Chapter 915 How dare you beat me

In the ancient times, many mythical animal races were incredibly tyrannical, and the Golden-winged Roc clan and the Dragon clan were the best among them.Needless to say, the dragon race is fully worthy of being the most powerful race since the beginning of the world, and has an incredible status in the heavens and the world.

But the golden-winged roc is also extraordinary. It is rumored that some adult rocs will even use the dragon clan as rations if they become fierce.

Ordinarily, these two races should be sworn enemies of each other.

But at this time, Wu Liang saw a fierce beast that combined the characteristics of these two races.

Golden Winged Dragon Owl!

That's right, this rank-nine ferocious beast that has broken the bloodline barrier.

The whole body is covered with golden feathers, and each feather looks extremely tough and sharp, like a peerless sharp blade covered with a body, coupled with a large curved golden beak, and a pair of claws that are strong enough to catch mountains claws.

Anyone who sees it can't help but feel chills in their hearts.

Besides that, the most eye-catching thing on it is the pair of golden horns on top of its head, which exude an incomparably noble aura.

That's a dragon horn!

Undoubtedly, Wu Liang knew it just by looking at it.

Among the heavens and the world, there is only the horn of a creature like a dragon that looks so tall and can exude a noble and majestic aura.

Compared with these two major characteristics, the characteristics of the "night owl family" displayed in the rest of this beast are very inconspicuous.

"Tsk tsk, could this guy's ancestor be the crystallization of a dragon and a golden-winged roc after they fell in love and killed each other, then they fell and mated with a night owl, and finally gave birth to the deformed golden-winged dragon owl And a mighty beast."

"Your circle is really messed up!"

In the dark, Wu Liang made a complaint like a critical blow.

It was also thanks to the Golden Winged Dragon Owl launching an attack on the magic tire with all his strength at this time, so he didn't feel the critical attack from Wu Liang at all.

If you hear it, it must be a desperate effort.

Although Wu Liang's guess is completely correct, it can be regarded as exposing the shortcomings.

Who can bear it?
What's more, it's still a ferocious ninth-rank beast.

After complaining about Long Xiao's bloodline, Wu Liang's eyes finally fell on the last beast.


The incomparably majestic but full of evil roar resounded through the Demon God's womb at this moment.

Then Wu Liang saw it, and the void began to tremble crazily with "bang bang bang". After breaking free from its shackles, an unprecedentedly large beast appeared in the eyes of all the monsters, Wu Liang, and the devil fetus.

That's an elephant!
To be exact, it was an ancient golem that should have been extinct long ago.

In ancient times, there once was a race of monsters, occupying the throne of the largest beast in the mainland all the year round.

It was only later that disasters and catastrophes came, and all of this race became extinct.

What Wu Liang didn't expect was that there was still one of the ancient evils in the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

"Boom~ bang bang bang"

"boom boom"

"Ang~Ang Aang"

For an instant, the stage seemed to become it.

The long-haired golem, whose body swelled terrifyingly, stepped on the ground with four giant legs like pillars of heaven, as if it wanted to smash the womb of the demon god directly, and its body was covered with extremely thick, long hairs of devilish nature. The ivory almost pierces the sky.

At this time, it launched a magical power of "war charge" or "earth collision", and directly used its huge body that crushed all the demons to charge towards the devil tire.

Wu Liang seemed to be able to foresee it. If this collision happened, even if the body of the devil embryo had absorbed the essence left by the body of the devil god, it might not be able to eat it and walk around.

What's more, at this time, it's not just the golem king who is doing it.

The rest of the monsters used almost the strongest supernatural powers, and none of them held back.

Don't give a chance!

Surround and kill with all your strength!

"Okay, as expected of a group of demons who have experienced many battles, they acted together under tacit agreement. Obviously, they didn't intend to give the devil a little time to react. It was really scary."

"However, if this continues, I will be very boring. After laying the groundwork for such a long time, I still feel very sad that I haven't had the opportunity to act aggressively. Since the broken devil embryo was conceived by Rao Shizi Chi Demon God, Please show a little power, the unicorn arm of this sect leader is ready to move."

It can only be said that when a melon-eating crowd actually thinks about acting aggressively, Wu Liang is the only one.

But at the next moment, it seemed that it was really in response to Wu Liang's request.

Motu, who had been staring at you as a defensive means, suddenly made a move.

Obviously, it can't do without hands. After all, it is in a developing state, but it is besieged by a group of perverted monsters. Even if it can be predicted to be very perverted after it is conceived, it has not been conceived yet.

If you don't do it, you will be divided up by the monsters.

"Boom~ Chick"

Without warning, the Golden Winged Dragon Owl was attacked.

This is easy to understand, who makes it the fastest, and whoever does not hit it.

However, it turned into a golden light and descended on the top of the devil's head in an instant. The moment those terrifying sharp claws were about to touch the head of the devil's head, there was a group of people on the left who were frantically pouring blood and vitality. The "blood vessel" formed by the bright red tentacles suddenly separated from the magic embryo, and then drew towards it at a speed not weaker than that of the golden-winged dragon owl.

As a ninth-rank ferocious beast, the golden-winged dragon owl has extremely keen natural perception, but for some reason, as soon as it got close to the magic fetus, its blood perception power from the two major races was thrown into chaos, and it was only obtained at the last moment. Just a warning.

Then, it is too late.



Was ~ was pumped away.

After running rampant across the two states for many years, even the masters of the human race and the demon race could not do anything about it, the Golden Winged Dragon Owl encountered a long-lost lesson.

It wailed, containing extremely strong anger.

Because one of its sharp claws was almost severed by the tentacle blood vessel.

Although this time, it perfectly blocked the erosive power of the blood vessel with the realm and cultivation base of the Ninth Grade Breaking the Blood Vessel, but it couldn't stop the end of the huge force that broke its sharp claws after it was pulled over. With a strong body, this injury can be recovered in a few breaths.

But even so, it still couldn't stop its fury.

It is a golden-winged dragon owl, and its ancestors are the great golden-winged roc and the dragon clan. When the two races are combined, it is not too much to say that it is awesome.

"Ben Xiao's background? How dare you beat me?"

In the bottom of Long Xiao's heart, he probably had this kind of thought.

So after a sharp hiss, he rushed up again with a "beep" regardless of the sharp claws that had not yet recovered.

Then, a "bang" was heard, and it was pulled back again.

This time, there was even an extra wound on the beak.

Of course, they were all insignificant minor injuries, but they were just a little hurt to self-esteem.

So the Golden Winged Dragon Owl charged again angrily.

Is it stupid?
Naturally not, because at this time, the other monsters were also launching the same charge. Although the endings were similar, the scene suddenly fell into a state that was extremely unfavorable to the magic fetus.

(End of this chapter)

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