Chapter 760

On the side of the circle of flames, the audience watched the scene where Wu Jiang, Zhu Rong, the big witch took the initiative to recruit them, and subconsciously thought in their hearts that this brat was trying to die again.

After all, everyone knows that Wu Liang is no match for the Great Witch Zhu Rong if he fights alone.

And that venue doesn't look like the "Hundreds of Years Xuanyin Ice Cave" which is dangerous enough to entrap the future Vulcan.

It seems that there is no other possibility except for the explanation of death.

The Great Witch Zhu Rong thought so too.

So when he sensed Wu Liang's strength, instead of breaking free, he followed the trend.

His idea was to come over and laugh at Wu Liang first, and then beat the children violently.



It's a pity that as soon as he laughed, he was blocked by Wu Liang's big fist.

I don't know when this guy has already revealed the "true body of the ancestral witch".

Of course, it's not the real body of the ancestral witch.

It's the body of the Son of Heaven, after a facelift, an imitation of the supreme supernatural powers of the Wu Clan.

It was performed by Wu Liang, but it seems to be the same.Infused with the innate power of the five elements, Wu Liang's dharma body was as high as a thousand feet, and the terrifying power of the five elements surged, making the already powerful body of the Son of Heaven radiate unimaginable might in this ancient era.

So the big witch Zhu Rong shut up decisively. He looked at the five-color giant fist that was thrown at him, and there was a sign of crisis in his heart. If he was hit by the hit without any precautions, he would not be injured, but he would definitely lose face.


With only time to let out a cold snort, the Great Witch Zhu Rong made his move without thinking.


When it comes to fighting, he is not afraid of anyone in this ancient continent.


Amidst a loud noise, the Great Witch Zhu Rong also swelled up his body, just like Wu Liang, a flame giant who maintained a distance of about a thousand feet.

So the next moment, the two giants began to fight.

Although Zhu Rong's combat experience is rich enough to beat Wu Liang by [-] streets, due to Zhu Rong's downgrade, and Wu Liang also has a lot of witchcraft combat skills transformed from the powerful supernatural powers of his body .

For a moment, the two fought inextricably.

The scene of their battle also looked hearty and enjoyable.

In this scene, after seeing the circle of flames, the witches of the Wuxiong tribe were filled with ice and fire. On the one hand, they were happy that there was a super genius in their tribe, and on the other hand, they wondered why the geniuses were so cruel.

And there are three great witches, their moods are also a bit complicated, they can't hide their appreciation, and at the same time, they also feel that this brat is really not very easy to teach.

Just when the audience was immersed in this battle scene, an unknown old witch seemed to see something and thought of something at the same time, his eyes widened suddenly, and he stood up suddenly, pointing at the old man with trembling fingers. Inside the circle is an inconspicuous picture covered by the battle scene between the two.

"Oh my god, that~ is that...?"


"what happened?"

Attracted by the old witch, all the witches also looked at it one after another, even the three great witches.

And the next moment, when they saw the covered picture, Qiqi couldn't help but gasped.

The witches of the Wuxiong tribe felt even more complicated.

As for the three great witches, after looking at each other, a doubt arose in their hearts: Did they make a big mistake in accepting this apprentice?

Of course the Great Witch Zhu Rong didn't know what happened here, and he was happily fighting Wu Liang at this moment.

Although the opponent is a bear kid, there seems to be no sign of cheating him.

Instead, I chose to fight alone with him, and the fighting style is very similar to his future Vulcan, both of which are open and close, majestic and domineering, and the fight should not be too hearty .

Even if he was downgraded and couldn't go all out, he still enjoyed the battle very much.

So while playing, the great witch Zhu Rong couldn't help but think in his heart: "It's still a pity, if this little guy is just an innate fire-moving witch body, it would be fine. I have the urge to accept him as a son. I will accompany you every day." Let me fight, don't be too chic."

"Boom~ boom"

It should be said that the great witch Zhu Rong is worthy of being the great witch Zhu Rong. Even if he is distracted by thinking about "accepting his son", he can still beat Wu Liang, a brat with explosive combat power, into a war scum.

