Chapter 739 The Void Five Elements Divine Cauldron


"clap clap"

There were bursts of very discordant voices in the girl's mind.

If it wasn't for Kong Konger who was instigating a large number of his believers to rebel, he would have come out to protest.

So dirty!
That's right, it's the cry of Scorpio's will.

Coupled with the sound of Wu Liang smashing bricks on the Scorpio's head again and again, is it just like an "infantry" battle?

But strictly speaking, Wu Liang really went too far this time.

According to the rules of the Battle Tablet of the Plane, once a war is launched, Scorpio will have no room to resist at all. Whoever let it be led out by Wu Liang, and was slapped with blood, there is no room for repentance after being hit by a brick , can only be forced to accept the war.

And with Wu Liang's means, it is naturally impossible to obliterate the will of the plane in his plane.

Therefore, Wu Liang's abuse of Scorpio's will at this time is unnecessary and useless.

However, Wu Liang also has his own explanation for this.

"I'm sorry, it's very strange to say, as long as I hold this brick, I can't control myself. It's so magical."

"Clap clap~"

While talking, this fellow continued to slap Scorpio Will on the face.

And the will of the Scorpio is still howling like a sow giving birth.

What a serious occasion, abruptly disturbed by this one person.

Kong Kong'er, a young girl who had been watching for a long time, said: "Dead fellow Taoists will not die poor Taoists, Scorpio wills you to rest in peace."

The system that was on the sidelines said silently: "Oh, the biggest mistake this system made was the decision made that night."

Plane Battle Monument: "Protest, I~ I'm not a brick."


Just when the atmosphere in the girl's mind was very strange, a lot of changes also happened in the Wuji plane.

On the mainland, there are hundreds of millions of creatures.

Even though the creatures, under the "invitation" of the rainbow rain, became the guardian army one after another, and began to gather, ready to meet the puppet army that was about to break the void barrier from the Great Qin Empire.

But as the only goddess on the mainland, Kong Konger still has some believers who can be called crazy.

Even if the drop of rainbow rain is very powerful, it can't get rid of these believers' belief in Kong Kong'er.

On the contrary, their faith became more devout.Then, under the girl's arrangement, this special group of believers successfully infiltrated into the guardian army, and carried out the traitor mission entrusted by the greatest goddess in their hearts.

Seeing that the war was about to break out, Wu Liang, who was playing well, finally woke up.


Under the Tianzi Wangqi technique, the situation of the entire plane is naturally invisible.

In today's scene, the armies of the two sides are facing each other. Once the fragile and frivolous barrier of the plane is broken, an extremely terrifying war will break out. The strength of the two sides does not seem to be too different. victory.

I am afraid that the price to be paid will be huge.

So at this time, this guy's stingy temper broke out.

"Hmph, does this stupid scorpion think that the master didn't expect you to have such a trick? It's so hard to get the master with the inspiration of a mere plane?"

"It's almost time. It's time to take back the big baby of the head, and solve the plane controlled by this stupid scorpion. Anyway, it's completely broken. It's easy to clean up the mess."


As soon as he finished speaking, Wu Liang immediately started.

In the girl's mind, Wu Liang's doppelgänger had been the "carry-on old lady" for several months, and it was obvious that this time had come to an end.

The little person stepped forward and appeared in the sky in an instant.

Of course, before leaving, this guy didn't forget to make a "snap", and he knocked down the Scorpio Will on the side with a brick, and came out dragging his poisonous but no deterrent tail needle.

As soon as he appeared, a familiar smile appeared on the corner of the guy's mouth.

Completely ignoring the mighty hundreds of millions of guarding troops on the ground, and also ignoring the decisive meaning of "it is better to be broken than to be whole", after a mysterious smile, the whole person directly turned into a spot of light, seeing Trying to dissipate.

But at this moment, a voice that made Kong Kong'er surprised, happy and helpless came.

"Boom~ Chick"

"Separation of two worlds!"

