Chapter 84
In the next ten days, the poisonous insects and beasts in the cinnabar forest fully experienced the feelings of the creatures in the gray water swamp.Wu Liang lingered in the forest for ten days. Although he was in a hurry and almost fell several times, Wu Liang still came out relying on his strong combat power and killed a large number of poisonous insects besieging him.

The most dangerous place in this forest for human monks and ferocious beasts is to fall into the "ocean of poisonous insects" and eventually exhaust their spiritual power and die.

It's a pity that this danger was once again restrained by Wu Liang.

The "drug addiction" style showed its power again, not only allowing Wu Liang to kill all the way smoothly, but also earning a lot of points and experience.

However, good things are always short-lived for Wu Liang. On the tenth day, Wu Liang, who was killing him happily, discovered something was wrong.

Although a lot of experience points are needed to be promoted from the Ninth Level of Body Tempering Realm to the Soul Shattering Realm, no amount of experience can equal Wu Liang's "accumulation of a lot" in the sea of ​​poisonous insects. In Wu Liang's prediction, he should be able to reach the top ten Accumulate enough time to advance to the soul-shattering state.

But the reality is that the experience value is enough, but it has not been promoted.


Wu Liang's gaze immediately focused on the interface in his mind. The experience bar was impressively full, but it was blood red instead of the usual burst of golden light.

Just when Wu Liang was in doubt, the notification sound that made Wu Liang hate it came.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, triggering the temporary task [Bottleneck of Soul Transformation], there is a saying that how can a good monk not have a bottleneck?"

"Mission content: The host has finally encountered a bottleneck. As a genius recognized by this system, the host can only leave the Tiandi Mountain Range if he breaks through this bottleneck. Before that, the host will have the effect of [Fearful Beast Enemy] added to him. The hatred of high-level ferocious beasts within a radius of ten miles is +100, and the host can choose to run for his life or... counter-kill?"

"Task Level: [Difficult]"

"Mission Reward: Obtain the title of "Beast Killer", a gift pack of skill points, a chance to draw an unlimited roulette in the Master Mall, and +50000 points."

"Mission punishment: the title of "Fresh Genius" is revoked, the effect of "Fresh Beast Enemy" remains constant, and the experience value of the current realm is reset."

[Fierce Beast Killer: You who have obtained this title will be immune to the aura of a higher-level ferocious beast, and have a chance to trigger a deterrent effect on ferocious beasts below the highest level of the current realm. When attacking ferocious beast targets, an additional 0.5 will be added. % attack power. 】

"Bottleneck task?"

Wu Liang was a little dumbfounded. He didn't expect that after having such a cheating device as the master system, there would be such a thing as a bottleneck.

However, Wu Liang recalled that the growth rate of his cultivation since his arrival was indeed too astonishing. Even a genius would be unjustifiable, unless Wu Liang was a genius of that abnormal level.

It's too late for the bottleneck to appear now.

However, Wu Liang only had time to think for a moment, and when he saw the content of the mission clearly, his complexion changed instantly.

+100 hatred for high-level ferocious beasts!

Wu Liang suddenly looked at his status bar, and sure enough, besides the normal one, there was an additional effect status of "Fearful Beast and Mortal Enemy".

At this time, a terrifying roar suddenly came from outside the forest.

"Damn, is this coming?"




At the edge of the dense forest, a black shadow quickly swept out, and after simply identifying the direction, it fled towards the deeper and huge valley.And what followed was a terrifying roar and a huge beast shadow, whose speed was no less than the black shadow in front, and followed closely.

The dark shadow in front is naturally Wu Liang.

But the beast shadow behind is a ferocious beast like a bear, with hard blue-black hair growing all over its body, a pair of bear claws are like four terrifying iron hooks, and the aura gushing from it is even more fierce. When charging, the whole earth seemed to be trembling.

This is a terrifying ferocious beast, and its aura is far above Wu Liang.

[Iron Clawed Bear: A third-rank ferocious beast with terrifying physical strength and invincible Iron Clawed bear paws, and can release some magical attacks. 】

As soon as this introduction came out, I knew why Wu Liang chose to run for his life.

It's not an opponent at the same level at all. If you don't escape, will you wait for death?

Don't look at how easily Wu Liang killed Tian Bodu, a cultivator who had lost his soul at the fifth level, at his home's Jiuding Peak. Converted into a beast, he would be at the fifth rank of the law, but that also relied on the power of the Ten Penalties and the Forbidden Law. It has nothing to do with Liang's own combat power.With Wu Liang's current combat strength, he might be able to deal with a first-rank beast of the French rank, but it would be impossible to kill his opponent, let alone a third-rank beast.

But this iron claw ground bear was originally five miles away from the cinnabar forest, but it was forcibly attracted by the effect of "the fierce beast and mortal enemy" on Wu Liang's body.Before the beast saw Wu Liang, he had already added a hundred hatreds. As soon as he saw Wu Liang, he immediately exploded and chased Wu Liang.

Xiong Jian, who was in an "angry" state, was getting farther and farther away from Wu Liang, and decisively released a terrorist attack with a roar.


Hearing that roar, Wu Liang who was running away suddenly froze, his hairs stood on end.

"not good"

Subconsciously, Wu Liang activated his skills, and his whole body burst forward like a cat with fury hair at an unprecedented speed.

It was at this time that a terrifying movement appeared in Wu Liang's original place.

"Boom~ bang bang"

Within a radius of more than ten feet, extremely sharp soil thorns protruded out of thin air, piercing everything above.Wu Liang felt that he could never resist that kind of violent and savage power with his physical strength. If he had just escaped for a while, the current Wu Liang would be a strung corpse.

However, after dodging this attack, the distance between a man and a bear seemed to be opened up a lot again.

Naturally, Wu Liang would not miss this kind of opportunity. The spiritual power in his body flooded into his feet like a tide, and he quickly used his skills again and again. With his speed soaring, he completely threw away the furious Iron Claw Earth Bear behind him in an instant. .


After a few breaths, Wu Liang leaned against a big tree, panting, but did not dare to relax and release his spiritual sense.

It wasn't until the next moment that the breath of the iron claw ground bear was indeed gone from the feedback from the spiritual sense, and Wu Liang was relieved.

It was ten miles away, and this was the only way to explain why the Iron Claw Bear couldn't keep up.

The effect of the ghost title "The Enemy of the Fierce Beast" is extremely tyrannical. Once it is affixed, as long as the beast can sense Wu Liang's breath, it will never give up without killing it.

It seemed that just to confirm Wu Liang's deepest thoughts, he took a few breaths before another angry roar sounded several miles away, and the owner of that roar was approaching Wu Liang at a terrifying speed.


Wu Liang stood up straight, looked in that direction, and couldn't help cursing secretly.

Although the distance was still far away, Wu Liang still clearly sensed the aura of the attacking beast.

"First grade of law?"


This time, Wu Liang's eyes suddenly overflowed with murderous intent.

(End of this chapter)

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