Chapter 952
If you only look at the exchange scene between Wu Liang and the old demon emperor, you may think that the old and the young have a very good friendship, maybe it is the legendary friendship.

With such a relationship, the old demon emperor will attack Wu Liang together with others?

In fact, the relationship between Wu Liang and the old demon emperor was not so good.

After all, strictly speaking, the two of them had only met twice in total.

The real bond of relationship between the two is naturally that silly little loli.

Wu Liang and Little Lolita truly hit it off at first sight.

The little loli, who knew the extraordinary blood at first glance, somehow regarded Wu Liang as a sincere big brother. Although they only met twice, the deep relationship was unimaginable.

But these are nothing, in the eyes of some "heroes".

What is it to forget the year?
Besides, not yet.

If you give up a so-called year-end friend, or a young man who has a good relationship with your granddaughter, you can get a great opportunity, and even a chance of longevity. I am afraid that every hero will make the same choice.

So at this moment, including Mrs. Wan Yao, they all felt that they had already guessed the choice of the old Yaohuang.


After the five bosses stood up, each exuding a dangerous aura, they looked at Wu Liang who was "expecting" the old demon emperor to make a choice, and sneered at the corners of their mouths.

Among them, Miejue Shitai said coldly in her heart: You naive boy, do you think that you are lucky enough to meet the eyes of this old monster and feel that you have a great friendship?It's ridiculous, everyone in the two states of the universe doesn't know that the old monster is a real owl...


Just before the thoughts of extinction flickered completely, an old but shocking cold snort resounded suddenly.The source of the voice was the old demon emperor exuding a dangerous and noble aura, the most unfathomable old monster in the two states of Qiankun.

At this time, he was looking at Wu Liang with dissatisfaction, and even shouted directly: "Stinky boy, what kind of eyes are you, don't you think I will join forces with these guys to surround and kill you?"

"Hmph, is your face that big? Don't say it's the two states of heaven and earth. There is no one in this world who can be besieged by me together."


As soon as the voice of the old demon emperor fell, everyone immediately exclaimed.

Stand in line!
It's just that the line of standing is unexpected.

Including Miejue Shitai, everyone has actually heard some deeds of the old demon emperor, and knows that this mysterious old monster is definitely not a kind monster.

On the contrary, no one can underestimate his means.

Ordinarily, an opportunity to peek at the Immortal Obstacle is right in front of you, and with the eyesight of the old demon emperor, you should not let it go.

But in front of... why?

Not only Juejue and others couldn't figure it out, but Wu Liang himself couldn't figure it out either.

However, the doubtful thoughts just turned around in Wu Liang's head a few times before he immediately suppressed them. After being scolded by the old demon emperor, instead of retaliating, Wu Liang laughed.

Moreover, this fellow laughed happily.

He has reason to do so, because he knows that he has not misjudged the person.

"This old guy really didn't disappoint the master."

If the old demon emperor knew about Wu Liang's thoughts, he might change his mind immediately.

What a face, it hasn't disappointed you, Master Wu?

Although the old demon emperor directly rejected Juejue's siege strategy, but the next moment, the old demon emperor spit out the words, which raised everyone's attention again.




The old demon emperor, who was panting heavily, almost caused all the strong men to stagger and lose their composure.

However, when the old demon emperor spit out all the words he hadn't finished speaking, Qiqi's eyes lit up and the corners of his mouth immediately brought up a smile.

"But you kid, don't be complacent. Although I won't participate in besieging you, I won't help you either. If you want to be worthy of Yinyin, you won't be unable to pass such a simple challenge, right?"



I was overjoyed, and the five strong men, including Mrs. Wan Yao, all realized what it means to be stabbed.

What are you talking about?
What is a simple pass?
Being besieged and killed by five strong men who have broken through the ruthless barrier and the barrier of desire, is it also called simplicity?
At this moment, the six major ninth-rank forces in the arena, including the monster clan powerhouses of Jinguangding, were all speechless.

If the present situation is also an easy level, then is there a more difficult level in Qiankun Erzhou?

After hearing these words clearly, all the strong men started to slander from the bottom of their hearts.

"No wonder your little princess can't get married? Do you dare to feel that you, an old monster, have such a perverted review standard?"

"Do you need someone so powerful to marry that little magic star?"

"It's too scary, I can't afford to marry, I can't afford to marry."


For the first time, after gaining insight into the mate selection criteria of the Lord of the Golden Light Peak, the Nine Winged Demon Emperor, for his granddaughter, all the strong people expressed that they could not afford to marry.

This standard, not to mention those Tianjiao on the Qiankun Tianjiao list.

Even if the standard is put in other worlds, I'm afraid there will be few that meet it.

The only one who got a little closer was really this guy in front of him.

After hearing the old demon emperor's words, this guy didn't seem to have any strangeness at all. It seemed that the old demon emperor's refusal to besieged before was what he really wanted to hear. The following supplements were all irrelevant nonsense to Wu Liang.

In fact, it is.

Wu Liang didn't listen to the old demon queen's words at all, he just held the black snitch and flicked the black lacquered sword lightly, with a tired and indifferent face, as if everything in front of him was not a fatal situation at all, but It's just an insignificant scene.

Seeing this scene, the brows of the five extinct masters twitched.Even Mrs. Wan Yao, who had some appreciation for Wu Liang before, had an evil thought in her heart at this moment: "What an arrogant boy, such an opportunity should not have fallen into your hands."

Opportunity is touching!
Even if it is a demon, it cannot be avoided.

But it should have been so. In fact, Wu Liang was already very surprised. If it wasn't for the fear of the face and dignity of some strong men and powerful forces, these strong men in the field would have already swarmed up and surrounded him under the temptation of the demon god's inheritance. And kill it.

But now, the five superpowers who had confirmed that the old demon emperor would not intervene finally couldn't bear it anymore.


"Boom boom boom"

At this moment, five roars resounded without warning, followed by five terrifying auras that suddenly permeated the entire Pingtianyuan.

Incomparably terrible!
But there was no leak, but the Pingtian Plateau was completely blocked.

Wu Liang didn't even need to test it, he just sensed it a little bit, and he knew that all the moving magic powers had failed.


"Bang~ bang bang bang"

Wu Liang's heart suddenly beat violently.

He felt that he was locked in by the extremely dangerous air mechanism, and it was full of five ways when he came.

At the same time, a gloomy voice also sounded.

"Boy, this is your last chance, hand over the inheritance and the remains...!"


The last three words, like a heavy hammer, hit Wu Liang's mind from the air.

(End of this chapter)

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