Chapter 902 Demon God's Will
"It's going to be a big trouble this time, should we do it or not?"

On Longjiao's body, Wu Liang with a dignified face suddenly said to himself.

At this moment, Wu Liang was extremely solemn.

Many thoughts emerged in my heart, I kept thinking and comparing various plans, but in the end I couldn't avoid two results.

go with?
or not?
After all, Wu Liang was not the same as the fierce beast Moxiu who was charging into the abyss at the bottom of the pit at this time. This group of powerful and incomparable monsters were all eroded by years of evil spirits. Although their wisdom was still there, their essence had actually changed.

Become impulsive, become extreme, become crazy.

For example, they ignored such an obvious trap in front of them, and instead obeyed the crazy desire in their hearts. Greed overwhelmed reason. If it was normal monks or monsters from the two states of Qiankun who came here, this would definitely not be the case.

A demon god has fallen!
This is of course a supreme opportunity, just like the death of a giant whale in the vast ocean. For other creatures in the ocean, it will be a source of food for a long time in the future, and it cannot be more precious.

However, unlike the sea creatures with low intelligence, human monks and monster race powerhouses would never rush to snatch the remains of the demon god.

At the very least, it needs to be confirmed that the demon god has really fallen.

If it is still alive, even if it is just a remnant soul that has lingered for a long time, it will be a fatal threat to the strong men of the two states.

So what if it's too high?

Compared with the Demon God, they are just stronger ants.

Of course, Wu Liang's wisdom is not weaker than anyone else's, and reason is always lingering in his heart, but it is precisely because of this that Wu Liang is caught in a dilemma.

His rationality told himself that the bottom of the pit was dangerous, so don't go there.

But on the other hand, Wu Liang's heart was constantly frenzied, and an extremely strong intuition told Wu Liang that the "strangeness" at the bottom of the pit had an inexplicable connection with Wu Liang, and it seemed that something was calling Wu Liang. will regret.

The most important thing is that Wu Liang can feel that the key to solving the task that has been pressing on him seems to be at the bottom of the pit.


Wu Liang was thinking, but a group of demons and ghosts did not stop.

And this tiankeng seems to be too deep, even though the earth fire dragon has turned into a flame and flew wildly for so long, it still hasn't reached the bottom.

Hearing the whistling wind, Wu Liang didn't know what to think, and suddenly asked in his mind: "System, is there any item or treasure that can bypass the demon god's will and understand the truth at the bottom of the pit?"

That's right, this guy is planning to cheat again.

After all, he is the most shameless guy in history, how could he keep the cheating device on?
The ultimate secret of Gu Nie Shiwanshan is that an ancient demon god fell here many years ago. This secret can be hidden for so many years. Naturally, it cannot be all because of the efforts of these demons. The real key still falls on the demon god.

A demon god is already at the level of high-end life.

Even if it has fallen, the remaining will can always disturb the void and cover the sky.

For many years because of this, those super powerhouses in the two states of Qiankun and Qiankun always believed that something terrible happened in the ancient evil hundred thousand mountains, so they have been holding back and not making a big move.

"But now, even the movement of the sea of ​​blood and the sea of ​​blood has come out, even if it is covered by the majestic sea of ​​evil energy, I am afraid it will not be hidden for long. If I can't solve the ancient evil one hundred thousand mountains in this trip, the group of real tigers Leopards and wolves are about to invade."

"Thinking about it this way, I actually have no other choice."

After many thoughts flashed by, Wu Liang suddenly found that he was forced into a corner unintentionally.

However, the worst is yet to come.

Break the system and pour cold water on it again.




After Wu Liang asked the question, the light in his mind flickered quickly, and scenes flickered past.

Wu Liang could clearly see that those pictures were precious treasures, each of which was extraordinary, full of mysterious aura and ancient meaning, and seemed to meet Wu Liang's requirements, that is, to be able to penetrate the will of the demon god and directly advance one step ahead Know all the truth.

"Fuxi's tortoise shell penetrates all the secrets of the sky, and its calculations are flawless, tsk tsk, awesome."

"The eyes of the ancient stone god can see through all the fog and restore it back to the original, yo, it's amazing."

"The mirror of time can go back to the long river of time, and understand the future and the past. This is good, I like it."

"The stone that breaks the emptiness, breaks all illusory, and can get the truth."


For a moment, Wu Liang was dazzled.

This was his first experience of the horror of the Immortal Jade Region. He thought it would be difficult to find a treasure that could bypass the will of the Demon God and penetrate the secrets of the sky. After all, according to anyone's understanding, this kind of prop is definitely a magic weapon.

Unexpectedly, with just one sentence from Wu Liang, so many qualified treasures were found in the Xianyu Region.

And it seemed that the effect was even better than what Wu Liang wanted.

What puzzled Wu Liang was that these pictures kept flickering, but they never stopped.

"Hey, stop for a while to break the system, it's all gone, how do I exchange it for the master?"

After Wu Lianggang finished speaking in dissatisfaction, a bad omen suddenly flashed in his heart.

And the next moment, the omen immediately became a reality.

The system that has been patiently serving Wu Liang, the host, seems to have finally waited for this opportunity and bared its "fangs" impatiently.


The last wave of images passed by in an instant.

Then, the system's seemingly emotionless notification sound came.

"Ding, the system has screened based on the points the host has, but unfortunately, there are nearly a hundred treasures that meet the requirements of the host, but none of them can be exchanged by the host."

"Boom ~ click"

On Long Jiao's body, Wu Liang felt as if he had been struck by lightning.


Got hit!

Moreover, Wu Liang subconsciously thought about it and knew that he couldn't talk back at all.

The points needed to redeem those treasures are all printed in Wu Liang's mind.

And the points he has are indeed far from enough.

Not only can Wu Liang not deceive himself, but he cannot deceive the system.

This blow!
Quick and accurate!
It was also because Wu Liang himself was too lax that he still had some illusions about his broken system, and he was immersed in the brilliance brought by those treasures, so he didn't notice at all that something was wrong with the broken system.After all, at times like this, if it knew that Wu Liang was going to consume, the system would pounce on it by itself, so why would it wait for Wu Liang to ask questions.

"Careless, really careless."

"Tsk tsk, make a note this time, the master will come back sooner or later."


While Wu Liang sighed, all the dignified look on his face disappeared, and then he showed a tired and lazy face, lying on the body of the dragon chick, letting the dragon rush down violently, he used the scales to He and the ground fire shaded the wind, and slowly enjoyed the scene under the tiankeng.

If the system could be anthropomorphic at this time, a villain should have appeared, and then with a bewildered expression, he thought to himself: What the hell is this guy doing?

(End of this chapter)

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