Chapter 717 Purgatory Mode
Although Di Shitian's primordial spirit heard Wu Liang's words, he was not interested in appreciating the "beautiful scenery" at such a critical moment.

The villain hides in the demon pupil, still begging for mercy.

At the moment of life, the strongest of the three heavens are nothing more than that.

But when Wu Liang turned his palms and his demon pupils aimed at the cave below, Di Shitian's primordial spirit suddenly stopped begging for mercy.


An unbelievable scene was reflected in the demon pupil at this moment.

In this extraordinary cave, great changes are taking place.



The shocking scene that seems to appear only in myths and legends is happening very vividly at this time.

The heavy and chaotic clear and turbid air completely entered the cave, disintegrating Di Shitian's body of a mighty demon god at a terrifying speed, and the blue-black ice-cold flesh and blood began to evolve together.

Just like what Wu Liang said: the body melts and turns into an icy land; the blood rushes and turns into a vast river of ice;Then it becomes the Sifang Mountains; the viscera spews vitality, which can be transformed into the birth of the earth... Just under the watchful eyes of Di Shitian Yuanshen, the "magic god's magic form" that it has worked hard for thousands of years has been integrated into this extraordinary cave. .

After a few breaths, the blank cave disappeared, replaced by an extraordinary secret realm with an extremely beautiful scene but extremely dangerous.

The most incredible thing is the core area of ​​the cave.

Where, unlike other places in the cave, it is completely covered by green and black ice.

It is a magnificent volcano, like a warm spring in the depths of the earth, constantly emitting strands of flames. Although it looks weak, it is extremely tenacious, surrounded by endless ice and snow, and will never go out.

There is no doubt that this volcanic spring was transformed by a "fire" left by Wu Liang.

With this spring, what should have been a dead and deserted cave, also has a little more charm of ice and fire. It really is the work of good fortune, mysterious and mysterious.

This is also the reason why Di Shitian's primordial spirit would stare dumbfounded.

As an elder of the outer sect with great background and super power in the two states of Qiankun, it goes without saying that he has deep knowledge.

So at this moment, Di Shitian could see at a glance how miraculous the ice and fire cave that had just formed below was.

Under the combination of ice and fire, although there are still many dangers in this cave, it has also evolved many opportunities, which can be called a perfect place for trials.

"Such a cave, even in the Holy Heaven Sect, will definitely receive unprecedented attention."

"If a power with a shallow foundation is allowed to acquire it, it can replenish at least a thousand years of foundation in an instant, and the cave-heaven secret realm that can continuously experience the strong is the source of power for a power."

"And this cave was created because of him sacrificing everything."

These thoughts flashed through Di Shitian's primordial spirit, causing him to lose his mind for a moment.

Also, although the scene of the formation of the cave is far from the real "creation of heaven and earth", it is the work of good fortune after all, and there is no chance for ordinary monks to see it, let alone participate in it.

Although Di Shitian did not take the initiative to participate.

But Di Shitian was still immersed in the beauty of good fortune displayed at that moment.

It was also at this moment that Wu Liang glanced at the villain of Yuanshen in the demon pupils of his palm, and said calmly: "I will die when I hear the Tao. Since the old thief has seen such beautiful scenery, I have no regrets when I want to go on the road at this time."


As soon as Wu Liang finished speaking, he did not give Di Shitian time to wake up.

Throwing it casually, the demon pupil in the palm flew out immediately, turned into a strange brilliance, and landed on the cave sky. The last cloud of pure and turbid air was pulled by Wu Liang's thoughts, just wrapped the demon pupil. up.



The last bit of good fortune began. Di Shitian's demon pupil was born with incredible power. The power of feng shui law is integrated into it, refining incredible supernatural powers.

So when the two qi, clear and turbid, merged into it, good fortune turned into merit, and the demon pupils were refined in an instant, and then the light was radiated in an instant, and an incredible round of demon suns was born.In that glorious day, there was still a villain sitting upright.The facial features have long been blurred, only a piece of golden color.

"When the demon sun is in the sky, if you open your eyes, you will become yang, if you close your eyes, you will become yin, and the cave will be formed."

As if to confirm what Wu Liang said, the last word fell, and the familiar system sound rang in Wu Liang's mind.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, the extraordinary cave has been formed. Due to the arrangement of the host, the passive sacrifice of the enemy Di Shitian, the cave has mutated, and its power is increasing..."

"The upgrade is complete!"

"This cave can accommodate monks in the first level of Yuanshi and below for trials. The cave will automatically derive a trial route according to the level of the tester, and this cave will have at least three trial modes, namely normal, difficult, and nightmare. .”

"Among them, those who pass the nightmare mode will have the opportunity to comprehend the power of wind, water, fire, ice... and other sources and mutation laws."

"Please host to name this cave!"




"Cave of Ice and Fire!"

Without hesitation, Wu Liang spat out the name of Dongtian.

At the moment when Wu Liang's words fell, a reminder sounded in the minds of everyone in the Nine Cauldrons at the same time. It was precisely the information about this brand new "Ice and Fire" cave, according to Wu Liang's settings.

Except for Sister Lu and her daughters, everyone else has obtained the authority to enter the cave once or several times for trials.

Of course Wu Liang also knew how important a Transcendent Cave was to a faction.

Jiudingzong, before this, was just a new eighth-rank power that had just risen, with a shallow background, not to mention the super eighth-rank power that had already competed for hegemony in the two states of Qiankun with Shengtianzong, even the previous Yin Dynasty Far worse.

If Wu Liang's scheme hadn't succeeded, the Nine Cauldron Sect would not have been able to take advantage of it, and within three days, they would have acquired Nuo Da's Shangzhou.

If this is the case, it can only show that Wu Liang is insidious and treacherous, and it is unreasonable to cheat.

To make up the background, it needs years of accumulation.

But as soon as this cave is formed, the millennium accumulation is immediately in hand.

It is so important that it is naturally impossible to let people in at will. Even the four precious apprentices accepted by Wu Liang only obtained the authority once, just like the loyal guest ministers Bai Qi and Jin Buhuan.

However, the word "trial" is not about the number of times, but about chance and understanding.

Thinking of this, Wu Liang looked down at the Ice and Fire Cave, and then muttered: "The dangers and opportunities in this cave are all born automatically. Although it looks very good, it is still a bit monotonous."


As long as there is any familiar person here, they will immediately understand when they hear Wu Liang's words, the bad water in this guy's stomach has started to slosh again.

Sure enough, the next moment, the guy's smiling voice sounded again.

"Since it is a cave of ice and fire, it must be a perfect pattern of the nine heavens of ice and fire."

"The system is stupid too. Why are there only three levels? Come on, let me do it myself. In such a big cave, it is no problem to arrange more routes and levels. As for the mode, start from the simple, Then there are normal, low-level, mid-level, high-level, super-high-level, nightmare, hell... Hey, I counted, it seems that there is still one more."

"Hey, yes, the last level is just facing Di Shitian's incarnation of the demon god. Although it is a weakened version, it is not bad. This level is called the purgatory mode."

"Yohoho, perfect."


Just when Wu Liang was harming the cave, all the members of the Nine Cauldron Sect who had just received the information in their minds suddenly trembled, and felt a bit of coolness while being excited.

(End of this chapter)

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