Chapter 912 The Unsealed Heart-Swallowing Banshee


All the monsters used "self-mutilation" magical powers to clear away the evil energy in their bodies and temporarily saved their lives.

But that's all. Each of them is a ninth-rank, supreme existence. If they are in the outside world, they can definitely run rampant unscrupulously.

It's a pity that what they are facing is the "magic embryo" conceived in the fate of the ancient demon god.

Even though it has not yet been born, it is still devouring the surging blood of all living beings, parasitizing on the spiritual veins of the Hundred Thousand Mountains, plundering the majestic spirit energy at a terrifying speed, and it seems unable to move until the gestation is completed.

But even so, it still doesn't pay attention to all the monsters.

The magic fetus, just looking at the powerful monsters such as the ugly ogre and the ancestor magic maggot with that kind of terrifying eyes, they can't move.

Although it appears to be a stalemate, stand-off situation, neither side can kill the other.

But the monsters are not so naive, who knows how far the devil fetus has reached now, if they are born after a few breaths, then they will surely die.

And almost all signs indicate that the time for the birth of the magic fetus is very near.

Perhaps, in the next moment.

Ordinarily, in the current situation, Wu Liang has the most advantage.

He hides aside, he is simply a perfect oriole.

If you make a move at this time, maybe you can harvest both sides.

With a group of monsters and a demon embryo who inherited all the inherited memories of the ancient demon gods, this harvest is not too terrible. Perhaps there is no better opportunity than this in the entire Qiankun State.

For a monk who is more impulsive, maybe he has already done it now.

It's a pity that Wu Liang is usually unrestrained and unrestrained, but at the critical moment, this guy's patience is incomparably astonishing.


At this time, Wu Liang, instead of intending to show up, restrained all his aura.

The "Legendary Breath Containment Technique" from the system made Wu Liang almost perfectly merged with the void of this world.

There are one powerful creature after another in the field, but no one has discovered his existence.

"The time has not come, and the real drama has not yet begun."

In the void, Wu Liang suppressed the fighting spirit that was constantly emerging from his eyes, and said to himself.

At this moment, he didn't know what he was thinking of. His eyes first wandered around the group of monsters who had exorcised their evil spirits by means of self-mutilation, and then fell on the heart-swallowing banshee who had just crushed his heart. body.

Wu Liang always felt that the demon god's slough, blood tide, devil's fetus...although it was terrifying, but along the way, the performance of all the monsters in the field was indeed a bit too weak.

It should be known that they are the overlords in the Hundred Thousand Mountains, and they can resist the attacks of the two states of Qiankun and the monsters at the same time.

Moreover, once resisted, there will be tens of thousands of years.

This is incredible!
But judging by the strength shown by this group of monsters just now, it is impossible to do it.

"There must be some secrets in this, I don't know yet."

Wu Liang thought to himself.

His thoughts are not unreasonable, and being able to think of these at the last moment, it can be seen that this guy has always been meticulous in his thoughts, but he usually shows an arrogant and lazy appearance on purpose, and uses these appearances to deceive those enemies.

It can be said that Wu Liang is not wronged at all to describe Wu Liang with a belly full of bad water.


It has to be said that Wu Liang's premonition is too keen.

Almost at the moment when Wu Liang's gaze was on the Heart-Swallowing Banshee, the only surviving female demon cultivator suddenly had a strange movement.


Accompanied by a ecstasy figure, the banshee who lost her heart suddenly showed an extremely charming smile on her face, the beautiful body that seduced all living beings was no longer stiff, but twisted extremely flexibly, in a series of "boom kah!" In the sound of "click", the coercion from the magic tire was inadvertently broken.

And at this moment, an incredible force erupted from her body.


It seems to be the result of a volcano that has been silent for many years. Once it erupts, the turbulent and violent demonic energy is like a tide, continuously radiating towards all directions.

In an instant, a vacuum-like area even appeared around her.

Her image suddenly changed.

The clothes that were already pitifully turned into nothingness, but before Wu Liang could see her whole body clearly, he saw streaks of cyan-colored strange textures crazily rushing up, all over her body in an instant, and her black hair melted in an instant. It is blue in color, with black pupils dyed red, flaming red lips, and a long, forked scarlet tongue poking out, hissing.

Behind her, a monstrous figure with the head of a man and the body of a snake suddenly appeared. The brilliance surged on this figure, and the brilliance was a hole. At a cursory glance, it was nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine.


"bang bang bang bang"

Within an aperture is a heart.

The number of nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine is already more than half full.

When these heartbeat sounds were continuously superimposed and fused, the cultivation level of the Heart-Swallowing Banshee...began to skyrocket.

At this moment, Wu Liang felt the storm surging in front of him, and the alarm bells in his mind resounded crazily.


"Ding, ding, ding! Warning, the host has discovered that the Supreme Demonic Cultivator [Heart Swallowing Banshee] has broken through the barriers of the world of mortals and is super dangerous."


When Wu Liang saw the five most critical words, even though he was calm, he couldn't help being surprised.

The world of mortals!
These three words seem to carry an incomparably wonderful magical power.

At this moment, Wu Liang couldn't help but want to immerse himself in it. His eyes fell on the heart-swallowing banshee whose image had changed drastically. The seductive aura that Wu Liang had dismissed at the moment seemed to become extremely moving and overwhelming. Hongchen can't compare with it.

Wu Liang has an extremely strong urge to own the master of this body, to perish with it, and to be with him forever.

This impulse came suddenly and strongly, and was suppressed incomparably suddenly.


When a cold hum came out from the bottom of his heart, Wu Liang's mental strength, which had been tempered many times, suddenly counterattacked, drowning all those impulses.

Even so, at the moment of waking up, Wu Liang had to turn his head away to avoid being immersed in it again.

In the eyes, the color of surprise still hasn't dissipated.

At this moment, Wu Liang finally felt that it was just trivial foreplay before, and the real drama was about to begin.

And it was the heart-swallowing banshee who did not belong to the top level that ignited the drama.

Wu Liang hadn't looked at what other more powerful monsters were going to do. At this moment, he just looked at the notes of the Heart-Swallowing Banshee, and the last trace of doubt in his heart was finally completely dissipated.

[Heart-swallowing banshee, her self-seal has been released, and her original appearance has been restored. She is a super-high-level demon cultivator, and has broken through the first barrier of the world of mortals. Her inheritance comes from the ancient sky-swallowing demon sect, which can devour everything to help herself The body is detached, she has swallowed more than 99 powerful soul hearts, and once she has collected all [-], she can immediately obtain the body of a sky demon, breaking through the two barriers of ruthlessness and longevity in one fell swoop, and leaping into the realm of immortality and immortality. realm of destruction. 】

[Remark [-]: Host, you are really in big trouble. 】

[Remark [-]: Those who break one of the three obstacles in the Supreme will be rejected by the world of Erzhou. Choose to hide in the blessed place of the cave to avoid the induction of heaven and earth. 】

[Remark [-]: There is no secret realm where you can avoid induction in the ancient Nie Shiwan Mountain, so all the strong people in the Shiwan Mountain choose to seal their cultivation bases, and the Heart-Swallowing Banshee is one of them, forcibly sealing the body of the semi-finished sky demon, and even the realm Falling half a step too high. 】

[Remark [-]: Now that the seal has been released, the Heart-Swallowing Banshee will be sensed by Erzhou Tiandi. Even if there is a demon god's relic that can resist one or two, she still has to face that choice for at least a few hours. 】

[Special Note: Host, are you ready for the real big show? 】

(End of this chapter)

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