Chapter 766
In fact, strictly speaking, Wu Liang is not a joke.

According to the rules, the first three chases in the first round did end with Wu Liang's victory.Even in the eyes of Xuan Ming, Zhu Rong, and Ju Mang, Wu Liang's victory was unwarranted. No matter which one, it was not determined by a fair fight.

The three unbelievable victories were all from Wu Liangkeng.

But the victory that comes from being cheated is also a victory. As long as this reputation spreads, who would dare to underestimate Wu Liang.

For example, at this time, there were only two big witches, Houtu and Rushou, who hadn't made a move in the first round. At this time, there was a look of hesitation on their faces and an unconcealable look of fear in their eyes.

This is also very understandable!

After all, three great witches have been tricked one after another, and these two can't guarantee that their methods can be better than the first three, and naturally they can't guarantee that they won't be tricked.

At this time, the five great witches all regretted that they were too arrogant and made such a plan, especially the matter of self-demotion, which was the most regrettable.

If I hadn't tied my hands and feet, I wouldn't be so embarrassed at this time.

"It's not too embarrassing to lose to a talented junior by self-demotion."

"But if you lose in that way, you will lose face."

This was the thought in the hearts of the two great Wus. They were obviously willing to lose, but they were unwilling to lose by being tricked.

In the arena, the witches of the Wuxiong tribe saw this, so they hid in the corner and dared not move even more. While trembling, they tried their best to eliminate their sense of existence.

The other three great witches also saw this, so they wanted to urge them.As the saying goes, it is better to be alone than to be happy together. The three of them have already lost face. Do the remaining two still want to be spared, to share the blessings and share the difficulties?

But at the moment when the three great witches were about to urge, the Houtu great witch who had been hesitating all this time, his eyes lit up suddenly, and he didn't know what he saw. The hesitation in his eyes disappeared suddenly, and he didn't wait for the witches to speak. He took a step by himself and disappeared directly in place.

The fourth place in the first round was chasing and killing, and the Houtu Dawu took the initiative.



The remaining four great witches, as well as the witches of the Wuxiong tribe, all let out a sound of surprise.

Involuntarily, he cast his curious eyes towards the circle of flames. No matter what the Houtu Dawu took the initiative to attack, the answer to the mystery must be revealed soon.

The thoughts of the witches were right, as soon as the back soil moved, a new scene appeared in the circle.


"Boom~ Whoosh"


But on the sky, two shadows, one big and one small, are shooting wildly.

Looking carefully, it was Wu Liang, the brat, and the black snitch who became very cheap after being polluted.

The pair of master and servant were blown away by the furious witch Jumang, and they flew thousands of miles before they stopped with difficulty.It was also fortunate that Gou Mang broke the precept first, so he couldn't really make a move, otherwise, with that slap, the pair of master and servant would have no other end except to fall.

If so, when they stopped, these two guys seemed to know that there was an audience paying attention to them all the time, and they didn't forget to say hello at all, and it was another loss to the big witch Jumang.

"Ugh~ I'm so sick of being the Snitch, that big guy is too much, why don't you just say green to him? As for being so angry?"

"That's right, as the saying goes, if you want to live a decent life, you have to wear some green on your head. Uncle Jumang's body is full of green, and his life must be very happy."

"Master, if you want to say cheap, you are the cheapest."

"Hold on, let on~ bah bah, you're cheap, your whole family is cheap."

"Hehe, the Snitch didn't even find the mother Snitch. I'm a widowed thief. Where's the whole family? The master shouldn't resist. Once upon a time, the Snitch was so pure, didn't he become like this because he was polluted by you?"

"Hehe, you dare to fight back."

Hearing the counterattack from the black snitch, Wu Liang, who had just stopped, frowned immediately, and a playful look emerged.

As the only weapon that has followed Wu Liang for a long time, the black snitch's eyesight is also vicious. As soon as he saw Wu Liang's expression and compared his previous experience, he immediately felt bad, and immediately wanted to become a coward.

