Chapter 776

What is the most touching thing in the world?
Of course... tragedy.

And what was just staged in front of the monsters was the most tragic scene.

From this world, the actor with the best acting skills, who also opened up a cheat for himself - Wu Liang, played the role with all his heart.

Under the blessing of [Supreme Treasure Heart], this guy almost broke out in his career~ Bah bah, he is the strongest acting skill since his debut, even if he didn't say a word, just his eyes and body, he can still perform an infatuated scene to the extreme good.

Although the plot is like this: the infatuated species was accidentally injured, and came back from thousands of miles to see his goddess for the last time, entered the goddess' bedroom by mistake, was chased and killed by the goddess because of a misunderstanding, and then suffered from injuries, and died in the arms of the goddess.

Brainless or not?
Hmm, brainless.

Dog blood or not dog blood?

Well, very bloody.

But it was such a plot that moved countless monster races in the field.

Some demon clans with rich emotions even lost their composure at the moment Wu Liang "fallen" and shouted: "No".

Unfortunately, Wu Liang still fell.

The props and treasures all over the body dimmed, perfectly interpreting what it means to die like a lamp goes out.

Even if there was a great sage of the monster clan in front of him, he didn't reveal the slightest flaw.

Of course, at this time, the Great Sage Shangyang might not be able to detect any flaws.

Heart of Supreme Treasure!
That's no joke!
Under Wu Liang's acting skills, this treasure was brought to the extreme.

The great sage Shangyang, the most beautiful sage of the monster clan, was suddenly moved.

She herself wondered, how could this be possible?
She is a high-ranking Shangyang Great Sage. She has never known how many powerful men with unfathomable looks and strength have pursued her. She has always been honest. How could she be tempted by an obviously useless little boy?

However, this is the fact.

No matter how confused she was, she couldn't resist the emotional tide from her heart.


From the mouth of the Great Sage Shangyang, he also spat out this sentence with great sadness.

This great sage, who had always presented a cool image and had countless fans in Yaozu, burst into tears at some point, and the deep sadness that anyone could see flashed in those eyes.


"Boom Ka Ka Ka"

It's raining!
It's rainstorm!
As a banshee who will have the function of "Rain God" in the future, when she is sad, the heaven and earth will naturally respond, and the torrential rain will pour down.

When all the monsters were shocked, Shang Yang moved.

"Boom~ Whoosh"

In the next moment, all the monsters saw the last scene.

In the torrential rain, the beautiful Shangyang Great Sage suddenly got up holding a "corpse", and then turned into a stream of light, and hurried to a tribe of his own.

In the rain curtain, several demon clan great sages who were familiar with the great sage Shangyang seemed to have thought of something after being shocked.

"Sister Shangyang, is this going to...?"

"Sister Shangyang is cold on the outside and hot on the inside. This time she is inexplicably moved by a little boy. I'm afraid she will desperately want to save that guy's life."

"It's strange to say that although our monster race is numerous, far surpassing those Wumanzi, but apart from the ten princes, it seems that there has never been a genius who entered the realm of the Great Saint at such an age? What is that little white face? origin?"

"It's not surprising. Since the Wu Clan can produce such geniuses, our Monster Clan can naturally do it too. It's just a pity that we fell at such a young age."

"Sister Shangyang is in such a hurry, could it be that she can really save him? But in my sense, that little boy's life is gone, and his life will never come back."


"The water of Ganyuan!"

While several great sages of the monster race were discussing, suddenly a great witch who seemed to have arrived not long ago spoke.

This great witch, with a youthful image, white clothes and white hair, is unparalleled in beauty, but those eyes that seem to be able to see through everything make people realize instantly that this should be an old monster.

In fact, it is true.

As soon as he appeared, many great sages of the monster race around him saluted to show their respect.

Can't help but they are not like this, just like Zhu Rong and other great witches, although they have the same realm as other witch clan great witches, their status is completely different.

The one in front of me is the same in Yaozu.

White Pond!

One of the top ten demon gods of the demon clan!

Compared with Zhu Rong's reputation on this Pangu continent, it is only slightly inferior.

But in Yaozu, his reputation is even more terrifying.

Gein is the most intelligent and powerful one among the demon clan.

Born to be a saint!

Know everything!

The Monster Race has been able to entangle with the Witch Race, a terrifying race transformed by Pan Gu's blood essence, thanks to this natural sage.

It is precisely because of this that many great sages of the monster race respect him so much, and at the same time they believe in what he said.

And with his reminder, many great sages of the monster race seemed to have thought of something.

"It is said that Lord Xihe loves Shangyang's sister very much. He once gave her a spring eye, which can communicate with Ganyuan and attract the two innate true waters of the sun and the moon. It has infinite magical effects."

"The water of Ganyuan was born at the place where the sun and the yin meet. It has unimaginable power. If it is really used to bathe that little boy, it may really be able to bring the dead back to life."


After a few words of dialogue, all the great sages of the monster race looked at each other, and they all saw the look in each other's eyes.




"Forget it, even though he's a nasty little boy, he belongs to our demon clan after all. It would be a good thing if he was really saved by Shangyang girl. At most, we can wait for that guy to show up again, and we can go up and beat him up together." .”

"good idea!"

"Just do it!"


Wu Liang, who was still in a "comatose" state, naturally didn't know the decision of the great sages of the monster clan.

At this moment, this guy is in pain and happiness.

Happiness is easy to understand. You must know that this guy is now being embraced by the most beautiful sage of the demon clan. The sage Shangyang is eager to hurry, so he can't help hugging him tightly. The warmth and coolness come together. This guy is simply not too happy.

And the pain is better understood.

Because of this guy, it's hard to get off the tiger now.

It turned out that this guy's plan was to first confuse the Great Sage Shangyang and make him fall in love with him, and then both of them would go home, and in the future ~ cough cough, find a good opportunity to escape.

In this way, even though the scumbag is a little bit, at least he can survive and escape smoothly.

But who knew, just now when he was acting, this guy got addicted to it, and he actually took it off.

A good comedy...turned into a tragedy in one fell swoop.

Although the appeal was even more overwhelming, the subsequent development completely surpassed Wu Liang's predictions.

At least like this, Wu Liang never thought about being hugged tightly by Sister Shangyang.

"Miserably, it's a joke."

"Question: How can I get out of being hugged by a girl?"

"Wait online! Really urgent!"

Wu Liang didn't dare to move at all now, and he didn't dare to restore his original appearance and state. He could only use feign death props to maintain his dignity as a "corpse".

He could sense that the girl Shangyang who was holding him was in a tense state, if Wu Liang suddenly "deceived the corpse" at this time.


Even he himself did not expect that he would be cut into several pieces by the blackened Shangyang girl.

This scene is so in line with the saying that the way of heaven is good for reincarnation.

Hmph, scumbag, you deserve it.

(End of this chapter)

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