Chapter 769 The Double Pleasure of Beating a Bear Child
What is a big witch?

If it is within the Wu clan, the explanation of this problem is very simple and crude.

Awesome...that's the great witch.

Those two words are synonymous with powerful and awesome.

Hundreds of millions of Wu Clan, there are a large number of tribes, but most of the tribes have no living beings outside the Wu Clan, only a few tribes can resound throughout the mainland, and even some natural gods and demon gods have heard of it.Those tribes all have one thing in common, that is, there is a great witch.

The same was true for the original witch bear tribe, until the eldest witch fell in the Lich War.

Now, the dawn is coming.

The entire witch tribe of the Wuxiong tribe is looking at the scene on the sky with excited and excited eyes at this moment. It is almost endless innate five-element primordial spirit, gushing out from the five worlds, and then there is no trace of it. It poured into Wu Liang's body without hindrance.

These Five Elements Qis naturally originate from the five super great witches.

From the perspective of other powerful beings, the standard for many powerful beings of the Wu Clan to become a great witch is that they can completely control at least one innate law, or according to the Pangu Continent, it is called...the Innate Dao.

The five Zhu Rong are different from ordinary great witches. Not only do they fully control a kind of innate way, but they even have a tendency to develop into the master of the way.

Once they are, their future is almost the same as that of the natural gods.

In fact, judging from later history, all five became successful.

And at this time, Wu Liang finally took this step.

Innate Qi of the Five Elements!

Originally, they all surrendered to the five great witches, after all, they came out of their domain world.

But now, as soon as he touched Wu Liang's body, he surrendered very strangely.

Completely eliminated the imprints of the five great witches of Zhurong, turned into truly pure primordial spirit energy, and then was stamped with the imprint from Wu Liang, gathered in his body bit by bit, and then began to turn into a terrifying driving force, Push Wu Liang's cultivation level to an incredible level.


"Boom boom boom boom boom boom"

At this moment, great changes occurred in Wu Liang's body.

That one seems to be a natural innate five-element witch seed, and it has completely taken root and sprouted.

The seed buds representing the five different avenues continued to grow and spread, and gradually turned into a five-colored grass, and then took root in the barriers of the entire world extremely domineeringly, and began to become more barbaric with incomparable domineering momentum. growth.

The nourishment comes from the five super witches who have no regrets about being cheated.

The grass gradually turned into a colorful tree!
Five completely different avenue patterns are intertwined in an unusually harmonious way, spreading all over the tree.

Among the five-colored leaves swaying, the avenue looms.



In the sky, Wu Liang opened his eyes.

And at this moment, the storm in the sky disappeared, replaced by a clear sky.

"It's done!"

Although he has been in a state of epiphany and breakthrough, Wu Liang has actually felt clearly whether it is external or internal changes, including the help of the five "cheap masters" at critical moments.

In fact, although Wu Liang could have taken this step without the help of the five super witches like Zhu Rong, his realm would definitely be unstable.

Unlike now, even if he has just stepped into the realm of the great witch, his combat power is extremely stable.According to the memory information in his mind, Nuoda is a witch clan, except for some particularly perverted witches, most of the other witches are not his opponents.

"Drug addiction is awesome!"

Silently feeling the power in his body, Wu Liang sighed as follows.

At this time, in his eyes, the whole world has taken on a new look.

Before that, although Wu Liang was also very powerful, he was actually just a mayfly in a "big pond", without any ego.

Now, it's different.

He should be a bigger mayfly, bullying the other small mayflies is no problem at all, it's really flattering.

However, the idea that made Wu Liang somewhat puzzled was born.

"Breaking the system, my head is a big witch, why didn't you remind me that the task is completed, isn't the head of the big witch still considered a weapon?"

Wu Liang's doubts were naturally due to the inexplicable task of "bear children who can't fight without a weapon".


They're all big witches, so they're still brats?
Generally speaking, Wu Liang's doubts are correct.

If it is a great witch next to him, even if he is a child, by the time he is promoted to a great witch, the beautiful childhood has already passed away, and he will become a middle-aged or old witch.

However, Wu Liang is a special case.

He didn't have any tribulations and dangers to be promoted to the great witch. On the contrary, in order for him to be promoted to the great witch, the five super great witches who were masters suffered a lot, and finally forced him into the realm of the great witch by helping to cheat. .

The five Zhu Rong felt very wronged in their hearts.

Therefore, although Wu Liang, who was promoted to a great witch, has been recognized by the entire Wuxiong tribe, he still cannot convince the five super great witches.

That task, strictly speaking, is only half done.

To complete it all, Wu Liang still needs to get the five super great witches to recognize him.

"What? Didn't you say earlier that you broke the system? I used to cheat people so much, but now I want the victim to recognize me? Those five guys are big witches, okay? Isn't it Shaking M?"

"Eh, not necessarily, there is no evidence to show that the ancient great witches are not shaking M, let alone from the phenomenon that they were cheated by me but gave me drugs, maybe they are... yo, this head seems to have discovered something wrong." It's a secret."


Just when Wu Liang was muttering to himself, and the system indicated that his host had another convulsion.

Five shadows suddenly appeared around Wu Liang.

Although this giant peak piercing the sky was actually very spacious, but for some reason, the five great witches stood very close together, surrounding Wu Liang without any gaps showing.

Nuoda's void was also completely blocked by the five terrifying forces.

Let alone a person, even a mosquito cannot fly out.

When Wu Liang sensed the five dreadful malices descending on him with belated awareness, he had already lost his last chance to escape.


As soon as the guy looked up, he saw five expressionless but extremely "scary" faces.

"Hehe~ How are the five masters..."


Wu Liang smiled awkwardly, and just about to get up, his whole body was directly pressed back by five terrifying forces, and his buttocks fell down, and the giant peak in the sky said that his waist was about to be broken.

At this moment, Wu Liang suddenly remembered.

After being promoted to great witch, he can crush most creatures on Pangu Continent.

But some perverts can crush him.

Unfortunately, there were exactly five such perverts in the field.

Before this, the five super great witches were restricted by the Pangu oath, but now... Wu Liang was promoted to the great witch, and the oath naturally disappeared.

In other words, if the five of Zhu Rong think about it, now they can experience the two supreme pleasures of beating a child plus beating a bear child.

Others suffer mostly in singles, at most a mixed doubles.

And now Wu Liang is probably five against one.

It can't be worse!

A drop of cold sweat immediately fell on Wu Liang's forehead.

(End of this chapter)

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