Chapter 784 The Three-legged Stupid Bird


Because the anger of the three-legged Golden Crow was originally just scorching infinite sunlight, but it was replaced by endless flames in an instant. Every ray of flame contained the power that seemed to be able to burn the common people.

The sun is so hot!

Nuo Da a space is completely filled with infinite real fire.

Even if it is a mountain or a big river, it will be burnt to ashes in an instant here.

Although the Witch Clan is blessed with a race transformed by Pangu's blood essence, they are born with extremely powerful bodies, but once they are wrapped in the most terrifying flames in the world, they may not be able to escape their fate, just like the Kuafu back then. big witch.

The eighth prince, looking at that hateful figure surrounded by the endless real fire of the sun, a smug smile appeared on his haughty head.

A sharp, high-pitched voice spit out from its mouth.

"quack quack"

"Wu Manzi is just Wu Manzi, and he doesn't know how to learn his lesson. That idiot called Kuafu was like this before, and so is another Wu Manzi."

"Don't even think about it. As the god of the sun recognized by the Dao of Heaven, the prince rises from east to west and shines on the earth with his own brilliance. He has already accumulated countless merits and virtues. Occasionally burning a few witches and barbarians to death will not damage the foundation of the prince at all. "

"So, you idiot will die in vain."

As soon as the words fell, the eighth prince let out a crow-like laugh again.

The three-legged Golden Crow is also a crow, and there is nothing wrong with it.

What it says is mostly true.

Kuafu, the great witch, was killed for nothing, but the ten princes of the monster clan were not punished.

Possessing the position of the sun god has indeed made the ten monster princes almost invincible.

It also made these ten stupid sons of the Heavenly Emperor's family even more unscrupulous.

Unless you are facing some superpowers, such as those who cannot be named, you will always look like you have your nostrils turned upside down when facing other existences, but if you are facing the next one, you will get burned if you want to. You have to be the same as the FFF group.

This time, the Eight Prince thought that he would burn the opponent to death as he did many times in the past, and then he could continue to take a beautiful bath and return to the Fusang sacred tree to play with his brothers.

Unfortunately, this time, it miscalculated.

At this moment when it was laughing wildly, there was a sudden "bang" in the endless real fire of the sun, and a big hand surged out without warning.

This big hand is the color of chaos, but there are five colors of brilliance surging inside.

The innate five elements are integrated into one!
In this world, there are not many things that are not afraid of the true fire of the sun, but what appeared at this time is exactly one of them.As soon as the big hand came out, it went straight to grab the shocked Eighth Prince, and at the same time, a voice that was no longer suppressed, but very cheerful, also rumbled through the real fire envelope, resounding through the large area.

But Wu Liang yelled: "Three-legged silly bird, I am not even afraid of the real water of the sun, but I am afraid of you, the real fire of the sun?"

"You still want to burn my young master to death, and do not piss to reflect your own virtue, are you worthy?"

"Oh yes, I almost forgot, you three-legged golden crows are all weird, you can't scatter a drop of bird at all, sooner or later you will end up as a mummified bird."

"You look for~~"

The Eighth Prince, who had just turned around to avoid Wu Liang's big hand, was suddenly spouted, and his anger surged up again uncontrollably. He even hesitated for a moment, turned around and held his head up, pecking at Wu Liang with the incomparably sharp Golden Crow's beak. good palm.

This is exactly what Wu Liang wanted, even though the three-legged Golden Crow's beak is one of the most powerful artifacts in the world.

To say it is invincible is an understatement.

There are many strong men in the world, but there are very few who can withstand the eighth prince's peck.

It just so happened that Wu Liang was the new one.


The big chaotic hand was pecked off by the eighth prince with a beak, but the power of the five elements immediately spread out and filled it up in an instant, but at this time the eighth prince also lost the opportunity to evade.

Today's Wu Liang is no longer a newborn great witch, although his combat power is still not as good as the ancestor witch candidates like Zhu Rong.

But it is definitely a great witch at the pinnacle, and Nuo Da, a witch clan, should be one of the best.

But this eighth prince has a huge gap.

After all, he is an exceptionally gifted prince of the demon clan, born as one of the sun gods, and when there is heaven and earth in charge, even Zhu Rong and other candidates for the ancestral witch dare not touch it.

Because of this, its cultivation will naturally not be so diligent.

That terrifying talent was wasted for nothing, and it also laid the groundwork for what happened next.

At this moment, it has already performed its duties, that is to say, it has temporarily escaped from the incarnation of "Sun Star".

It is pure, here in the image of a three-legged Golden Crow.

So the next ending is obvious, it can't beat Wu Liang who is at the peak of the great witch realm.

The big hand repaired by the power of the five elements, after breaking through the real fire of the sun, slapped the eighth prince's face hard without hesitation. What a proud bird's head, just like that The photos are so full of meat and vegetables, it seems to see the Milky Way surrounding it.

Then, it suddenly felt a sign of crisis, and before it could take a closer look, a terrifying force suddenly came from its neck.

Looking down, he saw that amidst the sound of "Chi Chi Chi", its neck was suddenly grabbed, and it was the giant hand full of five elements of witchcraft.

The difference in strength between the two was clearly revealed at this moment.

A Lich and a Demon!
The two forces collided wildly in the void.

It's a pity that after the transformation of Yin and Yang eyes, Wu Liang has become extremely terrifying. Although he has temporarily cut off the hope of becoming the only god in the world to control the "Innate Five Elements Dao", no matter whether it is physical body or cultivation, it is enough to make him unshakable. The priestly eighth prince was stunned.

"Witch Clan, when did such a terrifying strongman emerge?"

"Innate Five Elements Unity?"

"If it really happens, my monster clan will be in danger!"


Just when the eighth prince felt a strong threat, its neck was even more miserable, and there was a sound like a broken bone, which immediately made the eighth prince realize something that was completely unbelievable, but really very likely to happen.

The Eighth Prince was revealing the real body of the three-legged Golden Crow, surrounded by the endless real fire of the sun, but he still couldn't break free from that chaotic hand. With his eyes wide open, he stared at Wu Liang firmly, and said word by word: "You Dare to kill me?"

After uttering this question, the Eighth Prince didn't wait for Wu Liang's answer, and laughed again.

The demeanor is crazy, and the laughter is even more domineering and arrogant.

The beak that was constantly pecking at Chaos's big hand, and the three legs that were scratching, all stopped at this moment.

Eighth Prince, stop resisting.

Let that chaotic big hand grab it, and then spit out extremely domineering and unscrupulous words, but listen to it laughing: "Come on, as long as you dare to kill, this prince will let you kill."

"Wu Manzi, if you have the guts, do it. If you don't kill the prince, you can wait for the prince to kneel down and beg for mercy, hahaha."

It has to be said that this demeanor is a perfect interpretation of a spoiled and spoiled playboy.

It is one of the sun gods of heaven and earth, the son of the emperor of heaven and the queen of heaven, and the ten princes of the monster clan, which can be said to be the strongest second generation.

Of course, what really made it feel confident and determined that Wu Liang would not dare to do anything was the gods on it.


It believes that if it dies, the whole world will suffer. After all, what is missing is the sun.

The idea of ​​the eighth prince has some truth.

At the same time, there is also a big misunderstanding.

The creatures in this era may not see this misunderstanding.

Unfortunately, Wu Liang is a visitor from another world.

Not only can he see it, he also knows how fate will develop.

So at this moment, Wu Liang also smiled.

Then, he uttered a sentence that shocked the Eighth Prince, as if his body was sifting through chaff.

(End of this chapter)

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