Chapter 938 The Eye of the Ancient God
Divinity, the beginning of all.

Including the magic fetus, all the beings in the field couldn't believe the scene in front of them. Wu Liang's soul left his body, revealing his divine side.

Doesn't this mean that this child may become a god in the future?



All of a sudden, the six powerhouses all felt a strong tremor sweeping through their life orifices. The source was the billions of dusty light spots that penetrated the three rings, and they all understood that this was a demon. The soul of the fetus is roaring and going crazy.

It's easy to understand how the Devil's Embryo is. As the orthodox descendant of the "Devil God Chi", it has inherited the origin of the Demon God, and it can't even shape its divinity.

If it weren't for this, all the creatures here, including Wu Liang, would have been killed by it long ago.

The first prerequisite for those terrifying supernatural powers to be displayed is divinity.

Because it does not have divinity, the magic tire can only display some clumsy methods.

Including the "eternal seizing method" at this time, although its power is terrifying, there is also a serious price, that is, if it fails, the soul of the devil's fetus will be swallowed by the opponent in turn, but it will not cause any side effects. Made a wedding dress.

"God~ divinity, it's mine."

"I am God."


Finally, after feeling a ray of divinity in Wu Liang's soul, the soul of the devil's fetus went crazy, and the billions of light spots broke out in an instant and completely got rid of the shackles of the three rings, and then the frenzy moved towards Wu Liang's soul come.


An unprecedented shock is coming.

Those hundreds of millions of light spots impressively included the complete inheritance memory of the demon god, as well as the twisted and bloated power of the demon soul.The six in the field are almost sure that even the souls of some lower gods will definitely not be able to withstand their impact.

The eternal method of seizing homes!
The supernatural powers of the Chaos Demon God are so domineering, there is no reason at all.

Although the divinity in Wu Liang's soul gave the six Qiankun powerhouses a glimmer of hope, it was quickly shattered.

Since even the intact lower gods can't resist the Eternal Seizing Law, how can a mere ray of divinity that was born because of the origin of the demon god be able to stop it?

The appearance of that divinity might be the beginning of another huge disaster.

Once the demon soul is successfully seized, it means that a nearly complete demon god will be born immediately.

Although the background of Qiankun and Erzhou is not shallow, how can they resist a demon god?
This means that the second state is going to end?
It has to be said that the thoughts of these overly powerful people are powerful, and they can think of many things in such a crisis.

But if Wu Liang knew what they were thinking, he would definitely tell them: You think too much.

Crisis does not exist.


Wu Liang stood in the sky with his soul body.Seeing the surging ocean made up of light spots of the soul, feeling the anger of the devil's embryo surging in it, Wu Liang's soul smiled faintly, and could not see the slightest dignifiedness.

Yes, just confidence and relief.

His gaze was like looking at a mischievous brat.

While watching, he shook his head and said: "It's hard for you, a deformity. The Eternal Seizing of Houses is indeed the only supernatural power you have a chance to turn around. It's a pity that the source is not in you, and you are a deformity born of evil spirit. Unorthodox How can a blood descendant be favored by the world."

"The most important thing is that you should never, ever become the opponent of this sect master."

"Let's go on the road with peace of mind, dear."


This wave of Wu Liang is simply pretending to be extremely fresh and refined.

Although there were only six spectators at the scene, the status of these six spectators was enough to match that of millions of monks. Their witness made Wu Liang's wave even more perfect.

Paired with his soul exuding divinity, it is simply awesome.

Of course, what is even more awesome is the follow-up shot of this guy.

After the divinity was born, Wu Liang seemed to have entered an extremely mysterious state.

His gaze went straight past billions of light spots, and also through the obstacles of the demon god's life orifice, and through the void, and finally seemed to stay on the high sky, but what he saw was the entire universe. All patterns.


"Ding, since the host has given birth to a trace of divinity, the body has begun to undergo transformation. The first transformation is the Tianzi Wangqi Art, which is being upgraded..."

"Ding, it has been upgraded!"

"The host possesses the supernatural power [Emperor's Watching Qi Technique], which has been upgraded to a legendary supernatural power [Pupil of the Ancient God]."

[Pupil of the Ancient God: Legendary supernatural powers have entered the level of law. The host with this pupil will have eyesight comparable to that of a god. All concealment and illusions will be invisible in front of the host. To a certain extent, the host has Almost divine. 】

[Remark [-]: What?The perverted host wants to see through?This function is too evil, whether it is available or not, please let the host explore by himself, this system must draw a clear line with you. 】

[Remark [-]: This pupil technique is bound to the divinity in the host body, as long as the divinity is not lost, this pupil will also remain constant. 】

[Remark [-]: The transformation of this pupil comes from divinity, and this is just the beginning. 】



The reminder in Wu Liang's mind is not wrong at all.

Wu Liang himself could clearly feel that the appearance of the pupil of the ancient god was just the beginning. With the fusion of the origin of the demon god and Wu Liang's soul, the divinity continued to grow, and many incredible transformations were taking place in Wu Liang's body.

Even Wu Liang himself can't predict where the end will be at this time.

At this time, he didn't have time to feel it.

Because he opened the pupils of the ancient gods and saw the entire layout of the two states of Qiankun in an instant, a doubt that had been lingering in his heart for a long time was unraveled without warning at this moment.

In Wu Liang's eyes surging with divine light, a trace of enlightenment flashed across.


"As expected, Qian and Kun, people and monsters, heaven and earth, this sect leader should have thought of it long ago."

"But it's not too late at this time, just in time to solve the little trouble in front of us."


While Wu Liang was talking to himself, he suddenly made a move.

The white luminous soul body suddenly stretched out its hands, and drew it far away to the two states of Qiankun. Suddenly, the six states of Qiankun and two states in the field sensed it at the same time. It seemed that a great event had happened in this world, as if some kind of At this time, the vast aura that is completely integrated with the two states of Qian and Kun is drawn out one by one.

As if to confirm the strong omen in the minds of the six powerhouses, just the next moment, there was a "boom" in unison on the respective sky of the two prefectures of Qiankun and Qiankun, which were originally extremely peaceful, and the phantoms of two unprecedented stalwart divine cauldrons appeared.

Even though it was fleeting, they each produced two auras, one black and one white, directly breaking through all obstacles, and even piercing through the blockade of the Demon God's Fate Aperture, appearing directly in the palms of Wu Liang's hands.

As the six powerhouses who cultivated in the two states of Qiankun and grew up for thousands of years, when they saw the two auras in Wu Liang's palm, Qiqi was shocked, as if thinking of something, even if the mind was as tough as the Haotian School, The two of Wan Yao Floating Void City couldn't contain the horror on their faces at this moment.

However, what is even more frightening is still to come.

(End of this chapter)

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