Chapter 75 The Intruder

"Hiss~ hiss"

Seeing Wu Liang, who had swelled more than a circle, shoot towards Wu Liang, the three Balrogs, as if they were facing a formidable enemy, gathered together while neighing in unison, and raised their heads to face Wu Liang together.Creatures at the bottom of the abyss like the Balrog worms, logically speaking, don't fear and don't know how to huddle together. These three Balrog worms have obviously improved their intelligence.

Unfortunately, compared with Wu Liang, he is still too weak.


Without any warning, Wu Liang, who was still in the air, didn't wait to land on the ground to use those sharp forelimbs to kill the opponent, but suddenly spit out the sharp mouthparts, and immediately saw a cloud of blood with an unusually strong sulfur smell. The red mist attacked the three insects, and as soon as the mist reached the top of the three insects, a "bang" was heard, and the mist turned into a huge fireball and fell down.

That's right, this is Wu Liang's new skill as a Balrog.

This kind of creature at the bottom of the abyss, only after devouring a large amount of the flesh and blood essence of its companions, can it have a chance to obtain such low-level spells like [Fireball].

However, it is naturally enough to deal with three "weak" Balrogs.

Just as they were screaming and running for their lives, Wu Liang suddenly landed, swishing a few times, and three more sets of insect skins appeared on the ground.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing [Elite Balrog] +3, experience +300, breath of the abyss +1000."

As soon as the content of this reminder came out, Wu Liang was overjoyed immediately.

Unexpectedly, killing the last three Balrogs would yield so much breath of the abyss at once.

According to the exchange ratio, Wu Liang gained [-] points in an instant.

Of course, what surprised Wu Liang even more was that after he killed the three Balrog worms, on the top of the worm nest that had been quiet for a long time, suddenly a light spot flickered, but above the hole several feet in radius, there was a streak of blood. The red moonlight shone down.

Unbiased, it fell on Wu Liang.


Illuminated by the light of the blood moon, Wu Liang's hideous and terrifying flame demon insect body immediately fell into a strange state. The body raised up involuntarily, and the sharp mouthparts suddenly softened, and then began to spin silk... Wu Liang He never dreamed that one day he would see himself weaving silk.

As the magma-like silk thread was spit out quickly, a huge cocoon slowly appeared in this deserted and extremely messy nest.

And it was at the moment when the insect nest took shape that Wu Liang finally heard the long-awaited voice.

"Congratulations to the host for completing the temporary mission [True Killing]. The coordinates of the host's plane will be marked with NO.13 different world [Abyss]. The task reward is being calculated... the calculation is complete!"

"The coordinates of the plane are marked successfully, and the host can enter the abyss world by paying points in the future."

"Breath of the Abyss + 8300, equivalent exchange for master points, points + 830000."

"The host successfully transformed into a cocoon, completed the trial of the Balrog, and the world exploration speed +0.01%."

"The level of the host has increased, and it is currently in the Ninth Level of Body Tempering Realm!"



In the extremely pleasant notification sound, Wu Liang only felt the feeling of coming to this world again. When he came back to his senses, Wu Liang immediately found that he had regained his human body.

In the quiet room, Wu Liang woke up.


The time and space that had been kept constant by the system before was forcibly torn apart by the terrifying murderous intent erupting from Wu Liang's eyes at this moment.

The terrifying killing atmosphere raged in this small quiet room, even Wu Liang himself was taken aback, his eyes glanced at a bronze mirror in the corner, and his eyes turned blood red at some point. Terrible murderous intent and bloodthirsty thoughts gushed out of it.

Wu Liang realized immediately that this was probably the aftereffect of Wu Liang's return from another world.

After all, in the so-called NO.13 different world [Abyss], Wu Liang turned into a Balrog, and stood out from ten thousand Balrogs, becoming the only one that turned into a cocoon.But Wu Liang's method of defeating other Balrogs was killing and devouring them.

It's no wonder that Wu Liang, who returned to this world, behaved like this.

Of course, there was also an incomparably majestic true essence descending into the body, this surge of true essence transformed directly from the experience of killing allowed Wu Liang to cross a full seven realms from the double body quenching realm in an instant. Entered the Ninth Level Body Tempering Realm.

There is an even bigger surprise, and that is the point account that Wu Liang has been watching.

Wu Liang watched helplessly as the number skyrocketed from zero and finally stopped at 83.Even though he was still affected by the killing intent in his body, Wu Liang still showed joy at this moment.It can be called a huge harvest, and it seems to surpass any of Wu Liang's previous missions.

It is worthy of the task difficulty of [Nightmare] level, the greater the danger, the greater the reward.Even though the nine days seemed short, Wu Liang completed it quickly, but Wu Liang himself knew very well that in that terrifying worm nest, Wu Liang had at least three chances to almost fall.

Although falling in another world will not cause Wu Liang's life to be in danger, it also means that the mission has failed.

From the moment he took over the task, Wu Liang would not let the task fail, and Wu Liang would not let his mind break.


As if thinking of something, Wu Liang suddenly came back to his senses, and as soon as the thought moved, his incomparably tenacious and majestic will was suppressed, directly suppressing all the killing intent gushing out of Wu Liang.

Wu Liang's eyes gradually returned to normal.

At this time, Wu Liang also discovered that he had spent a full nine days in the abyss, but the quiet room was no different from the moment he left, not even a speck of dust.

"It seems that this is what the system calls constant time and space. Nine days in the abyss, but less than one second in the present world. Unfortunately, it seems that only the first time I can enjoy this kind of treatment. The next time I enter the abyss, the flow rate will be the same. gone."

Wu Liang said secretly, saying it was a pity but there was not much regret.Wu Liang is not a fool either, he knows that the system cannot give him such great convenience.If Wu Liang was really cheated with the "consistency of time and space" all the time, then any monk Wu Liang in the Shenyuan Continent could ignore it.

Unlike now, there are really countless monks who don't take Wu Liang, the suzerain of the Jiuding Sect, seriously.

For example, at this moment, when Wu Liang was planning to sort out his gains, a sudden reminder appeared in his mind, and a scream from outside immediately changed Wu Liang's expression.

"Ding, warning, warning, host, please pay attention, a dangerous target has been detected and has entered the Jiuding sect."

"It's Linglong!"

"Someone broke into the mountain?"

"Boom~ looking for death!"

As soon as Wu Liangfu realized what had happened, his complexion changed drastically, and the terrifying killing intent that had been suppressed with great difficulty broke out again in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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