Chapter 975 The Aesthetics of the Straight Man of Steel

shut up!

I'm not!
I do not have!

At this moment, Wu Liang's heart was screaming, and he came up with a set of denials.

On the ground below, the Jiudingzong, who was in the ancient evil Shiwan Mountain, were all stunned when they saw this scene. Is this the calm and unrestrained head of our family?
When had he been so panicked?
The answer is no. Since his debut, Wu Liang has always counterattacked the upper ranks. No matter how terrible his opponent is, he has never been so panicked.

This point can be proved by many high-level powerhouses who were trapped by Wu Liang.

However, at this moment, Wu Liang panicked.

But he couldn't help but not panic. As a man who is determined to open the great Crystal Palace, if he was called a little brother by a real cute girl, he would have burst into laughter by this time.

But if it was a big eagle cute girl, everything would be different.

At this moment, Wu Liang only had the urge to run away.

Fortunately, in the next moment, Wu Liang's terrifying killing intent was directly locked on to Wu Liang's figure, which brought Wu Liang back to his senses.


Undoubtedly, at this time, the only one who targeted Wu Liang with killing intent was a female Asura.

When she uttered the words "little brother" in her mouth, Wu Liang lost his freedom of movement.

This point is not only known by Wu Liang.

The creatures of the two states on the ground below can also see clearly.

At this time, Wu Liang's head was already covered in red oil.



Wu Liang raised his head with difficulty, and sure enough, he saw a red cloud above his head.

The strange, terrifying and viscous red cloud, every trace of the cloud seems to be boiled out of a pot of dark red blood, with a strange fishy sweetness, making people immersed in it, completely unable to feel the terrible smell of killing.

This is the Qi of Shura, a well-known magical power of the Asura clan - Shura Blood Cloud.

The creatures covered by the blood cloud cannot escape no matter what if their cultivation level is not as good as that of the caster.

Obviously, even though Wu Liang has been identified as a pretender.

But just to be on the safe side, the Asura female venerable still made the last test.

And the result that was fed back in an instant made the anger in the heart of the Shura woman soar again.

"First entry...too high level??"

"Zhu Zi'an dares to bully me?"

"Ah~ I'm going to kill you!"


Suddenly, Wu Liang heard an incredible roar.

The owner of the voice seemed to feel that he had suffered some humiliation just now.

There was an unbelievable embarrassment in his tone.

For a monk who broke through the barrier of longevity, and also a great supernatural being with the great long-cherished wish of reversing yin and yang, the Shura lady has always been very proud. In her eyes, only those two people can match her in such a big two states Against the enemy.

That's why she deliberately used a little trick to solve the two of them in advance.

Unexpectedly, a kid would come out of the sky, pretending to be a ghost, making her look horrified, and she lost her composure and ran away in front of many creatures.

Now "the truth is revealed", this son is just a weak chicken who has just entered the Taishang Realm.

That's right, although they are both in the Supreme Realm, in the eyes of the Shura Empress, a guy like Wu Liang is just a weak chicken that can be crushed to death.

It sounds harsh, but it's true.

A monk who has just entered the Supreme Realm is indeed helpless in the face of an existence like the Shura Empress.

Squeeze to death casually, not bragging.

But it is a pity that Wu Liangke is not an ordinary monk.

This point, the extermination of these strong men who broke the ruthless barrier, can be personally proved.

Of course, Wu Liang didn't need them to prove it, and now it was a great opportunity to show off, after all, the number of onlookers this time was unimaginable.

After all, even the alien powerhouses from the extraterritorial planes are here. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to act aggressively.

With this guy's temperament, how could he miss it?
However, seeing this fellow was covered in a cloud of blood and seemed unable to move, he still had that mean smile on his face, which made the onlookers want to kill this fellow.

This guy didn't seem to notice his dangerous situation at all. Hearing the anger of the Shura goddess, he just picked out his ears comfortably, and then inadvertently glanced down.

At this time, the Haotian Sovereign and the King of Ten Thousand Monsters finally escaped to Shengtian smoothly. With the help of Wu Liang, he managed to save his life under the cruel hand of the Shura Empress.

The powerhouses of the two major ninth-rank forces came out like a swarm and went back wrapped up.

After thinking about it, the two of them may not be able to restore the peak period with the means of the two, but it should be enough to release the true background of Qiankun and Wuzhou, and Wu Liang's goal has been successfully completed.

Now that the goal is accomplished, there is no need to play with a crazy "woman".


He couldn't help but glanced at the Asura Empress who was approaching step by step to take his life, Wu Liang shuddered directly this time.

It's so good that I can't die, and I sigh again.

Moreover, it seems that he forgot to turn off his voice outside the sky.

"Tsk tsk, I don't know how much money was spent to make this body, it's so beautiful that it's unreal."

"Sure enough, it's probably because he's a straight man of steel at heart, so he doesn't understand the truth that it takes a little bit of regret to be beautiful and tempting. It's a pity."

"Hey, my head sympathizes with you, cute little eagle girl."


"Hiss~ hiss"

As soon as Wu Liang's voice fell, no matter whether it was outside or inside the territory, everything became quiet again.

Even the intruder side looked at Wu Liang with admiration.

They suddenly remembered that they had heard rumors long ago. In the plane near Qiankun Erzhou, except for a brat who was extremely good at killing, they didn't believe it. Now it seems that those rumors are still too light.

This son is indeed the only death expert they have ever seen in their lives.

It should be said that they have never seen such a deadly person.

I have never seen someone who speaks so viciously, every word directly pokes into the heart of the Asura empress.

For the Asura female venerable, the eighteen invader armies were all terrified, and they never dared to disobey in the slightest, let alone such piercing.

And all of this, Wu Liang has done.It's easy and without difficulty, as if the opponent to die is not a super terrifying strong man, but a passerby who can be bullied at will.



Without any warning at all, the blood river erupted.

A majestic sea of ​​blood that covered the entire emptiness outside the territory and the broken sky immediately poured out, and the sweet, sticky blood ran across the void, submerging all obstacles.

And once submerged in the sea of ​​blood, it is equivalent to being sentenced to death directly.

Regardless of your cultivation level, why?
Even if it is only stained with a trace of blood, it will be a disaster for those strong.

The same is true for the strong outside the domain.

So at this moment, all the invading army retreated frantically, for fear of being involved in the unlucky ones.

The sound of astonished exclamation echoed inside and outside the domain at this moment.

Four characters welled up from the bottom of their hearts, shouting frantically.

"Nine Nether Blood Seas"

(End of this chapter)

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