Chapter 970 Asura Clan

"Ding, ding ding"

"Warning warning, the host has discovered the ancient evil formation [Eighteen Asura Punishing God Formation], which is extremely dangerous. It is recommended that the host stay away from the area covered by the formation."


Along with the terrifying scene reflected in Wu Liang's eyes, a prompt popped up in his mind.

[Eighteen Asura Punishing God Formation: The ancient fierce formation, with the eighteen Asura positions as the core, once the formation is completed, the power of the ancient Asura can be summoned out of thin air, and the gods and immortals can be killed in just one thought. 】

[Remark [-]: The power of this formation fluctuates with the cultivation of the person occupying the eighteen Shura positions, and it has stronger damage to the kind and lawful camp. 】

[Remark [-]: Now the formation is made up of [-] supreme and [-]th-rank powerhouses. Once the formation is completed, they can fight against a powerhouse who is infinitely close to the longevity barrier. 】


"Infinitely close?"

Wu Liang frowned, and said in surprise again.

At this time, the alarm bells were ringing in his mind, obviously because of the formation that the leaders of the eighteen invader armies were about to form.

And Wu Liang, as the owner of the "Ancient Divine Dao Body", his intuition is so strong that it is abnormal.

Coupled with the addition of the pupil of the ancient god, Wu Liang had an insight into the power of the formation almost instantly.

Two words, terrible.

Wu Liang could clearly feel that the threat posed by the formation gathered eighteen strong men from outside the territory directly surpassed those two figures that oppressed the sky.

Sovereign Haotian!

King of all monsters!

These two superpowers who made a huge noise as soon as they left the level really made Wu Liang feel extremely dangerous.

But if compared, it is not as good as the formation that is forming.

And these ancient fierce formations can't even reach the level of "longevity barrier", and can only fight against the strong who are infinitely close to the longevity barrier.

As soon as this reminder came out, Wu Liang once again raised his awareness of immortality in his heart.

At the moment when Wu Liang was surprised, outside the domain, the incomparably noble and majestic faces of the Sovereign Haotian and the King of Myriad Monsters also showed a look of surprise.

If Wu Liang could sense it, so could the two of them.


Strong threat!
The two, standing at the top of the human race and the demon race in the two states of Qiankun respectively, have not felt the feeling at this time for thousands of years.

It was a strong harbinger of crisis, strong enough to endanger their lives.

When this omen came out, both of them directly suppressed the anger in their hearts.

At critical moments, anger is useless.

With the supernatural powers of the two, there is no need to rely on anger to increase combat power.

Even so, the complexions of the two of them were very bad at this time.

After all, the supreme opportunity to touch the threshold of the longevity barrier may not be encountered once or twice in a lifetime. The two of them had retreated for thousands of years to get this opportunity, but they did not expect to be interrupted by this group of intruders.

If it weren't for the fact that the two mentality monks were so powerful, they would have fallen into a state of madness at this time.

Although not crazy, both of them have made up their minds.

These eighteen invader armies, together with the planes and races behind them, must... die.

"Ancient battles? No wonder a group of local chickens and dogs dared to come to the two states of Qiankun to act wildly. It turns out that this is what you are waiting for..."


Sovereign Haotian didn't miss the last word at all, and he shot directly.

Along with it, there is also the King of Ten Thousand Monsters.

The two of them didn't agree at all.

It's just that the terrible tacit understanding from the top powerhouses, at the moment when the eighteen figures were about to merge into a majestic formation, the Sovereign Haotian and the King of Ten Thousand Monsters shot at the same time, and the supernatural powers displayed were also the same! people.

Impressively, it was the old goblin.

When this scene appeared, the outsiders and insiders watching the battle were extremely shocked.

What about the demeanor of the strong?

Regarding this, Wu Liang nodded directly after seeing it.

The demeanor of a strong man is simply useless.

Fighting and killing, the opportunity is fleeting, so we must seize every opportunity to kill the enemy.

The so-called demeanor of a strong man is useless except for pretending to be coercive, and it will only bring miserable consequences.As the top powerhouse in the sky, no matter whether it is the Haotian Sect Master or the King of Ten Thousand Monsters, they will not make such low-level mistakes.

Seeing that the "Eighteen Asura Punishing God Formation" is about to take shape, how could the two of them sit and watch?

It would be fine if it was an ordinary formation, but it was an ancient fierce formation that could threaten the lives of the two of them. If the opportunity to make a move was delayed for the sake of pretending to be cool for a while, how could the two of them have the qualifications to be the strongest in the two states of Qiankun? throne.

It is even easier for two people to attack and kill one person at the same time.

Everyone knows that for a formation to display its full power, the first condition is completeness.

It is the best choice to kill the old goblin who can be seen as the leader.

After all, each of the eighteen strong men has broken through the ruthless barrier and the barrier of desire. Even if the combat power is not as good as the two, they will not be killed by the two in one blow.

But the two joined forces to attack and kill, but it was different.

Terrible tacit understanding, the purpose of the two: to complete their work in one battle!
The moment the two made their moves, the formation of the eighteen strong men also began to condense in an instant.


Outside the territory, the huge void world was suddenly enveloped by a huge formation, and eighteen blood-red beams of light covered the sky and covered the earth.

Each pierces through the top and bottom, and the extremely complicated and mysterious red textures criss-cross, faintly forming eighteen ancient forbidden methods, which are connected with each other and merged into a large formation.



As soon as the prototype of the big formation was formed, the entire outer region seemed to be enveloped by a terrifying force, and everything would freeze and fail to operate.

The blood-red formation seemed to be some kind of forbidden method of attracting, directly probing into the long river of time, locking on a certain kind of incomparably evil, ferocious, and extreme power, and attracting it bit by bit.With the gushing out of that trace of red power, the bodies of the eighteen strong men covered by the beam of light experienced unimaginable changes one after another.

On their exposed skin, scales covered with blood streaks appeared one after another, covering their entire body in an instant, and curved horns appeared on the top of their heads at the same time. The male strongman among the eighteen strongmen began to smell bloody red and foul smell.

As for the strong women, their bodies have become extremely graceful, full of strange temptations, and the sweet fragrance gushing out of their bodies is even more irresistible.

Witnessing this change, Wu Liang immediately thought of a race with great reputation in the heavens and myriad worlds.

"Asura Clan!"

"Are they being Shuraized?"

"Ding, the host's guess is correct. The eighteen strong outsiders are transforming towards the [Asura Clan], but it is temporary. It is only for the purpose of attracting the power of Asura, and the transformation is under the influence of the power of the formation, not the level of life. The change."

Wu Liang knew the Asura clan, the Sovereign Haotian and the King of Myriad Monsters, so naturally he also knew each other.

And their shots were not delayed even for a breath.

On the contrary, they erupted with unimaginable power in an instant.



This time, it seemed that even the chaotic and empty outside world began to tremble.

Everyone, really everyone.

Even Wu Liang, who was far away at the other end, also felt the terrifying aura.

And the one who felt the deepest was the old goblin who was targeted by the two.

When the old goblin struggled to open his cloudy eyes, he saw only two terrifying auras overwhelming the sky, which completely overwhelmed his senses. For a moment, he felt as if he was locked in by two ancient beasts that suddenly woke up.

(End of this chapter)

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