Chapter 112 Am I Feeling Wrong?
Ye Tian's voice sounded, and the bullet screen seemed to be emptied instantly.

The corners of the mouths of all the people involuntarily curled up, revealing their aunt's smiles.

Qi Ye felt complicated when he heard this song.

"Why do you want to change the song temporarily?" He asked with some 'resentment'.

Ye Tian thought about it carefully, and suddenly her eyes lit up: "Sing it for you!"

This song is about my teenage years, about boys girls like.

Well, yes, it was for him!
As Ye Tian spoke, she nodded firmly.

That's right!
"is it?"

"Yeah." Ye Tian hurriedly nodded, and immediately raised her head after nodding, and kissed Qi Ye's cheek.

Well, I can see that I am very guilty.

"Didn't you want to get angry with me?" Qi Ye was sweet and angry at the same time.

Hearing Ye Tian sing Luo Bing's song, he wished he could go down and spank someone's ass.

"Sing it to you, my boy."

[Cute Mix Pass.jpg]
The two looked at each other, and finally Qi Ye compromised, "Okay."

In the barrage, it's crazy now.

[Who, who said that Ye Tian has no strength?Stand up and let me see! 】

[What about the person in front who said that if Ye Tian could sing, he would eat food on his head?Come out, Dad will give you food! 】

[The friends in front don't need it. 】

[The female goose is so good, Dad is so pleased! 】

[Is it only me that the corners of my mouth go up wildly after hearing this?I can't help it, isn't this too sweet?This song is too sweet!Ahhh, I want to fall in love! 】

[To be honest, this song is not difficult to sing, right? 】

[Can this also blow?This song is very simple, okay? 】

[It's not that good, is it?If you want skills but don’t have skills, you’re just a big white voice]

【emmm, I'm a music student. To be honest, this song is really not difficult. Ye Tian's skill is not very good either. It's not very good. 】

All of a sudden, countless barrages appeared on the screen, which made many people who were just watching feel confused.

Really not great?

Is singing like this really normal?
[Is it common? ? ?Why can't the corners of my mouth be restrained now?I didn't feel this way when I listened to the original song! 】

[Bad, Ye Tian has too many sailors, right?I didn't dare to speak, I felt just normal. 】

The evaluation mixed with good and bad has confused countless passers-by.

Which side is the navy?Is this song really mediocre?

Many people chose not to speak up, waiting for the evaluation of the instructors.

The people in Ye Tian's support club also keenly sensed that something was wrong.

Under the skin, directly in the several fan groups that have just been established, @All members.

Ye Tian's support club: Everyone, be rational, don't fight with Heizi, don't fight with Heizi, maybe someone is going to explode!
Ye Tian's support club: We don't have many people, and the other party is organized, everyone must be rational! ! !Don't get her into trouble!Don't get her into trouble! ! !There are many fans of the senior instructors in the barrage!
After the support club sent out the news, many of Ye Tian's fans were anxious and helpless.

Obviously, obviously it is very good!
After Ye Tian sang a song, all Ye Tian's fans were sweating when it came time for the teacher's comment.

Of course, at this time, many sharp-eyed people noticed that Qi Ye was smiling.

[Look at Qi Ye, look at Qi Ye, my smile is exactly the same as his!Ahhh! 】

【Luo Bing has been at odds with Qi Ye, right?Qi Ye can laugh when he hears Luo Bing's song, isn't he really good at singing? 】

 When I wrote this, I thought of a star I like more. Every time I watch the barrage, there will be a question mark whether my feeling is wrong.Why is everyone saying that he hasn't improved or is very good...I obviously feel very OK...well, time will tell.

  Keep asking for votes!


(End of this chapter)

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