Chapter 80 Wheel Battle

The feeling of constant discomfort enveloped Wu Liang, as if to warn Wu Liang not to take risks, not to enter the gray water swamp, or he would encounter a catastrophe.It's a pity that this bad premonition only aroused Wu Liang's fighting spirit.There is only a swamp with dangers in it, and it is completely impossible to stop Wu Liang at this time.


With a cold snort, Wu Liang took the first step.

Although the swamp was extremely smelly and full of mud and rotten grass, there were still some places to stay. Once Wu Liang entered it, he moved forward lightly and quickly like a black civet.

Although according to Wu Liang's induction, there were many fierce beasts and poisonous insects in the swamp mud below the place he passed, they seemed to have sensed Wu Liang's body-hardening nine-fold aura, and did not choose to attack.

Seeking good fortune and avoiding evil is not just what human monks are good at.

In fact, the perception of ferocious beasts is more acute, as long as the spiritual intelligence is slightly higher, they will choose to avoid dangerous human monks.

Of course, if human monks were weaker than them, the situation would be reversed. Just like after Wu Liang went deep into the swamp area, Wu Liang had just crossed over a group of poisonous insects that were devouring some kind of corpse, but at the next moment, he suffered the first attack.



A large ball of foul-smelling gray water exploded suddenly, and a huge monster pushed through the mud, opened its hidden bloody mouth, and swallowed Wu Liang's body.


Thunder can't cover your ears!
If Wu Liang hadn't activated the skill of [Civet's Hair Explosion] at a critical moment, I'm afraid it would already be the food in the belly of the giant beast in front of him.

Wu Liang's gaze immediately passed over.

[Grey-toothed giant crocodile: Dao rank eighth, a mutant beast of the blood-toothed giant crocodile, a unique creature in the gray water swamp, its combat power in the swamp is comparable to that of a ninth-rank beast, extremely dangerous, and generally lives in groups. 】



When Wu Liang read the message, his complexion changed slightly.

Wu Liang is naturally not afraid of an attack by a mutant beast of the eighth rank, but if it is a group, the situation will be completely different.Calculated carefully, the rank of the giant crocodile in front of him was one rank lower than that of Wu Liang, and he dared to attack Wu Liang rashly only because he took advantage of the advantage of the terrain.

When thinking about it, Wu Liang's power of induction swept across his surroundings immediately.What reassures Wu Liang temporarily is that there seems to be no other giant gray-toothed crocodile around here except this giant crocodile.When Wu Liang took a closer look at the face of the giant crocodile in front of him, Wu Liang understood somewhat.

There was a huge scar on the side of the giant crocodile that attacked Wu Liang, and there were obvious signs of gnawing with its giant teeth. It was obviously cannibalism, but this giant crocodile lost and was driven out of the group territory.

When Wu Liang finished thinking about it, the relevant information had entered his mind.

At the same time, the murderous intent that Wu Liang had been accumulating all along also exploded at this time.

"Big reptile, let's go."

In fact, regardless of whether the beast in front of him lived in groups or not, from the moment it attacked Wu Liang, Wu Liang decided to attack.


The civet exploded again, but this time it turned back again. Before the giant gray-toothed crocodile had time to fully close its mouth and its huge body dived into the smelly mud, Wu Liang's The figure appeared on its back in an instant.

Without holding any weapon, Wu Liang just clenched his fists, and then...

"Boom~ Explosive Blood Fist!"

When the roar sounded, the head of the gray-toothed giant crocodile exploded like a watermelon. Red flames poured into the corpse, leaving only a pile of ashes in an instant.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing [Grade 50 gray-toothed giant crocodile], experience [-]."

"The body is destroyed and cannot be exchanged for points."

Wu Liang glanced at the experience points, and felt a little helpless.Beheading a ferocious beast that was only a small realm lower than himself, but with only such a little experience, that's why Wu Liang didn't choose to practice hard on Jiuding Peak but came to experience in this dangerous Tiandi Mountain Range.

The killing is like this, and the experience of penance plus is probably even more miserable.

The card for destroying corpses and traces has a period of three months. Wu Liang needs to be promoted from the Ninth Level of Body Tempering Realm to the Soul Transformation Realm within these three months. Only then can he have the most basic self-protection power.

But to cross this big realm, the experience points required are massive compared to before.

In fact, this is the case every time the Great Realm is crossed.

It didn't take much time for Wu Liang to go from the eighth level of body quenching to the ninth level, but from the ninth level to the first level of soul-shattering, Wu Liang had a hunch that it might not be possible to do it in three months.

Unfortunately, Wu Liang has no other choice.

"Don't waste it next time, no matter how small a mosquito's legs are, it's still meat."

Helpless, Wu Liang muttered while looking at the destroyed corpse.

No longer nostalgic, Wu Liang moved his feet and continued to go deep into the swamp.

However, after only advancing a few hundred feet, Wu Liang was attacked again by a herd of gray-toothed giant crocodiles.Wu Liang was also unlucky. After all, he just exploded a companion of his family. Although he was expelled, the smell directly stimulated the entire group of giant crocodiles to besiege Wu Liang.

Unfortunately, they are too large.

Even though it was a siege, there were only two or three crocodiles who could really face Wu Liang. They were easily blocked by Wu Liang, and then he killed most of the giant crocodiles with flying knife skills, and the rest fled away. .A group of crocodiles directly contributed tens of thousands of points to Wu Liang. As for the experience points... let alone.

After another few tens of breaths, Wu Liang killed a Dao rank ninth rank poisonous lizard.

After another hundred breaths, Wu Liang killed two Dao-level ninth-rank gray giant worms one after another.

Two hundred breaths, kill the piranha group of the sixth grade of Taoism.

Three hundred breaths, kill the thousand-eyed dragon of the ninth rank of Taoism.


In the next few hours, Wu Liang went through an almost hell-like process. Almost every tens of breaths, Wu Liang had to fight with a beast of the same level as himself, although most of the time Wu Liang Good victories ended.But with this kind of intense fighting, even a puppet would be exhausted, let alone a living human monk?
At this time, Wu Liang finally understood why the monks in the quenching state had such a high chance of falling in this swamp.

There are too many beasts and poisonous insects at the Dao level in the gray water swamp, so that they form a "wheel battle" advantage against the intruders. Once a powerful existence falls into this situation, it may not be far from death.

Fortunately, Wu Liang can "cheat" compared to other human monks.

Every time Wu Liang kills vicious beasts and poisonous insects, Wu Liang can get a lot of points and weak experience. Wu Liang can exchange the points for panacea or other treasures that can quickly restore the state. In this way, Wu Liang's spiritual power will never be exhausted. It's like having an "infinite ammunition depot".

However, the Taoist monsters along the way were wronged and suffered heavy casualties.

So soon, Wu Liang was punished.

The fighting was too indulgent, and Wu Liang's killing intent and strong smell of blood mixed together, making him shine like a bright light in the dark night in this vast and dead swamp, and was finally captured by the truly terrifying "thing" "Followed.

"Bang~ bang bang"

Suddenly, Wu Liangzheng's forward body froze in the middle of the swamp, a strong omen of danger shrouded his body, his heart beat violently again, and it was extremely real, more real than ever before.So much so that at this moment Wu Liang had a premonition that if he didn't handle it well this time, he would probably... perish.

As soon as this omen came out, Wu Liang's complexion changed slightly.

"not good!"

All of a sudden, Wu Liang uttered these two words, and his figure shot forward like a black lightning bolt.

(End of this chapter)

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