The most powerful system in history

Chapter 92 The Harvest of War

Chapter 92 The Harvest of War

"bring it on!"


Coincidentally, both of them chose fists for their first strike.

"Strong Vajra Fist"

"Blood Fist"


The two figures went up and down, each with a terrifying aura and then forcibly bumped into each other, and the terrifying aura immediately shot out in all directions.



The two of them stagnated at the same time, then their bodies shook, and each took a step back.


The first strike between the two ended in a tie, Wu Liang didn't show any surprise on his face, but Zhao Mang was shocked.

"Soul Transformation First Realm!"

"No wonder, you insidious little bastard, you secretly promoted and transformed your soul but kept it secret. You sneak attack killed my uncle."

"Little bastard, I want your life."


Surprise was followed by intense anger, which completely overwhelmed Zhao Mang. He only thought that Wu Liang was a guy deliberately playing tricks, and he killed his uncle in a sneak attack.When Zhao Mang was stimulated by his anger, he immediately exploded, and for some reason, his body doubled again, and his momentum increased even more, and he rushed towards Wu Liang.

As soon as this happened, Wu Liang's face darkened, and he couldn't help but want to tell Zhao Mang: "He didn't play any tricks, that old guy came to the door automatically, and he fell down without even seeing his face. Mid-level."

But after thinking about it, Wu Liang still didn't say anything, of course it was because of the pressure brought by Lu Xue.

This little girl seems to have awakened some extraordinary attributes. The scene of killing people is so beautiful that it makes people suffocate. I don’t know when the world of ice and snow descended on King Kong Peak. All the bald donkeys are in obsession and fear Fallen.

The key is speed. In just a few breaths, half of the bald donkeys in Yishan have been killed by Lu Xue.

If this goes on like this, Wu Liang guesses that after Lu Xue finishes his work, he will still be chatting with this big bald head here.

When the time comes, Xiao Nizi will underestimate her.

Everything can be tolerated, but this cannot be tolerated.


As soon as this idea came out, Wu Liang lost all interest in fighting with the big bald head.


Wu Liang drew his sword, and Zhao Mang suffered a tragedy.

"Vigorously Vajra Fist!"

"Protoss Sword Art!"

Even though it was just a basic sword art, it exploded with unimaginable power in Wu Liang's hands.

This time, Dali couldn't produce any miracles.

After only persisting for a few rounds, Zhao Mang was defeated.

The rough edge of the sword broke through Zhao Mang's defense and pierced directly into his heart. When the tip of the sword spit out slightly, the sword light destroyed Zhao Mang's body.


"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully killing [King Kong Sovereign Zhao Mang], experience 100."

As soon as the notification sound came out, Wu Liang began to enjoy the wonderful sound that followed in his mind.

Because following Wu Liang's actions, a snowstorm completely froze the entire King Kong Peak.

As the snowflakes flutter, the bald donkeys all perish.

The war... is over!

"Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the [Conquest of the Nine Cauldron Sect] war, targeting the Vajra Sect, the suzerain is dead, and all the disciples in the sect have fallen."

"[Plunder Card] is activated, and the system begins to evaluate."


"Evaluation is over, start looting!"

As soon as those four words came out, a lot of information flooded into Wu Liang's mind.


"A mysterious diamond vein"

"One hundred thousand low-grade spirit stones"

"[-] middle-grade spirit stones"

"Ten thousand top-grade spirit stones"

"Fifty Mu of Huangjie Medicine Field"

"Three acres of Xuanjie medicine field"

"Thousands of weapons of all kinds"

"[-] bags of Lingmi"


"Ding, after the looting is over, the host will have two choices."

"One is that the host will dispose of the loot by itself, and the system will not interfere in any way."

"Another kind of host can hand in all the loot, and a total of 20 points can be exchanged."

"The host please choose?"

As soon as the final plundering results came out, Wu Liang couldn't help showing a look of surprise, but after thinking about it for a while, Wu Liang had a choice.


Wu Liang spoke directly.

Just kidding, if Wu Liang didn't have a cheating device like the system, and he was really just a second-rank sect, he would naturally choose the first one, which could absorb all the property of the Vajra Sect to the maximum extent, so as to enhance the foundation of his sect.Although such efficiency and speed are very slow, the time span is also very long.

But Wu Liang is different, especially at this time, exchanging points is the best choice.

What's more, it is such a "huge sum" of 20.

Wu Liang's eyes turned red when he heard that number.

Although Wu Liang paid [-] points to start the war, the reward was doubled.

Although this kind of "investment" does not seem so attractive, you must know that the intermediate process does not even take a day.

Especially enemies like the Vajra Sect, Wu Liang had to destroy in the first place.

Gaining a lot of points while destroying the enemy is simply a windfall.


Wu Liang's breathing was slightly rapid, and now he was suddenly looking forward to the arrival of other enemies.

Under the temptation of the kill order of the Evil Sword Sect, those solitary monks and sects of the second and third ranks probably couldn't bear it and would come to the Nine Cauldrons Sect to make trouble.Wu Liang saw them as troublesome before, but now, in Wu Liang's eyes, those people are no different from "boys giving money".

"Return to the sect!"

With the harvested 20 points, Wu Liang happily took Lu Xue back to Jiuding Peak, leaving a lonely and barren King Kong Peak.

Soon, after only half an hour, the news of the King Kong Sect's demise spread throughout Daluo County.

The three characters of Jiudingzong immediately resounded through this realm.

This wave once again brought Wu Liang a hundred reputations, which made Wu Liang even more delighted.

In the Daluo County of Nuoda, I am afraid that there is no more famous existence than Wu Liang and Jiudingzong at this time.

According to the past rules, the Nine Cauldron Sect, which has replaced the Vajra Sect, would have already had a large number of people, and those sects with casual cultivation, first-rank, second-rank or low-level sects would all come to pay a visit.

But at this time, there was no one there.

The reason is also very simple, the evil sword sect must kill the order.

The monks in Daluo County are all waiting, waiting for the moment when the dust settles.

Was it the Xie Daozong's kill order that completely destroyed the Jiudingzong, or the Jiudingzong could carry it through.

However, almost no one stood in the latter camp, and all the monks believed that the Jiudingzong would definitely be destroyed.

In their cognition, Jiudingzong is just a third-rank sect that just showed its prominence, and it is impossible to compete with a fourth-rank sect that also has a huge influence in Zhenwu County, not to mention the real Xie Daozong. However, even those cultivator sects who have been summoned by the killing order can overwhelm the Jiuding sect.

A "overlord" who is about to be destroyed, of course no one will curry favor with him.

It's just that the next development of the situation exceeded the expectations of the cultivators in Daluo County. In the past ten days, there have been at least a dozen waves of lone cultivators in the soul-shattering state who received the kill order from the Evil Sword Sect, and then went to Jiuding peak.

These lone cultivators may think that Jiudingzong is a soft persimmon, a stepping stone.

Unexpectedly, Jiudingzong became their death place.

(End of this chapter)

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