That's right, Wu Liang finally couldn't hold on anymore.

The two fought frantically for hundreds of breaths, the strength in Wu Liang's body had already been exhausted, and all means were exhausted.

But it was also at this moment that Wu Liang only felt a strange feeling in his empty body, a powerful force that had never appeared before suddenly surged out, and then poured directly into Wu Liang's hands.



Wu Liang's eyes suddenly flickered with scorching fire, and he entered a strange state as blessed as his soul.

His hands were clenched tightly together, and streams of extremely hot and pure flames came from all directions, completely ignoring the future "Vulcan" in the field, and gathered in the palms of Wu Liang's hands, in a stream of dark flames. Under the guidance of the supernatural power, it condensed into a huge flame sword.

When the Excalibur was perfect, Wu Liang didn't even have the slightest hesitation, and directly cut it out.



This sword was not transformed from any supernatural power of Wu Liang's body, but a new supernatural power comprehended by Wu Liang.If you can see his body at this time, on that "Innate Witch Seed", an unprecedented fire is burning, and the witch patterns of fire that contain the truth are forming and spreading crazily.

"Hahaha... it's good to come!"

The great witch Zhu Rong was also excited. With his eyesight, of course he could see the background of Wu Liang's sword.

So he punched without hesitation, a fist covered with flame witch patterns collided with the flame sword in an instant.


As a result, it came out in an instant.

Wu Liang, flew out backwards.


This ending is very normal, although it is almost the same power, but when it comes to the understanding of "flame", Wu Liang was once again dumped [-] blocks by the great witch Zhu Rong, and this time the epiphany shortened it by at most one. Street distance.

Being smashed into the air, as it should be.

Of course the big witch Zhu Rong thought so too, so after defeating Wu Liang, a brat, he immediately laughed to show his pride.

But soon, he felt something was wrong.


"Puff puff"

But in the middle of the air, Wu Liang seemed to be spitting out blood like he didn't want the money, spouting blood like it was raining on the ground.

This scene stunned Dawu Zhurong.

"No, although I used all my strength, I also strictly restrained my strength. It is absolutely impossible to beat this little guy like this?"

"Could it be that there are hidden wounds in his body? That's not right, I have already noticed the hidden wounds..."


Just when the great witch Zhu Rong was full of doubts, suddenly not far from the field, on the other side of a big river that shook the earth, and in the depths of a Wu tribe that looked bigger than the Wuxiong tribe, there was a roar that contained anger. coming.



"bang bang bang"

Accompanied by the roar, there was also a terrifying figure walking from the thousands of waves, like a giant who opened the sky.

This figure has an extremely majestic body, no less than the complete Zhu Rong, and although it has a human face, it has a snake body, and a water-blue hair that seems to hide the ocean, and the breath and majesty gushing out of its body , is no different from Zhu Rong's great witch.

Any witch clan, as long as they see this figure, they can instantly understand his identity.

One of the most powerful witches in the witch clan!


Whether it was the audience behind the flame circle or the great witch Zhurong, they were all surprised by the appearance of the great witch Gonggong at this time.

Only one guy came to his senses, and that was Wu Liang who was vomiting blood crazily just a second ago.

But I saw that this guy, not only ignored the blood that was spitting out of his mouth, but deliberately wiped it with his hands, so that the blood was all over his body, and then the ferocious face that was originally in a fighting state suddenly changed, and a look of grievance and injustice Then appeared.

Then, with this face on his face, the guy ran straight to the Gonggong witch who appeared.

While running wildly, he kept yelling.

"Uncle Gonggong, Uncle Gonggong."

"Help, save baby bear, Uncle Zhu Rong is bullying children."

"You~ you have to decide for Baby Bear."



Time seemed to stand still.

The audience who thought they were numb, as well as the three great witches, realized at this time that they were still too naive.

When they saw Wu Liang crying and shouting at the same time, Qi Qi was petrified.

(End of this chapter)

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