Chapter 724 Five Pole Planes


In the vast sky, a "meteor" is falling towards the earth.

Surrounded by the flames, a beautiful young girl retched with a pale face. If a person with impure thoughts saw this scene, he would immediately think of some discordant words like "teenage pregnancy". thing.

But the truth is, the girl Kong Konger was disgusted.

In her mind, Wu Liang watched his disciple's vomiting demeanor with a cheap smile.

While looking at it, he said awkwardly: "How is it? Little Kong Konger, do you still want to see the old lady with you? There are a lot of reserves here as a teacher, aren't you a big boss in women's clothing, as long as you can successfully complete the mission Women's clothing show, as a teacher can satisfy you."

"However, as a teacher, I didn't expect that my disciple is actually a little pervert. It's really exciting."

The hurt of Wu Liang's words is no less than the psychological shadow brought to the girl by the "women's boss" he transformed into before.

In order not to be characterized as a little pervert, the girl ignored the churning between her chest and abdomen, and immediately counterattacked: "Master, you are the pervert, okay? Who wants to see a big guy in women's clothing? Who is it? I just wanted to make a fool of myself." Master, who would have thought that my master would be a pervert."

"The one you transformed just now, is that the old lady you carry with you? That is simply the ugliest old lady I have ever seen in my empty life, no, plus the previous life and the next life. My young heart has been seriously hurt."

"Master, I strongly demand compensation, otherwise I will go on strike."

It's no wonder that Kong Kong'er was so excited, Wu Liang was really too much just now.

The girl just wanted to see what kind of image Wu Liang's accompanying old woman looked like, and by the way, let her own cheating master suffer.

Who would have thought?

Wu Liang's transformed old lady would be so ugly that it would shock the earth.

Until now, the girl has not been able to slow down.

too ugly!
It's so ugly!
And her accusation had just started, and immediately after hearing Wu Liang's sentence, "Girl, are you sure you want to make up?", her body jerked violently, and she immediately remembered that not long ago, she also received such a question .

Then, she was deeply hurt.

Fortunately, the girl also knew how to make up for her mistakes in time. As soon as she heard the words, her head shook like a rattle, and she quickly refused: "Forget it, who asked this fairy to worship a fake master? This time Forget it, this fairy admits it."

"Hey, Xiao Kong Kong'er's consciousness is still very high, and he has lived up to the trust of his teacher."

In his mind, Wu Liang let out a smug laugh when he heard the girl's compromise.

Once again, in the war between the master and the apprentice, Wu Liang, the cheating master, won the battle.

Speaking of pits, Wu Liang thought to himself that there was no opponent in this world.



Inside the meteor, Kong Konger glanced at the unfamiliar land below with some seriousness. In order to prevent herself from being tricked again, the girl immediately brought up the matter.

While scanning the lower part of his eyes, trying to see the complete world clearly, he thought in his mind: "Master, how are we going to be traitors~ Hey, you are a brave man, how can we figure out all the details of this plane? Fortunately, this plane will be captured within three years?"

When this question was raised, the girl's beautiful brows were tightly knit together.

It's normal because of this moment.

What caught the girl's eyes was a very frightening world.

Under the sky, there is an incomparably vast and vast world.

The girl doesn't care about the rest of the scene for the time being.

But at the five extreme positions of heaven and earth, there appeared five scenes that immediately showed horror on the girl's face.

The girl first looked to the east, where there was a lush, endless sea of ​​trees with no boundaries at all, as if the legendary tree world had come down, because at the end of Gein, there was a giant tree that was completely connected to the sky, People immediately think of an ancient legend - "Tongtian Jianmu".

Immediately afterwards, Kong Konger looked to the south again, and as far as he could see, there were no other elements except flames. There were successive melting volcanoes and lava lakes flowing endlessly. It was a world of fire.

Then, Kong Konger's eyes fell on the northern end, where it seemed simpler, except for a vast expanse of blue ocean, there was nothing else, it was only this that made it even more terrifying, who knows what kind of horror lies beneath the ocean scene.

Then, almost subconsciously, Kong Konger looked towards the west again, but with just one glance, Kong Konger felt that the sky was full of sharp golden energy filling that direction, no matter how piercing the girl's eyes were, she couldn't penetrate the Gengjin energy .

The four directions in succession have made Kong Kong'er realize clearly in his heart.

So when her eyes finally fell on the center, and saw the incomparably thick and real vast continent, she subconsciously spit out the eight characters: "Five pole planes, so that's how it is."

That's right, what caught the girl's eyes was the truth of this plane.

The "low-level plane" that Wu Liang said was an extremely magical plane.

Here, it seems to be completely filled with the spirit energy of the five elements, and the rest such as thunder, wind, ice, light, darkness... these spirit energy, and even the clear and turbid energy, seem to be repelled or assimilated.

Five poles blend together!

Live endlessly!

Wood in the east, fire in the south, water in the north, metal in the west... and the last center belongs to earth.

If it is the five poles that do not interfere with each other, then this plane should be a barren plane that is not suitable for living creatures, and it will not have the value of conquest.

However, as the saying goes: "The power of good fortune is mysterious and mysterious."

Those five kinds of limitless primordial spirit qi, due to good fortune, merged with each other and continued to grow, so that an incomparable continent was created. Xianwu civilization.

And the empire that created this civilization ruled the Central Continent for an extremely long time.

But like other empires, under the erosion of time, it will eventually collapse.

For hundreds of years, the vast continent now reflected in the eyes of the girl is in an unprecedented chaotic situation.

There are hundreds of countries, and there are endless wars.

Thinking of finding the key to conquer this plane in this chaos, and the time is only three years, the girl felt that her head was about to get bigger, and she muttered with embarrassment: "Three years? It doesn't seem to be It's very possible, such a chaotic plane, why don't we just attack it directly?"



As soon as the girl's muttering came out, Wu Liang controlled a hand, and then gave his own forehead a brain collapse.

Just as the girl was about to cry out for pain, Wu Liang's lesson came.

Wu Liang: "The second-hander is empty, if you are just an ordinary little fairy, of course it is impossible to do it, but don't forget, don't you have a golden finger to help you, the old lady is the most domineering, just a mess Low-level planes are not easy to grasp."

Kong Kong'er: "Master, can you stop mentioning the old lady who is with you?"

Wu Liang: "Of course...not!"

Kong Konger: "Whoa, I want to go home."

(End of this chapter)

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