Chapter 109 Are you okay?
Qi Ye smiled and hugged her, fearing that she would roll to the ground.

The video app also didn't expect that the system they had urgently strengthened would still crash at this moment.

What kind of demons are they?
Is it because Qi Ye's charm is really that great, or is this variety show really that good-looking?
This is the first program of this type in China. The type is indeed very novel, and the participants are all carefully selected.

However, no one thought that it could really be so popular.

"Hurry up, system maintenance!"

"As for the programmers, call me back to work overtime!"

It is being urgently repaired over there, and at the same time, Starlight Girl's official Weibo also posted a news.

[Starlight Girl V: Everyone's enthusiasm has scared the video APP, and it is currently undergoing emergency maintenance, please stay calm. 】

As soon as this red eye came out, the netizens who didn't squeeze in or squeezed in all boiled.

[I was the one who was scared! 】

[Do you know that there is a sister whose head was stuck off?I'm the one who's scared! ! ! 】

[God's TM heads are all stuck? 】

[I'm going to make trouble!I didn't even go in! 】

Netizens are very excited, and the video app is full of pain and happiness.

Unexpectedly, their software will also be crowded to the point of collapse one day.

How happy and how painful is this?
The programmers shed tears of sadness, and the boss burst into tears with laughter.

"This repair will take about half an hour, right?" Ye Tian took out her phone, her eyes red.

While brushing, he was fed potato chips from Qi Ye next to him.

"Ah~" With one mouthful, you can eat delicious potato chips.

Qi Ye also received a message from the director, asking him to send a red eye to calm down the emotions of the fans.

Qi Ye put down his phone and opened Weibo.

[Qi Ye V: Don't worry, everyone, just wait. [picture]】

He took a picture of his screen that was stuck and uploaded it.

Fans came across this one almost instantly.

【Ahhh, are you watching too? 】

[Okay, listen to you, we are not in a hurry! 】

【Brother, take care of yourself! 】

[Looking forward to Qi Ye's performance on the show! 】

Qi Ye's fans were instantly stabilized, but the other netizens who watched the excitement were not.

Because of this incident, people who hadn't paid attention to this variety show before became interested in variety shows again.

What kind of variety show is this?Before it was broadcast, the video app crashed!
You know, the size of a video app is huge, and if Red Eye crashes, it won't crash.

This must be at the same time, how many people poured in?

Everyone became interested, and after half an hour, Starlight Girl sent a message again, saying that the video app had returned to normal, and a large wave of movie-watching netizens poured in again.

[Finally back to normal, woo woo woo, beautiful sister here I come! 】

[I heard that this variety show crashed the app?I'll take a look! 】

[Just look at it, I want to see what kind of monster this is! 】

【Qi Ye Qi Ye Qi Ye Qi Ye Qi Ye Qi Ye】

【I'm coming. 】

On Ye Tian and Qi Ye's side, the screen also returned to normal. During this period, Ye Tian finished eating a pack of potato chips.

However, I don't know why, she has been like this since she was a child, no matter how much she eats, she won't gain weight.

"I can't eat any more!" Qi Ye stopped her from wanting another bag of potato chips.

"Well, another pack!" Ye Tian gave birth to a finger: "Just one pack."


 Friends, recommend and vote! ! !It's up to you whether you can eat Tiantian or not, and you can get the next bag of potato chips!
  The addition of yesterday’s recommendation ticket should be put together with the update that needs to be supplemented next week. QAQ, I’m too sleepy today


(End of this chapter)

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