That's right, it was Wu Liang's voice.

To be precise, it was this guy's body that descended.

The puppet army of the Great Qin Empire still needs to wait for the plane barrier to be broken, but Wu Liang, who has practiced the separation of two worlds, does not need to wait. With his own clone mind as the "space-time anchor point", Wu Liang's mind can come over .

The moment Wu Liang's smirking figure landed on this plane.

This guy immediately blinked at the newly awakened Scorpio Will, and then under the terrified eyes of the big scorpion, behind Wu Liang, the two ancient divine cauldrons Shanhe and Sheji also traveled through the void and came to this world.

"I am the Lord of Mountains and Rivers!"

"I am the lord of the country!"

"Five Elements, come back!"


The words came out and the scene reappeared.

The Five Elements Divine Cauldron, which was about to escape into nothingness due to the sudden plane war, suddenly felt the irresistible force of attraction coming from Wu Liang's body.

Nine Cauldrons Jue!

Shanhe Ding!
Sheji tripod!
The Five Elements Divine Cauldron, which was originally one with the two Immemorial Divine Cauldrons, naturally couldn't miss the chance to meet, and with a flicker, it crashed into the arms of Wu Liang, who had just shown the body of the Son of Heaven.

Before the storm that started brewing due to the gathering of the three divine cauldrons raged, the long-awaited prompt sound suddenly came in Wu Liang's mind.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, because of your treachery, you successfully snatched the [Five Elements Divine Cauldron] back from the will of the Scorpio plane."

[Five Elements Ding (Empty): One of the Nine Dings, it is innate to change the five elements, metal, wood, water, fire and earth, and the five avenues of heaven and earth, which are indispensable for endless life.However, due to the plundering of the divine cauldron by the will of the Scorpio plane, the divine cauldron is temporarily in a state of emptiness, please the host to fill it up as soon as possible. 】

[Remark [-]: Congratulations to the host, you have gone through hardships~ Bah, you have done nothing except being a granny for a female disciple for a few months, and playing a cameo role as a master in women's clothing. 】

[Remark [-]: Although the host is not working hard enough, there is still a chance to make up for it. Hurry up and satisfy the empty five-element divine cauldron. You don’t want to have a divine cauldron in this state—advice from the good system. 】

[Remark [-]: As for the method of completion, as long as the host is not blind, he must be able to see it. 】

"How to complete?"


After reading the system's notes, Wu Liangdang raised his head, and his golden eyes reflected the entire five-pole plane into his eyes.

It was at this moment that Wu Liang happened to see it.

At the end of the sky, there is a huge phantom of a scorpio that is sneaking around, pressing a bloody face against the "brick", trying to escape into the void.

No matter whether it is the bricks turned into the battle monument of the plane, or the blood on the face of Scorpio's will, at this moment, Wu Liang's eyes can't be attracted. Only on the back of Scorpio, there are five "Words of the Great Dao" that seem to be able to destroy everything , absorbing all of Wu Liang's eyes in an instant.

Then, a familiar grin appeared at the corner of Wu Liang's mouth.

"The broken system is right. Anyone who is not blind can see it. This stupid scorpion dares to carry the stolen things so blatantly. Such a shameless and stupid appearance completely refreshes the sect leader's understanding of shameless people." A lower bound view."

"Boom~ boom"

While complaining, Wu Liang suddenly started to run wildly.

It must be known that he descended in his true body at this time, and he also displayed the body of the emperor, so the phantom transformed by the will of the scorpion heard the terrible movement behind him, and suddenly turned his head.It saw a ferocious and ferocious giant rushing towards it.

Moreover, this giant, while rushing forward, stared at its back with terrifying eyes that made it frightened and its lower body brighten.

The tragic experience that was once in the girl's mind can't help but come to mind.

But this time, it had an even worse premonition.

So the next moment, Scorpio Will let out a shameful wail.

"Ah ~ don't!"

(End of this chapter)

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