Chapter 979 You are too weak

A trace of damage appeared on the forbidden shield of the huge yin-yang fish swimming.

There is no invincible existence in the world. The power of yin and yang is the supreme law of the great way. When added to the second luck, the forbidden law is almost invulnerable to all laws.

It's a pity that the opponent is the blood stain.

All the filth between the heaven and the earth will eventually gather in the sea of ​​blood.

Those filth can almost pollute all forbidden laws in the world.

The ancient prohibition of yin and yang in the universe is also among them.

According to the speed of the damage, exactly as the Shura female venerable said, at most ten days, the two states will be destroyed.

Fate has already been doomed.

The so-called help more than others, Qiankun two states have launched too many plane invasions, plundering resources is cool, but they have also established too many enemies. Although he is relatively strong, he has few allies.

At this time, no one came to help.

Erzhou is naturally weak.

Of course, it's not that there are no planes that are close to Erzhou and have strength to assist.

It's a pity that the masters of those planes see far-reaching, and it is impossible to come to fight against a strong man like the Asura empress for the sake of the two states of Qiankun and Qiankun who have been greatly injured.

Lost, miserable together.

If you win, it won't be a big good thing.

After all, as long as you are not blind, you can see the back of the Asura empress, and it is not without support.

This cute little eagle girl is not just a fugitive from Zhongzhou, but a monk who can display the supernatural power of "Nine Nether Blood Sea", if there is no hands and feet of the Asura clan behind him, who would believe it?
Calculated in this way, it seems that Erzhou really can only wait for Wu Liang, an unreliable savior.

It's a pity that many monks and demon clans in Erzhou didn't know about this. They didn't know that Master Wu was racking his brains to find a way. They just saw that the forbidden law was broken and continued to immerse themselves in the mist.

The atmosphere in Erzhou is very bad, the only exception is Gu Nie Shiwan Mountain.

In other words, Shiwan Mountain is under the rule of Jiudingzong.

After Wu Liang became the "Lord of One Hundred Thousand Mountains", this vast spiritual land naturally fell into the sphere of influence of the Nine Cauldron Sect.

If only the strength of the aura of the sect's residence is increased, the Jiudingzong may be able to overwhelm the Haotianzong and the Wanyao Floating Void City.

Of course, it would not be very happy for another force to obtain such a spiritual land at this time.

After all, everyone could see that the end of Erzhou was approaching, and it was about to be destroyed.

So what about the best spiritual land?

It is also futile to suffer without blessings.

But the Nine Cauldron Sect is different, the master is Lu Xue, the empress.

Like the rest of the girls, Lu Xue trusts her junior brother who is a scammer, and no matter how difficult the hurdle is, she can't trap him.

And they, as long as they concentrate on the development of violent soldiers, one day, they will burst out with unimaginable brilliance.

At that time, their Nine Cauldron Sect will not be sheltered under the glory of the head of Wu Da, but will emit their own brilliance.

Thinking like all the girls, there are also Wu Liang's four precious disciples.

The four little guys are all existences who can stand tall in the forest of heavenly pride.

With their cultivation speed, the original Jiudingzong could not keep up.

But who would have guessed?
The Nine Cauldron Sect had a monster and a wonderful head master, who dragged the Nine Cauldron Sect to run away with his own strength, and rose at an extremely terrifying speed.

Starting from Qingzhou, the four ancient states, the legendary six states, and then the current Qiankun two states.

The speed of the jump is so terrifying, I have counted all the heavens and worlds, and I am afraid that I will not be able to find a second one.

In this way, the cultivation speed displayed by the four little guys is shocking in other places, but in Jiudingzong, it is still not shocking.

After all, no matter how scary it is, can it be compared with Wu Liang, a cheating guy?
But a super genius is a super genius. The four little guys were beaten by their own unscrupulous masters many times, but none of them sank.

The so-called "doomsday" this time did not affect the state of the four little guys.

In fact, the four of them didn't care at all.

Like all the senior sisters, they also believe in the power of their own cheating master.


Outside the domain, Wu Liang was still lying on the demon god's head.

Half lying and half leaning, with disheveled hair and no image of a strong man, it seems that a "serious" conversation is taking place at this time.

A weird exchange, to be exact.

Of the two sides, one is Wu Liang.

On the other side, it was not a living creature, but a remains.

That's right, it is the remains of the demon god "Chi".

Wu Liang triggers the main task of the tenth ring [Savior], and needs to defeat the Shura Empress within nine days, save Erzhou from the cute little eagle girl, and save the world from falling.

Head-to-head confrontation, Wu Liang, a mere monk who had just entered the Supreme Being, fought with the Supreme Immortal King, the Immortal King, the Asura Empress, and it was no different from an egg hitting a rock.

What's more, it's not just the monk level that the Shura female lord is tyrannical.

The Asura inheritance behind her has a scary background, and all kinds of ancient supernatural powers are thrown out without money, who can stand it?
So Wu Liang resolutely remembered the Demon God inheritance that he had just obtained.

According to the system's remarks, this is a battle-type chaos demon god who is not inferior to the Asura clan at all.Although the complete Demon God had long since fallen into the long river of time and space, the remains it left behind fell into Wu Liang's hands.

If Wu Liang relied on his status as an orthodox heir to fight with the remains of the imperial envoy Chi, Wu Liang was confident that he would directly crush the Shura female venerable to death on the spot.

After hanging up, it is so capricious.

Sadly, however, Wu Liang...was rejected.

He, rejected by a remains.

Although it is not very clear, after all, the remains are dead objects and cannot speak.

But Wu Liang, as the master, was able to communicate with the only trace of true aura left in the remains.

It is absolutely impossible to control the remains of the demon god without the cooperation of this ray of energy.

Wu Liang originally thought that, as the owner of the remains, it was reasonable and reasonable for him to make this request, and there was absolutely no possibility of him being rejected.

However, the truth is cruel. Wu Liang is nominally the orthodox inheritor and has the right to dispose of the remains.

But just like the Immemorial Yin-Yang Cauldron, Wu Liang was not truly recognized by a trace of true aura in the remains.

The communication between the two sides is like this.

Wu Liang: "Hey, broken corpse, I'm going to use you to pretend."

True Spirit of Remains: "I refuse!"

Wu Liang: "Why? Lao Tzu is the orthodox descendant of Chi and has the right to handle everything about it."

True Spirit of Remains: "I refuse!"

Wu Liang: "Hey, you're just a remnant of Qi, not the real Chi, what right do you have to refuse?"

True Spirit of Remains: "I refuse!"

Wu Liang: "Okay, I admit your qualifications, and it will only take half an hour, and I will return you when the master kills that cute little eagle girl."

True Spirit of Remains: "I refuse!"

Wu Liang: "Old~ Lao Tzu, forget it, even if you refuse, you must give a reason, why refuse this incomparably orthodox inheritor of the head of the sect."

One second!
Two seconds!

Three seconds!

Just after three long seconds passed, Wu Liang felt an expectation in his heart, and a vague meaning came through.

After being systematically "magnified", it resounded clearly in Wu Liang's mind.

"You are too weak."


Once again, Wu Liangru was struck by lightning.

(End of this chapter)

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