Chapter 917 An Addictive Character

Compared with the Golden Winged Dragon Owl and the Heart-Swallowing Banshee, the tastes of the rest of the monsters are much more normal.

The blood-like demon venerable and the dead soul Taoist are focusing on the body of the devil fetus that is being conceived, and the devil soul that has not been revealed.

Flesh body, it should be known that this is made of the majestic blood of tens of thousands of living beings in the ancient evil one hundred thousand mountains, as well as the energy of spirit veins and primordial spirit, as well as the blood of the demon god with a huge origin. The most precious treasures of heaven and earth.

No spiritual thing or panacea can compare with it.

And its devil soul is very likely to contain all the memory inheritance of this ancient devil god who has fallen for many years.

Compared with the flesh, it is even more precious.

Because of this, there are still some monsters and beasts, and they don't think about anything else at all. The scene that is directly exposed is astonishingly about to take the flesh and the demon soul in one pot.

For example, the Vulcan crocodile, which is only a little smaller than the long-haired golem king, opened its bloody mouth and devoured it towards this area. It actually wanted to swallow it all. I have to say that it was too ambitious big.

Unfortunately, before it succeeded, the Golem King trampled on its body without any hesitation and rushed over.

Poor this divine crocodile with extraordinary bloodlines, holding a mouthful of divine fire in its throat, almost blew itself up.

"Tsk tsk, it's too intense, too nervous."

"Who can get the inheritance of the demon god? I support..."

That's right, there is no one else who can complain and speak at this time except Wu Liang.

This guy seemed completely unaware of the changes in the arena, still immersed in the role of the melon-eating crowd, watching the fierce scene and silently began to choose who to cheer for and support.

Eleven monsters, most of them are disgusting guys.

And Wu Liang, a proper senior member of the Appearance Association, oh no, is the president.

So this servant chose the Heart-Swallowing Banshee without hesitation. Although this banshee is also quite disgusting and terrifying, she is good-looking after all.

In this regard, Wu Liang is confident.

"It looks good, it's the truth!"

But even with Wu Liang's support, the Heart-Swallowing Banshee would not be able to succeed.

Who made this guy's support, always talking but not doing it, it's completely poisonous milk.

Compared with the excitement of all the monsters and Wu Liang's nervousness, the experience of the magic fetus is very bad.

"Boom~ boom boom boom"

The magic tire, which was still unable to move, felt eleven terrifying forces around it. Although it could not be compared with it at the level of life, the situation at this time was that this group of "lower beings" were about to tear it apart.

Magic tire, very angry.

If it weren't for this group of monsters who broke in before it was fully conceived, all of this would not have happened.

If it has already been born, not to mention the eleven beings who just broke through the first pass, or the strong ones who broke through the second pass, or even the third pass, it is not afraid at all.

In the field, whose background can be compared with it?

Descendants of demon gods!

And the battle just now made Motu furious.

Those tentacles that showed terrifying power not long ago, unexpectedly knelt down so quickly.

What about the collected invincible tentacle monster?

According to the normal demon script, shouldn't these demons come to deliver food?

Why all of a sudden, the food delivery person became the food eater.

This is a bit far from the inheritance memory in the mind of the magic fetus.

Very poor delivery experience!

It's a pity that anger is anger, and there seems to be no good way for the magic tire.

After all, it is not a real demon god. Although its origin is terrifying, it has not been successfully conceived.

It has the inherited memory of the fallen demon god!

Conceived in the Fate of the Demon God!
Devour the spirit of life!

Parasitic on the spiritual veins of the Hundred Thousand Mountains!

All of this shows that a new demon god is going to be born and destroy the world.

And its existence also reveals the secrets of the ancient gods.

Heaven and Myriad Realms!

Why is the ancient god family with the strongest combat power, who have been exterminated many times, but can always be resurrected.

The reason is here, the ancient gods, regardless of male or female, as long as the remnants are not wiped out after the fall, new demon gods can be conceived within the fate.

Such a method may sound like nothing at first glance.

But just think about it, at the life level of the ancient gods, it seems that only they have such a means of reproduction.The other ancient powerhouses and races, even though their strength is not inferior to the ancient gods, they are far behind in this aspect.

However, compared with other "devil species", this ancient evil fetus is a bit unlucky at this time.

A group of monsters broke in.

And all of them are self-sealed monsters. Unlocking the seal at this time is essentially equivalent to a burst seed, perfectly restraining the "tentacle monster" it incarnates.

Strangely, it couldn't move.

And the method of "staring at you and not moving" seems to have failed.

This scene became very embarrassing at once. In the devil's eyes of the devil's fetus, besides the majesty of the devil who is high above and suppressing everything, finally a raging anger emerged.


"Mole~ ants, all go to die."

Accompanied by a loud noise, a terrifying force erupted from the devil's body, and all the eleven monsters who wanted to divide the devil's body and eat them all flew out backwards, without exception.

And at the moment when they flew upside down, an angry and crazy voice sounded from the demon god's womb.

The owner of the voice, without a doubt, is the magic fetus.

As the successor of the Fallen Demon God, as a demon species that is likely to regain the body of the Demon God in the future, its voice is full of arrogance, majesty, and the kind of domineering contempt for everything.

The magic fetus probably thought that after it said this, a group of ants with extremely low life levels should die automatically.

It's a pity that as soon as the voice sounded.

Wu Liang, who was hiding in the dark, couldn't help shaking his head.

"Sure enough, newborns are immature. Even the demon seeds conceived in the womb of the demon god cannot escape the laws and laws that prevail in all heavens and myriad worlds."

"This pretense is not only unreasonable, but also reveals my own details. This little one is going to be dangerous."

Wu Liang shook his head while criticizing the magic tire.

This guy completely forgot that he was on this trip, he came in as a "sorrel", not a melon eater.

But this fully demonstrates that the people who eat melons are actually an addictive character.

Even Wu Liang, a guy who loves to pretend, is not immune.

However, as a cunning and cunning guy whose stomach wobbles casually, his prediction is 100% correct.




Almost immediately, the eyes of the eleven monsters who were blown away again, including the big corpse monster that seemed to have no IQ, all brightened up when they heard the voice of the devil fetus, greedy and greedy. Unable to contain her excitement any longer, Qi Qi showed it all.

(End of this chapter)

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