Chapter 950 Mythical Level

"The host has learned the [Opening Sky] form of the God Clan's sword art, and it is currently being used."

"The ancient Shinto body has passed the judgment and can support the host to cast this sword."

"Successful casting, congratulations to the host, Kaitian Yijian successfully defeated the target Extinction One-style Thunder Excalibur."


"Breaking the system, what level is the first form of opening the sky?"

After reading the prompt, Wu Liang asked directly.

Apparently, he was very curious about the level of a sword move that could defeat such a strong man like Extinction with one move.

And the answer is generally the same as what he guessed.

"The first form of opening the sky has reached the mythical level!"


From the bottom of Wu Liang's heart, he immediately took a deep breath.

Mythical grade!
These three simple words contain very unusual meanings.

The so-called myths are naturally legends about various gods.

This level of sword moves is enough to rank at the top of the two states of Qiankun and crush almost all practitioners.The strongest sword move that Wu Liang acquired before this was also from the God Clan Sword Art, it was the "Into Destruction" style, which was ranked in the legendary level.

As a result, Wu Liang was puzzled again.

It is also from the Divine Clan Sword Art, why does the Kaitian Form exceed the Ruining Form, and above Kaitian, is there a more powerful sword move hidden in the Divine Race Sword Art.

Wu Liang was so puzzled because although he possessed the complete version of the God Clan Sword Art, it was hidden in the depths of his mind in the memory inheritance of the Demon God. .

The system seemed to sense Wu Liang's doubts, and immediately gave an answer.

"The complete version of the Sword Art of the God Race is the supreme sword book from the Chaos Demon God Clan. It contains everything in it, and there are various sword moves. If it is in the hands of a real Demon God, each style is indisputably epic. Into the hands of non-demon god creatures, it has been divided into many levels."

"The highest-level sword move that the host can practice under the current conditions is the Heaven Opening Form. Unless the host's cultivation level skyrockets again, he will no longer be able to have a stronger sword move."


Hearing the prompt, Wu Liang decisively shut up.

Yep, despised.

The meaning of the system is very clear. If the full version of God Race Sword Art is performed by a real demon god, then the power of each style can be called epic, and it will feel like a waste of everything in Wu Liang's hands.

Wu Liang said that he didn't want to talk about it. He is now a demigod. Didn't he see that the six master-level powerhouses in the arena were all frightened by his stance of opening the sky?
Wu Liang's ability to perform the sky-opening style depends on several conditions that no one in the field can match.

The origin of the demon god!

Ancient Shinto body!

And that seemingly inconspicuous black snitch whose origin is actually very mysterious.So much so that the sword move he had just learned could defeat the extinct Thunder Sword of Sect Master Yunxiao as soon as he slashed it out. Strictly speaking, this guy won again by cheating.

Of course, Wu Liang opened and hung up very comfortably this time.

Although it was just a slash with a sword just now, almost all the fighting spirit in Wu Liang's body that wanted to be vented poured out at that moment.

Opening the sky and one style, the acquisition of this is the meaning of opening up the sky and the earth.

Even if it's just an imitation, not the real Open Heaven, Wu Liang must do his best.

So at this moment, Wu Liang, who had finished cutting a sword, felt a hearty feeling surging in his body.

After venting his fighting spirit, this guy let out a long breath with a "huh", and then a mean smile appeared on his face again, and he transformed back into that tired young Tianjiao in a second, that extremely unreliable The head of the emerging Ninth Rank faction, the Nine Cauldron Sect.

"Hey, old~ Senior, do you still want to fight?"

"My master's great sword is about to move. Thinking about it, there are still many swordsmanship that I haven't learned, such as this style of killing gods, and this style of reverse time and space... It seems that the power is good. Do you want to use them all? Woolen cloth."

Do you think this guy is cheap or not?

These sword moves sound powerful, and they are indeed powerful.

But it's a pity that Wu Liang couldn't use it at all.

But even if it can't be used, it doesn't prevent this guy from using it to pretend to be scary.

And it seems that the effect is still good.

After seeing the sky-opening style, no one in the field would regard Wu Liang as a junior who was overconfident.

Officially, Wu Liang is regarded as an equal existence with himself and others, including extinction.

Because of this, although Juejue was very angry at Wu Liang's cheap appearance at this time, and the anger in her heart was just a burst of anger, but in the end she still resisted the urge to attack with all her strength.


A more lingering and difficult breath was spit out from Extinction's mouth.

It can be seen from her frowning that she also has a headache for such a bitch.

"A monster!"

This is the thought of the other powerhouses except for the extermination of the six masters at this moment.

Although the time was short, they had indeed witnessed Wu Liang's rise.

Although they were still very uncomfortable psychologically, the scene just now had confirmed Wu Liang's position.

But the powerful people who witnessed Wu Liang's rise felt very complicated.

One of the vicissitudes of the old man silently looked at Wu Liang who still had the same lazy expression in the field, felt the terrifying aura of opening up the world remaining on him, and sighed silently in his heart: "Finally understand that ten thousand years ago, How those monks who are the same generation as the Holy Master feel, they are really powerless."

"And, after a little comparison, this son seems to be even more exaggerated than that Holy Master."


All the powerful people feel this way in their hearts.

In fact, they are all highly regarded among the monks of the same generation, but compared with Wu Liang in front of them, their brilliance immediately dimmed.

Although the six masters are not as good as them, they are still a headache.

The inheritance is on Wu Liang, and with the strength Wu Liang showed just now, it is obviously impossible to directly force him to hand it over.

If peaceful means are not enough, what about war?
It is obviously not possible, not to mention that once the war starts, it will attract the attention of the entire Qiankun State, and the rest of the ninth-rank forces will inevitably be alarmed, and then there will be another big trouble.

Moreover, even if there is a war, with Wu Liang and Jiudingzong's ability to conquer the entire Gu Nie Shiwan Mountain, it seems that even if they join forces to attack, it seems that they will not be able to succeed in a short time.But once the time is prolonged and this child is allowed to digest the inheritance of the demon god, the consequences...

Neither is peace, nor is war.

Do you have to give up, admit it, let this son get the inheritance, and become the true master of Gu Nie Shiwanshan?

Not only is it extinct, but this thought resolutely passed through the bottom of my heart.

The same is true for the rest of the masters.

For the secret of the ancient evil Hundred Thousand Mountains, the six major forces have all laid down "secrets" early on, and the price is not cheap.

If this son is finally made into a "sorrel", where will the face of the six major forces be put?
Of course, more critical is.

The supreme opportunity is right in front of you, which one is the soft-hearted person in the field?

Which one can sit back and watch the great benefits fall into the hands of others?

Thinking of this, he was desperately suppressing the impulsive extermination of his full-strength shot, suddenly let out a cold snort, then ignored Wu Liang's cheap provocation, turned his head and looked directly at the five masters, the old demon emperor and Mrs. Wan Yao.

Without opening their mouths, just taking a look, these five people immediately understood the meaning of extinction.

(End of this chapter)

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