Chapter 82 Side Effects

From the day of his arrival, Wu Liang practiced body skills, boxing techniques, sword techniques and a special martial skill, but this was the first time he practiced sword techniques.

When Wu Liang grasped a [rough cast iron long sword] that cost one point to exchange, Wu Liang felt such a wonderful and unparalleled feeling. Under the influence of that sword intent, his whole body It gradually merged with the long sword in his hand.

Man and sword unite!

Almost instantaneously, Wu Liang's expression changed from surprise to joy. The surprise was that the Mysterious Sword Art, which cost a mere [-] points in exchange, could trigger such an incredible magical effect from the very beginning.

It was at this time that the group of gray poisonous mosquitoes came.

"buzz buzz"


Once again, Wu Liang was attacked like a thousand arrows.The poisonous gray mosquitoes covered almost all of Wu Liang's escape routes, and if he made the slightest mistake, Wu Liang would die immediately.When Wu Liang saw this scene before, every time he tried his best to find a gap to escape.

But this time, the corners of Wu Liang's mouth suddenly curled into a ferocious arc, and the killing intent that had been suppressed for a long time came out violently in his eyes.

The next moment, Wu Liang moved.


The sound of contention, accompanied by the rough pig iron blade piercing out at an incredible angle, collided with a gray poisonous mosquito in the front with incomparable precision, but the expected "ding ding" sound did not occur, and After a barely audible sound, the appearance of a gray poisonous mosquito corpse and the long-lost reminder in Wu Liang's mind.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing [Dao-level ninth-grade poisonous insect gray poisonous mosquito], experience 50, points 1000."

And this is just the first sound.

Immediately afterwards, after the extremely rough sword edge slashed across the dead poisonous mosquito, it suddenly bent, and transformed into more than a dozen phantom sword qi, stopping all the gray poisonous mosquitoes rushing towards Wu Liang , the three sword qi in it turned from nothingness to reality in an instant.

Before the three gray poisonous mosquitoes could destroy Wu Liang's long sword with their indestructible mouthparts, their bodies were split in two, and the extremely hard shell could not stop the seemingly unopened cast iron blade .

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing [Dao-level ninth-grade poisonous insect gray poisonous mosquito], experience 50, points 1000."

"ding ding"

With three consecutive beeps, four gray poisonous mosquitoes have fallen.

This scene was simply horrifying. It should be noted that Wu Liang was still in a state of being hunted down a second ago, but now he started to fight back.

Even Wu Liang himself couldn't help being surprised.

The mystery of this God Clan sword art is simply inconceivable.

But soon, Wu Liang had no time to take care of him, and the mosquito swarm broke out.


"boom boom"

I don't know if it was anger or because of the blood in the corpse of the companion, the compound pupils of these gray poisonous mosquitoes turned blood red one after another, and they seemed to have fallen into a state of rage at the same time, and began to recklessly attack the net of sword energy in front of Wu Liang.

"Huh~ Good job!"

Wu Liang, who was still in a mysterious state, was not afraid of the terrifying scene in front of him at all. After a loud drink, his body was like a civet cat, and he blatantly rushed into the mosquito swarm with an incredible posture.

The cast iron long sword in his hand exploded with sword energy.

So within the next few tens of breaths, a strange and frightening scene appeared above the swamp.The swarm of gray poisonous mosquitoes that once caused a large number of Taoist and even French monks or beasts to fall is now besieging a human youth monk at the ninth level of Taoism. It stands to reason that the battle should be resolved quickly, but it is unbelievable that it is the mosquitoes that are at a disadvantage. .

The unparalleled sharp and indestructible mouthparts and body of the gray poisonous mosquito are fully exposed under Wu Liang's dexterous body skills and terrifying sword art.

After all, they are just mosquitoes.

One after another, they began to fall into Wu Liang's hands in large numbers.

The body of the fist has brought Wu Liang a lot of experience and points.What made Wu Liang even more satisfied was that these poisonous mosquitoes were really not very intelligent, and they seemed to be in a state of rage. Even though the group was being slaughtered, none of the poisonous mosquitoes chose to escape. Otherwise, at their speed, Wu Liang would still There is nothing I can do.

So, an hour later, the battle was coming to an end.


The last sword qi shot out from the raw iron blade, and quickly circled around the body of the last gray poisonous mosquito as if it had its own life.

The dead body of this poisonous mosquito was separated in an instant.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing [Dao-level ninth-grade poisonous insect gray poisonous mosquito], experience 50, points 1000."

The last reminder that he had heard numbness sounded in Wu Liang's mind.

It was also this reminder that made Wu Liang break away from the state where the human and the sword were united.

Immediately, a sense of dizziness came over, making Wu Liang almost vomit.


"It seems that there are no sequelae!"

Wu Liang exhaled a foul breath, while looking at a reminder in his mind.

"Swords of the Divine Clan (Basic) is specially created for the juveniles of the Gods. Although the host is suitable for this sword in terms of heart, but the physical strength is not comparable to that of the juveniles of the Gods, so every time the sword is used, the host will fall into a trap. Stunned state for 30 seconds."

[Remarks: The system does not provide a solution, please trigger the host to explore. 】

"30 seconds!"

Seeing the prompt, Wu Liang's complexion immediately changed, and he directly reached out and took out a beast ball, and summoned the armored mane to protect the dharma.

Then I felt relieved and continued to read, and soon saw the system's still cheating remarks.

"This broken system is triggering and fumbling on its own? Then what do I need you for?"

Wu Liang really wanted to complain about this sentence in his heart, but after thinking about it, he still didn't formally complain, so as not to incur the punishment of this broken system. Wu Liang has already figured it out after such a long time. Careful.

The 30-second dizziness passed quickly, and Wu Liang almost groaned when his body regained control.

Fortunately, Wu Liang knew that he was still in a dangerous place, so he couldn't get carried away.

"Sure enough, you can't rely on anything."

"External objects are external objects after all, and the power of self is the real power."

Taking advantage of his good mood, Wu Liang poured himself a few words of "chicken soup for the soul", and then immediately took the rough cast iron long sword and went deeper into the swamp with a murderous look.After some killings, Wu Liang seemed very satisfied with his demeanor of beheading beasts with a rough sword. He had earned tens of thousands of points, but deliberately didn't exchange them for better swords.

For the next three days, the ferocious beasts in the Graywater Swamp were in bad luck.

A human youth with a broken sword seemed to be on the fence with this swamp. He could leave the swamp within a day, but he lingered in this smelly and disgusting place for three days, killing him. The fierce beasts and poisonous insects were slaughtered all over.

Of course, this is a notoriously dangerous place after all, and after all, there are still so many beasts that even Wu Liang can't provoke.But what made the vicious beasts and poisonous insects very angry was that this human being was completely "bullying the weak and fearing the hard", and would immediately run away with a broken sword when encountering an unmatched vicious beast.

However, why this human being has been able to escape without knowing it repeatedly is also a mystery that the beasts have never been able to solve.

Obviously, they couldn't understand that this human being has an extremely shameless "cheat device", the system's danger detection, although this function was useless in the previous life-and-death dangers, but these days it has performed well, which surprised Wu Liang. Turned around.

Unfortunately, soon, the system told Wu Liang that he was dreaming with cruel reality.

(End of this chapter)

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