, if someone else came, I'm afraid it would have collapsed long ago.For example, the original brothers of Jiudingzong, not to mention the few missions of life and death, Jiudingzong just ran into ruins, and those people ran away completely.

It's not as good as the three weak women, which is why Wu Liang opened his heart to the three women.

Wu Liang was originally a loner, but he got the three daughters who trusted him so much. Even if it was not for his own life, but only for the three daughters in front of him, Wu Liang would do his best to complete the task arranged by the cheating system.

"Yes, we won."

"From today, our Nine Cauldron Sect will start again, this is just a starting point."

When Wu Liang uttered this sentence, the three women seemed to be able to feel the overwhelming pride bursting out of Wu Liang's body.

Anyone who stands here at this time will be moved by Wu Liang's pride, and at least sigh that "a young genius has great ambitions" is indispensable.

But usually at such times, someone will come out to pour cold water.

For example, the system.

Suddenly, a familiar reminder sounded in Wu Liang's mind.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the third ring mission and successfully activating the fourth ring mission——【Strengthening the Sect】. The mission time limit is six months. If it is not completed within the time limit, it will be obliterated."


"Congratulations ~ your sister!"

Wu Liang, who was planning to give the three girls a hug while the three girls were moved, was hurt again.

As soon as the voice in his head sounded, Wu Liang remembered the old routine: every time a task is completed, a new task will follow.

This time Wu Liang was so proud that he forgot for a while and suffered this injury.

When Wu Liang saw the word congratulations in the prompt at a glance, he once again felt the evil taste of the system, and couldn't help complaining from the bottom of his heart: "The system, you are single, um, you must be, otherwise I can't explain your shameless."

Wu Liang complained endlessly, but the system of course ignored it as usual and continued to ruthlessly remind.

[Task content: To strengthen the sect, within six months, the host must strengthen the Jiuding sect in all aspects, so as to conform to what a second-rank sect should look like. 】

[Task Remarks: The host is a second-level body tempering monk, and your sect will also be a second-rank sect, but you only have three little female cats under your command. This is undoubtedly a shame for the system.Host, you have six months this time, do your best to grow the sect, then the system will evaluate your achievements. 】

[Reminder: The rewards for this mission will be issued according to the evaluation results, below A level, the host will be obliterated. 】

At first, Wu Liang was still wondering why the shameless system would give him such a generous six months this time. When Wu Liang saw clearly the content of the so-called fourth ring mission, Wu Liang was helpless again. Accepting fate, the shamelessness of the system is as good as ever.

"Hey, come out of the system, tell me clearly, the A-level will be obliterated, do you still have any human rights?"

(End of this chapter)

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