Chapter 755
"Okay! Slip! Ah!"

These three words seem to have incredible magic power, and they are lingering in the minds of everyone in the field at this time, constantly echoing.

Including Zhu Rong and other four super great witches, all of them looked bewildered.

Immediately, with admiration, he looked at Wu Liang, who was clinging to the clouds and refused to come down.

After this fellow was blown away by the great witch Xuanming's punch, he vomited a lot of blood, and then once again showed his characteristics of rough skin and thick flesh. After all, strictly speaking, he actually caught that punch, so He didn't die either.

It's just that I have a lot of psychological shadows, and I don't want to come down anymore, hugging a cloud of white clouds tightly, holding the scorching breath of the two suns, looking like a little daughter-in-law who has been pissed off, and the big witch Xuanming's chest and abdomen heaved up and down with anger , can't wait to kill it.

Fortunately, at this time, the other four great witches reacted one after another, and they all stepped forward to hold Xuan Ming.

If the fight continues, Wu Liang will definitely die.

This is the consensus of all!
But this guy is not too wronged to be killed.

This is also the consensus of all!
Of course, for the sake of the overall situation, everyone still hopes that the Great Witch Xuanming will show mercy.

The Lich War is imminent, and it is naturally a great thing for the witch clan to have one more great witch.Even if this big witch is a very unreliable brat who molested Xuan Ming, the coldest goddess of the witch clan, twice in a row.

Not being beaten to death is also a key sentence of the merciful Houtu Dasha.

"Sister Xuanming, forget it, let him have a little life. At most, I will wait for a few more drills, and let him go directly after he becomes a talent, and let this child harm the Yaozu."

The essence of this sentence is naturally the last few words.

As the saying goes, it is better to be alone than to be happy.

Thinking that he could let the hateful monster race enjoy the scourge of the bear child, the murderous intent in the heart of the Great Witch Xuanming slowed down a lot. He put down his tightly clenched fists, squinted a pair of beautiful big eyes, and looked at the sky above. Wu Liang didn't know what he was thinking.


"My God, my life is saved."

"Young master is really wronged this time. How could I have done anything wrong? Didn't I just take that little girl's punch? If I don't accept it, I will be beaten to death directly. As for the sigh after receiving it, isn't that right?" Can't help it."

"Besides, it's really slippery. I don't know how this little girl maintains her skin. If I have a chance, I should ask her for some secret recipes and bring them back to Sister Lu and the others. The harem plan is further advanced, wow..."

It has to be said that Wu Liang's ability to adapt is extremely good.Except for the time of retreat, the time this guy came to the copy of the ancient Wu clan tribe was actually not long, but he had already adapted quickly, and then began to let himself go.

It's also fortunate that this guy still has a little sense, and he didn't read out the thoughts in his mind.

Otherwise, let alone the Great Witch Xuanming, the other four great witches couldn't help but beat up this bitch.

Definitely won't talk in a good voice like now.

"Come on down, little one."

The vision has disappeared, and the great witch Zhu Rong, who revealed his majestic body, said to Wu Liang in the sky.

"I do not!"

"Master is afraid of being beaten, some wicked women always like to bully the younger with the big."

Wu Liang, who has completely integrated into the character of Xiongzi, said willfully.

That cheap look made the Great Witch Xuanming's expression turn cold again, and he could not help but clenched his white fists again.

The Houtu witch on the side quickly hugged Xuanming, feeling that the sister in his arms was too strong, and was afraid that she would not be able to hold her back, so she rolled her eyes, as if thinking of something, the corners of her mouth curled into a mysterious smile, and immediately kissed Xuanming in the ear of Xuanming. Whispered up.

I don't know what the great witch Houtu said, but the great witch Xuanming, who was still furious, suddenly showed a smile on the corner of his mouth.

With her smile, Wu Liang's heart thumped violently, and a bad omen emerged.

Especially at the next moment, when the two beautiful witches and goddesses suddenly said a few words to Zhu Rong and the other three great witches, Wu Liang's complexion became even uglier.He had a premonition that what was going to happen next would be really bad for him.

"Hey~ hello"

"What kind of conspiracy are you guys discussing? Let me tell you, I don't need any master. I'll go back quickly. This is the Wuxiong tribe. I'm bullying you here. Be careful, I'm going to the Pangu Temple to file a complaint."

At this time, what Wu Liang uttered subconsciously still perfectly fit the bear child's setting.

It can only be said that the bear child is such a creature.

Once hooked, it is addictive.

It can be said that Wu Liang is risking his life to death.

Although the rationality in his heart told Wu Liang that the best choice at this time should be to go on honestly, then respectfully admit his mistake to the five great witches, and then kneel down and serve tea to obtain the understanding of the five great witches.

It seems to have no face, but the benefits are really huge.

After all, in Nuoda's witch clan, or even in the entire ancient continent, there is no one who can have five future gods as masters at the same time.

This is an opportunity!

An incomparably huge opportunity!

However, this guy didn't cherish it at all.

He insisted on maintaining his dignity as a bear child, and then resolutely tasted the bitter consequences in the next moment.

It didn't take a few seconds at all, and the five great witches below seemed to have discussed something.

At the same time, a sinister and mysterious smile appeared on the faces of the five great witches.

Then, under Wu Liang's somewhat terrified and apprehensive eyes, the great witch Zhu Rong, who had eliminated the vision and revealed his majestic body, stood up and looked at Wu Liang, who was talented but unbelievable, with a smile, and was directly displeased. He spoke kindly.

"Little guy, at first we were worried that we didn't know how to teach you. After all, we have received the highest request from the old patriarch of your Wuxiong tribe, and let you become a great witch to harm the Yaozu. Things that have huge benefits, we are also very headache."

"But now, the problem is solved."

"Sister Houtu's suggestion is very good. For a little guy like you who is the most gifted in the entire Wu clan, the usual teaching method is no longer suitable, and a special method must be used, so we decided..."

"Bang~ bang bang bang"

Although the great witch Zhu Rong hadn't finished speaking, the reaction in his heart had already told Wu Liang that what he was about to hear next was absolutely terrifying.

What's even more frightening is that he is powerless to stop it.

So the next moment, the cold voice from the Great Witch Xuanming entered his mind.

"So we decided to use a special teaching method for you. As the saying goes, between life and death, there are great horrors and great opportunities."

"As long as you are under the oppression of life and death all the time, the potential in your body will be stimulated to the greatest extent, and it is very simple to do this, as long as the five of us do it ourselves, isn't it all right. "

"But you can rest assured that the five of us will come one by one, and we will suppress our own strength, just a little bit stronger than your current strength. Everyone will chase you for a while, and you can escape as much as you want."

"In this vast continent, you can run as you like, and you can have as much fun as you want, but once you are caught up by any of us and you can't beat us, then you must die."

"We will not keep our hands. I swear in the name of Pan Gu's ancestor."

"Now, you can start to escape."


When the great witch Xuanming uttered the last word, Wu Liang felt as if he had been struck by lightning, and his mind was shocked. At this moment, five extremely real and undisguised killing intents surged up, fiercely towards Wu Liang. Liang suppressed it.

(End of this chapter)

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