Chapter 934

The six powerful men from the six strongest forces of the ninth rank in the two states of Qiankun are about to fall under the crush of the origin of the Chaos Demon God.

Is it an honor?
Of course not!

On the contrary, the six were all angry and unwilling, and wanted to resist.It's a pity that the trend of the times, even the six ancient treasures are destroyed, injured, and they themselves are suppressed by the origin of chaos, unable to move, and even the souls are stagnant, how can they resist?

Even the two most powerful ones are also in a desperate situation.

Of course, even in this desperate situation, these six still maintained their strong demeanor.

The scene of begging for mercy that Motu wanted to hear and see did not appear.

On the contrary, the eyes of the six people looking at the magic tire seemed to be looking at a dead person.

The white-clothed master uncle of the Haotian School was the first to speak: "Great? It's just a filthy obscurity, even if you can kill us, so what, our sect will come in a while, you have wasted precious money!" How long can the original evils live?"

"Left and right, it's just a stillbirth."

"That's right!"

The middle-aged man in black in Wan Yao Kong City spoke concisely.

What the two said is indeed true.

Although the Demon God's Fate Aperture prevented the Void Portal from continuing to send the strong over, it didn't mean that they couldn't come, at most, it changed from being sent to coming here with hard work.

After fighting for such a long time, no matter how slow the speed of the powerful army of the six major sects is, it is time to come here.Maybe they won't be able to enter the Demon God's remains for a while, but with their methods, it may be difficult for the Demon Embryo to escape.

After all, at that time, it was impossible to fight alone, but six armies against one of them.

The point is, there are six most powerful existences in the Qiankun and Erzhou states.

There is simply no chance of winning if the original magic tire is consumed.


For a moment, Motu also realized this.

However, the frightened look on its face only lasted for a moment.

Soon, it had countermeasures.

While urging the source of chaos to crush the six powerhouses, he laughed maniacally and said, "A few ignorant ants, how can they speculate on the means of this god, and even want to ambush this god, and wait for this god to take care of you little ants? , directly took the remains of the ancestral body and left this world from the void barrier, and waited for the day when the god reshaped the origin and achieved chaos, and then came back to devour all the creatures in this world."

"Hahaha... let's go, ants."


As the voice of the devil's fetus fell, the six of them felt their souls tremble, and the power of chaos that could crush everything shrouded them.

That is the origin of the demon god, the aura of chaos before the creation of the world.

There is no distinction between good and evil in this power, nor does it belong to the laws of heaven and earth such as yin and yang and five elements.

It is the purest power, pure power and fierceness.

Once they fall under such power, there will only be one fate for the six of them, and that is...death.

Yep, this is it.

After the fall, the souls of the six of them will also dissipate, and there is no possibility of reincarnation.

Although most creatures do not have the opportunity to reincarnate and rebuild, this does not include those who have broken the barrier of the world, they have broken the barrier of the world, and under the blessing of the rules of heaven and earth, they can increase Wanzai Shouyuan is naturally different.

In fact, once such a strong person falls unexpectedly, as long as the soul can be reincarnated, there is still a certain chance of awakening the memory and making a comeback.

But at this moment, the origin of the Chaos Demon God is destroying this opportunity.

Under this kind of atmosphere, even though the six were strong men who had gone through many years of fighting and had extremely firm minds, they couldn't help showing a hint of sadness.

Seeing their faces made Motu laugh even more wildly.

Until the next moment, a mocking sneer, which seemed to be endured for a long time, came without warning.



After several battles, the dust in the Demon God's Fate Aperture had settled down, and the Demon Embryo thought everything was under control, so this sneer suddenly appeared at this time, which seemed extraordinarily frightening.

At the same time as he asked that sentence, there was a "boom", and a gray ripple visible to the naked eye swept across the entire Demon God's life aperture in an instant.With the means of the magic tire and the advantage of the home field, it is impossible for anyone to escape its detection.

However, the strange thing is that this sweep did not produce any results.

In the Fate Aperture, apart from it and six strong men who are about to fall, there are no living beings.

Just when the devil thought that he had an illusion, a lazy and slow voice, full of beating breath, suddenly sounded from the devil's body.

"Hey, aren't you a great demon god? Why are you blind? Isn't the master right here?"

"Oh, I almost forgot, you can't see yourself, after all, your IQ is not enough."

At this time, the six powerhouses finally saw clearly that the one who spoke at this time was the magic fetus, oh no, it should be Wu Liang to be correct.

It's an embarrassing tone!
Definitely the kid, didn't run away.

This idea sounded in the minds of the Bright Condors at the same time.

Although it was only a few days of contact, to be honest, Wu Liang still left a deep impression in the eyes of these top powerhouses.

After all, there are too few such cheap and shameless young arrogance.

The moment they heard this voice, the six of them were pleasantly surprised.

At the same time, another doubt arose, everyone could clearly see the previous scene.

The demon fetus gave up the demon body obtained by condensing the essence and blood of tens of millions of creatures and the majestic energy of the primordial spirit, and integrated all of it into this child's body, and then seized it. The chance of success is not too high, and the subsequent changes have also proved that The magic tire's seizure was successful.

Why is this kid coming out again at this time?
The six powerhouses thought to themselves that even if they faced that situation, they would not be able to escape.

Although this son is very talented, how can he be compared with them who have broken through the barriers of the world of mortals?

Not to mention, surpass them.

This unscientific!

Like the six powerhouses, Motu also wanted to roar like this.

It's a pity that after Wu Liang opened his mouth, that face that belonged to him began to change. The rampant, twisted, and fierce look all faded away, and turned into a lazy, mean and delicate face. Even the pupil of the demon god, which was filled with the aura of chaos, gradually returned to black and white.

Origin disappeared?
No, it was just forcibly taken back into this body.


Without warning, a strange sound came from the void.

At the same time, there was a cold cry from Wu Liang.

"It's almost time, you deformed child, who has occupied the noble body of the head of the sect for so long, you should be satisfied, let me get out first."



As soon as Wu Liang's words fell, it seemed that a certain existence in his body suffered a huge blow. Suddenly, the void rippled, and a huge, distorted gray shadow was forcibly blasted out.

As soon as he appeared, he let out a sharp roar.

The aura that made the six powerhouses feel familiar once again filled the space of the Demon God's Fate Aperture.That gray shadow, twisted, bloated and ugly, dusty and full of an evil and chaotic atmosphere, was the deformed child born with bad birth.

(End of this chapter)

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