Unfortunately, it was too late to hear the critical attack from Wu Liang at the next moment.

"Hmph, a mere single dog is not worthy to talk to a harem party like my young master. Shut up."

"Master, you... puff!"

The black snitch, who had just turned into a snitch, suddenly heard Wu Liang's words, and his mouth began to spit out black iron juice. With a disheveled face, he could tell at a glance that he was a poor existence who had been brutally attacked.

In other respects, that's all. As an extraterrestrial soldier who can change billions of dollars, he has no black spots at all, but this can't change the fact that the female Snitch that the black snitch has been clamoring for has never been found, and Wu Liang He is indeed a harem party at the level of a winner in life.


So brutal!

At the end of the flame circle, the audience shook their heads in unison.

"Even his own weapons are critically injured, this brat really can't afford to provoke him, can't afford to provoke him."

"Fortunately, I have already sent him out."

"Thinking about it now, maybe our Wuxiong tribe doesn't really need a big witch so urgently. If it doesn't work, we can just hug our thighs. It's better to give a genius like Baby Xiong to other tribes to digest."

"Well, that's it."

Qiqi from all over the Wuxiong tribe began to flash these thoughts.

As for Zhu Rong and the great witches, they are in a better mood at this time.

It seems that all living beings are like this. As long as you see others suffering, the damage you will suffer will be inexplicably reduced.

However, such a good mood was quickly ruined by the scene that happened below.



Wu Liang, who just violently attacked his own weapon just now, seemed to have sensed something, suddenly raised his head, and sure enough saw an extremely holy and gentle figure walking out of the portal in the void not far in front of him.

This figure, dressed in linen, exudes an aura that seems to be able to contain everything.

If it's not the Great Witch of Houtu, then who will come?
If it was the first time they met, Wu Liang would have liked a gentle and beautiful goddess like Hou Tu Da Wu very much.

But now, in view of the previous rules, the first thought that flashed in Wu Liang's mind was: how to harm the future goddess of reincarnation and mother of the earth?
As the most special one among the five super great witches, the Houtu great witch is extremely sensitive to the feelings of the soul, so he immediately felt the "maliciousness" emanating from the bottom of the heart in front of him, and then recalled the three great witches who were trapped before. And this behavior that even their own weapons will not be spared.

At the same time of helplessness, Houtu Dawu couldn't help but rolled his eyes in his heart.

Of course, it was precisely because of this that the great witch of Houtu didn't even have the thought of delaying at all, as soon as he showed up, he immediately started to attack.

"Little guy, be careful, my sister won't hold back."

"Boom ~ hum"

As soon as Houtu Dasha's voice fell, her whole person changed immediately.

An aura that Wu Liang had felt before descended again.

This vast void was suddenly drawn into an extremely strange world, a beautiful world as warm as a mother's body, as if it could contain everything, any creature, no matter what race, what origin, or good or evil, tangible Everything, nothingness, can be integrated into this world.

Even the most vicious creatures may not be able to resist the temptation to immerse themselves in this world.

This is the world of "Mother Earth", and any creature can willingly blend into it.

The Great Witch of Houtu did not lie, she opened up a beautiful world with a state that was only a little stronger than Wu Liang, if Wu Liang's methods were worse in the future, I am afraid that no matter what, she would not be able to avoid the end of a big defeat.

At the beginning of the emergence of this beautiful world, Wu Liang's mind was immediately filled with vigilance, and the bad water in his belly was about to start to slosh again.

But soon, Wu Liang's complexion changed suddenly.


I don't know what he saw, but there was a flying color in his eyes.

"Sister Houtu, the baby is here."

But listen to this guy, after shouting this sentence.

Under the astonished gazes of all the audience, he suddenly let go of all vigilance, and even dropped the black snitch in his hand, with an incomparably bright smile on his face, like a swallow returning to the forest, Throw it straight into the world unfolded by the Houtu Dasha.

(End of this chapter)

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