Chapter 995 The Killing Stone and the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox

Three days passed in a flash.

The Great Japanese Kingdom seems to be like that, with all kinds of monsters raging, human beings can barely hide in some villages and cities, and a few shrines or monks and mages are completely unable to shelter all human beings.

Or, become the food of demons.

Or choose to surrender to the demon and become an accomplice.

This seems to be a world with no hope in sight. If this continues, human beings will not be saved, and will become slaves of demons forever. In the end, a kingdom like demons may be born.

Most of the monsters are actually the so-called 800 million gods in their original bodies.

Although they have fallen, lost their divinity, and also lost their godhead.

But the thoughts in the memory are still there. They still live according to their instincts and habits. Because of their extraordinary power far beyond human beings, even if these monsters did not deliberately gather together, they still showed terrible power of pollution.

It doesn't matter if the legendary Gaotianyuan Divine Kingdom is sealed, they can also establish a paradise-like kingdom on the ground, which belongs to the kingdom of demons.

In this country, of course, there is no place for human beings.

In the eyes of most monsters, human beings are just weak creatures, like ants, unworthy of sharing this world with monsters.

Although it sounds harsh and excessive, but in this plane, there is nothing wrong with saying so.

Human beings who are still in a primitive state are indeed fragile.

Not to mention those monsters that can fly around, even some monsters that can't move and resemble dead objects can also make many humans fall into the abyss of death.

For example, at this moment, there is a village in a high mountain not far from Heian-kyo.

Perhaps because of the terrain, or perhaps luck, this village is very lucky compared to other villages on the land. No monsters have appeared in their village for many years.

Unfortunately, this luck disappeared not long ago.

Half a day ago, a huge sapphire stone flew from nowhere and landed directly in the village.

Initially, the villagers were very excited, thinking that it was a treasure from heaven.

After all, it was a stone like jade. If it could be sold, the whole village would probably get rich from it.

But it is a pity that this is not only a jade stone, but also a... big poisonous stone.

Not long after it arrived, the stone began to release strands of cyan breath.

Wherever the green energy passes, whether it is human beings, animals, or trees, all die and wither.

When this terrifying scene appeared, the villagers of this village came to their senses.

This stone that fell from the sky was not a treasure, but a terrifying existence comparable to a great demon.

If such a large poisonous stone appeared in Heian capital, the city residents would immediately go to the shrine to invite those monks and mages to purify or destroy the stone.

Unfortunately, this is just a small village.

Not to mention mages and monks, there is no decent person, just some ignorant and simple villagers. Faced with this kind of disaster, although their coping methods are helpless, they can be regarded as simple and rude.

That's right, that's the way.

The so-called 36 strategy is the best strategy. Since you can't fight against the stone, you can only run away.

Therefore, when Wu Liang strolled in the courtyard, like traveling in mountains and rivers, and slowly walked into this village, the scene he saw was the villagers fleeing in all directions. In order to speed up, these villagers with their families Didn't even bring much luggage.

"Quick~ get out of here."

"It's terrible, it's a monster stone, let's go."

"It's a poisonous stone. All my livestock are dead."

"Poor Guangzi's family, they died too close to the stone."

"This village can't stay any longer, let's go."


Although Wu Liang was standing at the entrance of the village with a wine gourd in his hand, the scattered villagers seemed to be running for their lives, as if they hadn't noticed Wu Liang's existence at all.

Of course this is not the case, this is just a small cover-up.

After all, the purpose of Wu Liang's coming here was not for these ignorant villagers.

His target was the big poisonous stone in the center of the village.

Wu Liang stood at the entrance of the village, and after only a few minutes of waiting, all the villagers had already left, leaving behind a village shrouded in poisonous gas, extremely quiet, as if inhabited by ghosts.

It's hard to imagine that a few hours ago, it was still a warm and quiet place with smoke curling up from the kitchen.

And what caused all this was just a stone.

Of course, Wu Liang is very clear.

This is not an ordinary stone.


When Wu Liang's eyes fell directly on the crystal clear poisonous stone like jade from a distance of more than ten feet, the system that had not moved for a long time suddenly appeared at this moment.

A notification sound rang in Wu Liang's mind.

"Ding, the host found the demon of this plane [killing stone (near death state)]."

[Killing stone: This is a poisonous stone that can kill a large number of living beings. It is said that it was transformed by a powerful nine-tailed fox after its death. monster.If humans come into contact with it, they will be poisoned to death, and even if they survive by chance, they will gradually transform into monsters. 】

[Remark [-]: This is indeed transformed by a nine-tailed demon fox, but she is not a real nine-tailed demon fox, she just has a trace of demon fox blood, which is far from the demon fox in the mind of the host. 】

[Remark [-]: Of course, even if she only has a trace of demon fox blood, she is also the most beautiful female demon in this plane. It was only because of a battle that she was on the verge of death that she turned into a killing stone. 】

[Remark [-]: If there is no accident, she will be killed by Abe Seimei, the son of luck on the plane, after she grows up. 】

"Hey, the nine-tailed demon fox?"

After reading the notes, Wu Liang couldn't help showing a look of surprise on his face.

He came here, but after leaving Abe Seimei, he chose a random location, traveled around mountains and rivers, played with many monsters, and suddenly saw a stone falling from somewhere in the sky.

Because of the pupil of the ancient god, Wu Liang saw some special aura, and then slowly followed.

But I didn't expect that there would be a surprise.

Nine-tailed fox!

These four characters, whether in Wu Liang's past or present life, have great meaning.

In the previous life, needless to say, it was connected with Daji, Baosi and other peerless beauties who harmed the world.

But in this life, Wu Liang also knows.

Among the heavens and worlds, the reputation of the nine-tailed fox family is also extremely great.

Ten thousand worlds are divided into east and west. In the western worlds, when it comes to beauty and temptation, the "succubus clan" is respected.

But in the east, even that family cannot be compared with the "nine-tailed demon fox".

As a man determined to open the strongest crystal palace in the heavens and ten thousand realms, Wu Liang had already seen a succubus, although it was only a relatively weak succubus soul, but he had barely seen it.

It's just that the nine-tailed demon fox has always been on Yuankeng's side.

Unexpectedly, I ran into this surprise here.

Although, this is not a real nine-tailed demon fox.

But a trace of blood is enough for Wu Liang to take a peek at the so-called Nine-Tailed Demon Fox Clan, just how beautiful and tempting they are?
(End of this chapter)

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