Chapter 928 Can a poisonous tongue be taken away
"kill him!"

"First strike is stronger!"



The six of them worked together, but they saw the ghostly shadow of the Six Paths appearing in front of Wu Liang who had just completed his "transformation".

It has to be said that these six are indeed worthy of the status of the top powerhouses in the two states of Qiankun.

At this time, let go of your arrogance and join forces to block the magic embryo that has successfully seized the house. The void was directly forged into a cage-like boundary, and there was no way to escape.

Let Wu Liang, or the magic fetus, have to face the six magical powers.

The six supernatural powers come from Haotianzong, Xiaoleiyin Temple, Yunxiaozong, Wanyao Kongcheng, Jinguangding, and Shikeling. The six most powerful forces in the two states of Qiankun have great effects in suppressing luck, even outside the territory. The world also has a lot of fame.

These six supernatural powers seem to have surpassed Wu Liang's legendary sword moves.

Ordinarily, Wu Liang should be panicked at this moment.

It's a pity that what the six people saw at this time was a smile of extreme contempt.

In the area that was about to be destroyed by the six magical powers, although the figure was still the same figure, anyone who was not blind could see it.

That person's breath and temperament changed dramatically.

If we talk about Wu Liang before, he gives people a feeling of being lazy and unrestrained.

The current Wu Liang, however, makes everyone in the field feel that it is not a single person standing there, but a super fierce beast that is about to go mad. The terrifying and fierce momentum is like a violent tide, wave after wave A wave came out.

In those eyes, even more malice almost overflowed.



Even in the face of the supernatural powers of the Six Paths that wanted to destroy everything, the demon fetus who succeeded in seizing the house didn't seem to care at all. After a contemptuous smile, there was a "buzz", and he took a step lightly. The gray light on his body flashed, and then All six people saw it when they got down.

His figure disappeared in a very strange way, and after a flash, he appeared in another void.

While twisting his body, as if he was feeling this brand new body, he slowly raised his arms, and amidst the flickering light, a black long sword appeared in his hand.

The devil pinched the long sword transformed into a black snitch, lightly flicked the edge of the sword with his white fingers, but heard a "ding", a frightening hum spread, with infinite sharpness contained in it, and there was a The sword aura that frightened the two powerhouses including Haotianzong and Wanyao Kongcheng faintly appeared.

"I didn't expect that a small ant of the human race could own such a good sword. It's a waste of heaven and earth. Just like the sword art of my family, this sword should belong to the god. Human race, such a despicable race, is not worthy to have it. .”


As soon as Motu's voice fell, the human race in the field expressed their dissatisfaction.

The grand master's uncle of the Haotian School, the cold female fairy of the Yunxiao School, and the old monk of the Xiaoleiyin Temple, all three are human races, so they can't listen to this disgusting deformity speak ill of their own race, especially Still hugely untrue.

It should be noted that although there are hundreds of millions of races in the heavens and myriad worlds, if there is a competition for the strongest race, the human race can definitely occupy a place.

Especially with the departure of the ancient era, the power of the human race has expanded. Except for a few worlds and planes, the human race has almost become the absolute protagonist.

For example, in the two states of Qiankun and Qiankun, only the monster race can fight against the human race.

And in the legendary world of Zhongzhou, everyone also faintly heard that although the human race is not the dominant protagonist in it, it gradually has this trend.

Human race!

As such a gifted and intelligent race, how could it not deserve a broken sword?

The three strong men of the human race uttered such roars deep in their hearts.

Regarding this, the black snitch said: Leaving aside the matter of the human race, where is the sword broken?
The other three monster clan powerhouses on the side were about to show that they belonged to the people who eat melons, but they didn't expect a map cannon to fly over.

"And you, just some birds and beasts, are all acquired beasts after chaos, even more despicable than humans, and you were so bold to attack this god before, really thought that this god is a newborn, so I can't obliterate you? "

"In all the heavens and worlds, only my family is the only and real protagonist. You chickens and dogs should all die."


The declaration of being a secondary, shameful, and part-time map gun was spit out from the mouth of the magic tire, but it made the faces of the six strong players in the field turn black.

Several strong men who had experienced Wu Liang's poisonous tongue talent couldn't help but have a doubt in their hearts: Could it be that after the seizure, even this kind of chatter and poisonous tongue can be snatched together?
Several people are thinking about the possibility.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the old monk, who had the deepest hatred for the devil's fetus, clasped his hands together as if waking up from a big dream, and uttered an angry roar like a blow to the head: "No, we have been deceived by this devil's supernatural power, it stalling for time."


Before the words fell, the old monk shot first, and the terrifying palm filled with Buddha's light directly shattered the void in front of him, turning into a huge and unparalleled golden slap out of thin air and blasting towards the devil carrying the sword. Appeared again.

At the same time, the other five people shot directly at the moment of waking up.

The almost perfect attack and killing pattern was successful again, but unfortunately this time the opponent was no longer subject to many constraints as before, and could not let go of his hands and feet to fight at all.

Today's magic tire is awesome.

However, facing the terrifying supernatural powers around him, the devil sneered. I don't know when, the devil's aura that escaped all the time from the devil's body was integrated into the body, and it didn't leak out at all. It seemed that Wu Liang was the same as before. of Wu Liang.

A human youth with a handsome face and a slender figure!

But inside, it's completely different.

That difference is a difference in the level of life.

Before he knew it, Wu Liang's body had already made a leap.The flesh and blood essence contained in his body is no longer what a human youth should have. Even a human race in the Yuanshi Realm, or even a human race in the Supreme Realm, should not have such a majestic flesh and blood essence.


"bang bang bang"

The six strong men seem to be able to hear the sound of blood and bone marrow boiling and flowing in Wu Liang's body at this moment, like the sound of thunder in ancient times, so terrifying.

And the real great terror came the next moment.


After a disdainful sneer, Motu didn't immediately pick up the long sword to use the sword art, but silently raised his arm, and then, in a way that seemed extremely slow but actually transcended the concept of time, he moved the fair-skinned The fist was thrown out slowly.

The result was beyond everyone's expectations.

(End of this chapter)

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