Chapter 726
"Master, are you talking about this little guy?"

Kong Konger looked at the yellow, thin and frail little boy in front of him, and asked doubtfully in his mind.

It's no wonder that Kong Kong'er has such an idea, no one would think that a little boy who seems to be starving to death will be the key to conquering a plane.

In her mind, Wu Liang heard the words, but didn't explain anything immediately, but replied directly: "Little Kongkong, look again, this little guy is not an ordinary person."



Although it was very strange, but out of the strange trust in his own cheating master, Kong Kong'er took another serious look at the little boy in front of him.

It was at this moment that Kong Konger saw it.

Right in front of her, stood this scrawny little boy in ragged clothes, the rest was no different from an ordinary little refugee, except for a pair of eyes, which were terribly bright. The dark pupils also give people an extremely peaceful feeling.

"Seeing these eyes, there must be very few people who feel disgusted with them. They have a heaven-defying affinity. Well, there are other, more important things. They are indeed not the eyes and bearing that an ordinary person should have."

Kong Kong'er is a troubled girl, but she is also a cultivator of the Infinity Realm who possesses a celestial body and is exquisitely witty. The moment she touched the little boy's eyes, she could see it.

As a master, coupled with the Tianzi Wangqi technique, Wu Liang can see more things than Kong Konger.

Seeing that Kong Konger was enlightened, he opened his mouth to explain in his mind.

"Xiao Kongkong, according to the teacher's plan, since this five-pole plane is in a state of being in troubled times, the will of the broken plane is still trying to take this opportunity to advance, so we will give it this opportunity to create a master. Let the whole plane enter the turmoil of luck, and then the will of that plane will naturally take the bait."

"To do this, the key just falls on this little guy in front of you. This kid has the image of a hidden dragon. If he has the chance to help him, he is likely to rise in the future and rule the world."

As soon as Wu Liang finished speaking, Kong Konger's eyes fell on the little boy in front of him again.

Looking left and right, although I feel that the little guy is indeed extraordinary, but why can't I see the demeanor of a "Master of Planes"?

"So, Master, you mean you want me to help this little guy to conquer the country?"

As soon as Kong Kong'er said this, Wu Liang's playful voice came.

"Of course not. Although this little guy has potential, he is too young. It will take at least ten years for him to rule the world. We can't wait that long. Within three years, we must conquer this five-pole plane. Although this little The guy is useless for the time being, but his luck is of great use."

"What~what~ use?"

Although Wu Liang's words sounded harmless, Kong Kong'er always felt that there was a bad omen.

The incomparably rich experience in the past told the girl that every time there is such a sign, it means that she is going to be cheated, and every time she is cheated, it is her most respected and beloved master.

The most hateful thing is that she can't escape every time.

This time, too.

Wu Liang seems to have been waiting for the girl's question for a long time, and immediately replied: "The use is very simple. Since the will of the five-pole plane needs a real dragon that can rule the world, then we will give it one." , but in the original destiny, it was a real male dragon, that is, the little guy in front of you."

"Now, let's change to a more domineering one. How about a female dragon?"

"The empress descended from heaven, to rule the country!"

"Awesome or not, this is a heaven-defying plot specially arranged by the master for you, Xiao Kongkong. Haven't you always envied your demeanor, Senior Aunt Lu Xue? This time you can also have a good time."

"What you have to do now is just reach out and pat this little boy on the shoulder. The next change has already been arranged by the teacher. It is guaranteed to be a very shocking unfolding, yo ho ho."


Although what Wu Liang said was very deceptive, Kong Konger still heard the key information.

At this time, the girl was full of bitterness and grief, and silently complained to the master who was still crossing her legs in her mind: "So master, you tricked this weak, cute and delicate little fairy into this plane just to leave me alone Do you want to conquer such a large territory wider than the five states by yourself?"

"No army? No helpers? No magic weapon?"


"Master, won't your conscience hurt?"

The girl finished this paragraph of words that no one would feel shed tears of sympathy. Originally, she hoped to awaken the sympathy of Wu Liang, who is a master.

However, what she saw the next moment was the little figure in her mind, mercilessly piercing through her fantasy.


A very concise answer spit out from Wu Liang's mouth.

The girl was dumbfounded, with an angry expression on her face: "Master, you actually admitted it brazenly? Doesn't your conscience really hurt?"

Wu Liang: "Xiao Kongkonger, have you been tricked so many times and still don't understand? As a teacher... there is no such thing as a conscience!"


As soon as those words came out, the girl vomited blood and almost died.

After calming down, the girl was thinking about how to fight back, but she heard the voice of Wu Liang, the "carry old lady" in her mind again.

"Okay, don't play tricks, the group of primitive people is here, let's do it quickly, and we have to start making arrangements for the teacher."


Although he was very dissatisfied with his cheating master's cheating behavior, Kong Kong'er was not a person who didn't know his priorities. After hearing the words, he immediately restrained his expression, and then did what Wu Liang said.

But seeing the next moment, the girl's complexion changed suddenly, and she changed from a cute little fairy to a vicious "female man" in an instant.


With a crisp sound, the girl slapped the curious and timid little boy on the shoulder with one hand, which made the little boy tremble with fright.

In a trance, the little boy heard a very nice but domineering voice.

"Boy, from today onwards, you will be with this fairy, and whoever bullies you in the future will report my name."

"The title, it's called... Empress Kongkong!"


Although this scene looks very secondary, the little boy with the image of a potential dragon is really just a little boy after all. After being slapped by Kong Konger, and remembering the scene of the girl falling from the sky before, the little boy was full of excitement. There are thousands of waves, but there are ghosts, or blessings to the soul, nodded heavily.

The little boy didn't know at this time, his nod, although he brought a domineering and dishonest empress to the world, to some extent it was a blessing to the common people, but at the same time, it also made this plane completely fall into the hidden world. In the "devil's claws" behind the empress.

It's a drink and a peck, is it predetermined.

(End of this chapter)

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