Chapter 959 Sword Goblin
An existence like the terrifying Great Flame Dragon, which has already become the master of the plane, will naturally not allow other creatures to offend its majesty.

Especially at this moment, it was using its bloodline supernatural powers, but it was abruptly interrupted.

This was already considered a serious provocation, and it should have directly set off a bloody fight.However, when the terrifying Great Flame Dragon raised its head, anger flashed across its one eye, and when it was about to teach that ignorant existence a terrible lesson, it saw the existence of those giants.

Especially the giant at the head, although his body was only covered with a piece of animal skin, his pervertedly perfect gray body directly extinguished the anger in Yan Long's eyes.

Although it was still very upset, it calmed down after snorting.

Its terrifying one-eye was actually full of fear towards that troll clan.

And it's not just this one, under another large sky, on the warships that kept smashing the sky, the eyes of those black armored soldiers who were originally emotionless also flashed the same color of fear.

The appearance of this scene directly proved to the creatures of Qiankun Erzhou.

How terrifying are these tens of thousands of giants.

But at this time, listening to the words of Xiaoleiyin Temple's host, it was obvious that these weird and terrifying trolls were provoked by them.

In fact, it is true.

Wu Liang just glanced at the information that emerged from the depths of his mind, and he understood all the causes and consequences.

"Ding, ding ding."

"Warning warning, the host has discovered a foreign species [troll family], which is extremely dangerous, and it is recommended that the host run away from now on."

[Troll family: Aliens with mysterious origins. This is a very terrifying race. Their appearance is similar to that of humans, but their bodies have swelled by more than several times, and they are born with strength and ferocity beyond fierce beasts. They rely on devouring The flesh and blood of other creatures in the world live and practice. 】

[Remark [-]: Everything in their bodies is contagious, and can turn other creatures in the world into trolls, especially the troll royal family. Just need to actively emit the source energy in their bodies, it is enough to turn everything into a slave troll . 】

[Remark [-]: Thousands of years ago, the Little Leiyin Temple sent an army to invade the world of the trolls. After a great battle, although the invasion of the Little Leiyin Temple failed, the trolls also suffered heavy losses. An unprecedentedly powerful leader directly across the world to invade the two states for revenge. 】


"Tsk tsk, dare to be provoked by these bald donkeys, no wonder they are so righteous and awe-inspiring."

After reading the notes, Wu Liang sighed out loudly.

He was still wondering why the always shameless little Leiyin Temple host suddenly became so sensible, directly saying that he would give up his cultivation and kill these trolls.

Now it seems that it is very understandable.

Because this group of trolls was originally provoked by them.

Didn't you see that because the old bald donkey stood up, the trolls immediately went crazy?Even if the old bald donkey doesn't say so, the first target of revenge for this group of trolls will definitely be them. Only when they eat up all the bald donkeys will they consider other creatures in Qiankun Erzhou.

Just like the black-armored army, the first target of revenge must be someone from the Clear Sky School.

And the revenge target of the Yanlong Clan is definitely the same as Wan Yao Empty City.

Of course, at the moment when an extremely tragic war of planes is about to break out, it is impossible to yearn for "the head of the wrong and the owner of the debt".

Whether it is the plane of the Kuroshio, the plane of the Yanlong, or the plane of the troll that is descending now, it is impossible to retreat honestly after taking revenge. They will definitely kill and take away everything that can be plundered and devoured.

Thieves don't go empty-handed, let alone the most tragic plane war in the world.

So even if these enemies were provoked by Haotianzong, Wanyao Kongcheng, and Xiaoleiyin Temple, the rest of the ninth-rank powers and even all the creatures in the second state had to contribute.

Reality is so cruel.

What's more, these three "invaders" are just the beginning.

In this era, the two states of Qian and Kun have waged countless plane wars, and almost all the forces in the two states have participated in it. Who can stand alone?
Almost without any delay, just as a group of trolls roared angrily, another piece of peaceful sky was broken.



This time, the sky is cut open.

That large piece of peaceful sky was instantly pierced by countless horrific sword qi, and then a huge and incomparable wound was forcibly cut open. After the shattered glass-like world barrier fragments were swept away by the turbulent flow of the void, one after another The short figure descended slowly.


"Hiss~ hiss"

When those short figures appeared, they surprised everyone again.

Including Wu Liang.

Even the surprise this time was stronger than every time before, and so was the rest of the people.

With the appearance of sword energy, almost everyone subconsciously thought that the "Avenger" this time should be a human race from another plane.

After all, in the heavens and worlds, although there are some alien races who can learn how to practice swordsmanship from humans, they are a minority after all.

But now, all the creatures in Qiankun and Kunzhou have seen it.

Those who come here are indeed practicing the way of the sword, but they are not humans.

It's a race that no one can imagine, and Wu Liang can't imagine it either, so he is staring wide-eyed at the moment, looking at the short figures descending with a look that seems to have collapsed, the number of them is the same Beyond tens of thousands.

They are born like dwarves, wearing linen robes, all with scabbards on their backs, the exposed skin is actually a miserable green color, and occasionally the faces under the robes are also ugly and ferocious, which is not in touch with chic Half point side.

However, the kendo style they display is ancient and elegant, a relic of ancient times.

This "coordination" completely refreshed Wu Liang's cognition.

Similarly, it also had a huge impact on the creatures in the two states of Qiankun.

Until all the living beings saw it, the abyss-like hatred revealed in the pupils of these small figures.

It was a kind of hatred that seemed to be poured into the ocean and could not be washed away.

And the first target of these hatreds is suddenly on Pingtianyuan.

"These ghost things are not dead!"

At this time, there is no one else who can speak in such a tone, except for exterminating this old hag.

And the targets of hatred in the pupils of those small figures were indeed concentrated on her body.

Almost at the same time, a system prompt naturally sounded in Wu Liang's mind.

"Ding, ding ding."

"Warning warning, the host has discovered an alien species [Sword Goblin], which is extremely dangerous, and the host is advised to be cautious."



When the reminder came, Wu Liang was stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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