Chapter 712 The Preciousness of the Extraordinary Cave
"Little beast, your time has come."

Di Shitian turned into an ice giant, opened his demon pupils, and smashed the void barrier. His aura was terrifying, completely surpassing any opponent Wu Liang had faced before.

Of course, the degree of anger was about the same, they were all the kind who wanted to eat Wu Liang's flesh and blood raw.

In Di Shitian's heart, Wu Liang must die.

In order to prevent this slippery "little thief" from escaping, the moment Di Shitian broke through the void and descended, he immediately launched his own demon domain, not leaving Wu Liang the slightest chance.

"Ice Demon Realm!"

"Boom ~ hum"

Accompanied by a cold voice full of anger and murderous intent, the demon pupil on Di Shitian's brow exploded with a bluish-black brilliance. This Qingzhou.

In this Jiuding Peak area, it appeared.

The strands of blue and black demonic energy are mixed with the power of the two laws of wind and water comprehended by Di Shitian, and then under the blessing of that demon pupil, a special demonic domain is formed, the power is completely terrifying. Beyond the ordinary monks of the third heaven of the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty.

Veteran powerhouses like the Wuji Sword Master can't beat Di Shitian.

Now, it's Wu Liang's turn.



The ice giant is like a demon god, coming from the sky, as if the green and black demon energy from purgatory is about to freeze the entire area around Jiuding Peak.

Not long ago, when Emperor Shitian was furious, a holy sect of Nuoda suffered from the catastrophe and died immediately.

If there is no accident, Qingzhou's life will not end well.

If it was in the past, with Wu Liang's traitorous temperament, he would naturally not feel guilty for causing trouble to others.

But now, it is different.

Qingzhou has long been the territory of Jiuding Peak, and Qingzhou has been his Wu Liang's subjects all his life.

The word "protecting the shortcoming" has long been vividly expressed by Wu Liang.

At this moment, Wu Liang stood on top of the sea of ​​clouds.

Standing in the sky in a blue shirt, he did have a trace of the demeanor of a banished fairy, but now the banished fairy is watching the coming ice demon emperor Shitian with a mocking gaze.


Wu Liang raised his hand suddenly, calling out a huge portal in front of him, and stepped into the portal without looking at it.

Before entering, a faint sentence floated into Di Shitian's ears.

"Old thief, don't you want to kill this head? If you still have a little courage, come here."

When it comes to pretending to be cold and mocking others, Wu Liang thought to himself that he was invincible.

This scene looked extraordinarily pretentious, and also extraordinarily irritating.

Di Shitian, who was already extremely furious, was greeted by Wu Liang's last mocking gaze and these words, his demon pupils opened and closed, and the majestic demonic energy seemed to turn into a sharp knife, wishing to insert it all Go to Wu Liang's heart.

Even though looking from Di Shitian, behind the portal that Wu Liang summoned, there was a gloomy light, and it was difficult to see what was going on inside.

Anyone with a normal IQ would think this way: Is there a trap inside?

Of course there are traps inside, but Wu Liang is also very sure that with the current level of anger of the old thief Di Shitian and his IQ plummeting, he will definitely be fooled.

Sure enough, Di Shitian only sensed it for a moment, and didn't notice any severe signs of life and death. He flickered without hesitation, and followed Wu Liang into the door. That portal is closed.




After passing through the portal, Di Shitian immediately felt that he had come to another world.

Although it is narrow and far from the real world, there is a majestic aura here, as well as an incomparably primitive landscape. Coupled with those vague laws and solid barriers, Di Shitian made a judgment almost immediately.

"A cave?"

First he uttered this sentence, and then Di Shitian looked at Wu Liang standing not far away, as if waiting for him, and laughed wildly.

"Hahahaha...Little bastard, this is your hole card? A newborn, blank cave, without any arrangements? Without any forbidden laws?"

Following Di Shitian's gaze, the whole picture of this cave was revealed.

As the old thief said, the cave in front of him is a newborn, blank cave.

The reasons for the birth of small worlds like secret realms and caves are all kinds of strange.

However, there are very few caves, which are more simple and empty than the one where the two are now.

There are no magnificent sights!

The only thing there is a primitive continent that looks very hard.

At the end of the continent, there are two entangled clear and turbid qi, as if they haven't had time to separate, making this cave appear more complete.

Looking at the current scene, this cave is simply a decisive battle place specially prepared for Wu Liang and Di Shitian.

The primitive continent under the feet of the two is the ring.

In fact, most of them are.

To put it more correctly, this "challenging arena" was specially arranged by Wu Liang.

This cave, of course, is the [Supernatural Cave] owned by Wu Liang. Originally, this cave could be freely set by Wu Liang, shaping mountains and rivers, moving mountains and filling seas, and those imaginary terrains can be fabricated out of thin air. Prohibition can also be added.

It was only after Wu Liang found out that Di Shi Tiansha was coming, he changed his mind.

Abandoned the authority of free setting, changed to a more unrestrained gameplay.

Of course, he can't do this game alone.

It needs the cooperation of a "guest", and besides Di Shitian, there will naturally be no second person for this person.

Of course Di Shitian didn't know all this, but at this moment the fury in his heart eased a lot.

It's just killing intent, but even more violent.

At the same time, another emotion burst out.

Yes, that is greed.

When Di Shitian realized that the world he was in was a blank cave, he was tempted.

How precious is a blank cave with such a majestic aura?

As a well-informed monk from the two prefectures of Qiankun, he certainly knows everything.

The secret realm inside the Six Desire Demon Pot was originally a deception, and it was completely incomparable with the real cave in front of him.

It is not an exaggeration to say that if it is used well, this cave can even become Di Shitian's new "opportunity to achieve enlightenment", and it may be more reliable than the previous one.

Thinking of this, the expression on Di Shitian's face suddenly became vivid.

The rage subsided slowly, and the killing intent and greed surfaced unabashedly.

"Okay, great."

"Little beast, I was very angry at first, because you ruined my plan, but now I am very happy again, because you gave me another big gift."

"I didn't expect that a monk like you who grew up in a poor and barren land would be able to master such a majestic small world. It really is a big piece of shit luck. It's a pity that such an opportunity is in hand, but you don't Knowing how to use it, but actually using it as a place of battle is simply reckless."

"But fortunately, it is so. If you had a pair of wisdom eyes, how could this opportunity fall into the hands of this seat. I deserve it."


When the last sentence was finished, the killing intent on Di Shitian's body was almost condensed into substance.

The expression on his face was once again distorted due to excessive excitement and greed, and that monster pupil was also staring straight at Wu Liang, and he said with great excitement, "Little bastard, stand still and let I will take off your head first, and then I will love this big blank baby."

(End of this chapter)

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