Chapter 104 Smile

Ye Tian returned home after having dinner at Qi Ye's.

The whole family has already returned. After eating, Ye Yu sat on the sofa with a serious face, and Ye Tian sat in front of her, looking up at him.

"I heard that when you are a star, you need someone to support you. I prepared a team for you and set up your personal support station." He said this very seriously.

A smile appeared on Ye Tian's face, she stretched out her hand, and poked Ye Yu's face: "Brother, just smile, you won't be able to find a girlfriend like this!"

The two elder brothers in her family are simply two extremes.

Eldest brother Ye Yu is almost 30 years old and has never had a girlfriend. He has always guarded himself like a jade. I don't know if he is usually too serious. Girls dare not approach him.

The second brother, Ye Ming, is only 24 years old, and his girlfriends can go around the Ye Family Manor in a row. He is famous as a playboy, and because he is the big boss of Starlight Entertainment, his own red eye account also has many fans.

Alas, sweetness is the most normal.

Ye Yu grinned slowly after hearing her words.

It looks a little hideous!

"What's the name of the support station?" Ye Tian didn't expect that Ye Yu would go to this thing.

Thinking of the serious elder brother looking at those things on the Internet, she couldn't help but smile.

"Call the knight."

After hearing this, Ye Tian squinted her eyes and smiled: "Got it, thank you brother!"

Ye Yu also smiled, more naturally than before, he stretched out his hand and rubbed Ye Tian's head: "If you need anything, just tell Big Brother."

"Outside, if someone bullies you, tell me and I'll deal with it."

He was very afraid that Ye Tian would suffer outside. After all, she had never been exposed to the darkness of society. Even in the past three years, Ye Tian said she lived outside by herself, but she was actually well protected by her family.

All dirty things were kept out by the Ye family.

But the entertainment industry is not the same after all.

It was too chaotic and difficult to guard against.

But as long as she likes it, why not?
"Okay." Ye Tian smiled, as if her heart had been soaked in honey.

Ye Yu didn't say anything more, got up and left and went back to the study to continue dealing with things.

An Qinyuan took the fruit and sat on the sofa with Ye Tian to watch TV.

A happy day passed, and she slept very sweetly at night. Early the next morning, after Ye Tian got up and had breakfast, she followed Ye Ming to Starlight Entertainment.

Starlight Entertainment is right next to the Starlight Incubation Park. Ye Tian and Ye Ming took the direct elevator to the president's office.

Ye Ming called his assistant and asked him to send over the selected agent's information.

"I've found a few for you, and they're all pretty good. You can choose who you want!" Of course you want the best for your own baby!

Those people were all carefully selected by Ye Ming during this period of time, and they were selected after countless inspections.

However, it is still up to Ye Tian to choose who he wants.

The assistant came in quickly with the documents.

"Mr. Ye."

"Tiantian, let's see!" Ye Ming handed over the information to Ye Tian, ​​and Ye Tian had already unwrapped the lollipop that had just been shoved from Ye Ming's drawer, and put it in his mouth.

Well, Ye Ming doesn't smoke, he just eats lollipops when he's hungry.

"Okay." She ran over, took the information in Ye Ming's hand, and read it carefully.

"Basically they are all from the company, there are two who are not, but as long as you like it, it's not a problem."

Ye Tian watched carefully, and when she saw a person, her eyes suddenly changed.

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(End of this chapter)

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