Chapter 117 Stopping?
He tapped his fingers quickly, as if he was afraid that others would get ahead of him.

Most of Qi Ye's fans are also eating Starlight Girl's melons.

How the trainees behave has nothing to do with them, and it is quite interesting to watch others discuss.

[Qi Ye V: Very powerful, come on! [picture]】

Yekong sisters who were eating melons happily, suddenly showed the red eyes of their idols, clicked in and saw a photo of Ye Tian holding a guitar playing and singing.

[23333, brother, do you still remember what she sang? 】

[Okay, okay, she's amazing, if you say she's amazing, she's amazing. 】

[Woooooh, I want my brother to praise me too. 】

【? ? ? 】

[It can be seen that you really like this younger sister hahaha, she was the first one to pay attention to at first, and now you actually posted her photo! 】

[Ye Tian's strength is indeed very good, I don't know why those people said that. 】

The traffic on Qi Ye's red eyes was astonishing. As soon as his news was sent out, it was immediately reprinted by various marketing accounts.

#Qi Ye Kua Ye Tian#
This hot search immediately went up.

Ye Tian was brushing her eyes red, and naturally saw the news that came out of special attention.

She opened Qi Ye's red eyes and looked at what he posted. His expressionless face was instantly filled with a smile.

After Qi Ye finished posting, the director sent another message.

Director Zhao: Teacher Qi...I haven't finished yet...

Director Zhao: Everyone, bring other trainees too, don't just bring Ye Tian, ​​otherwise it will be too eye-catching.

Qi Ye: . .

Director Zhao: Teacher Qi doesn’t need to change it.

Director Zhao: Where did Teacher Chang go?

Qian Heyi: If Teacher Chang is not working, he will go to bed at nine o'clock every night!


The instructors have finished discussing, and Zhao Wu's news has also been edited.

She posted a picture of all the trainees.

[Zhao Wu: Every one of you who works hard should not be questioned!Come on, girls [picture]]

[Qian Heyi: Time will prove a lot of things, whether there is strength or not, the navy has nothing to say!Trainees, come on! [picture]】

As soon as these red-eyed news came out, the netizens who had only kept eating melons were all boiling.

Everyone knows how Buddhist Qian Heyi is. All year round, except when the album is released, he is a living person, and the rest of the time is disconnected from the Internet.

He can say the word "Shuijun", which shows that the program group has already had a real hammer.

[The program group is going to be direct! 】

[Can't you be rigid?Judging from the performance of the first episode, Ye Tian is definitely at the TOP level, and all kinds of performances are very popular. If she is really explosion-proof, then the show crew will cry to death? 】

[Why didn't Chang Xian come out to speak? 】

The person who manipulated the navy suddenly became a little worried when he saw the tough battle of the program group.

"Are we going to continue?"

"There is no turning back when you open the bow, continue!" Their company also has someone in Starlight Girls, Ye Tian is down, and the traffic of the program group is still there, which is a good thing for the company's trainees.

"You must press Ye Tian down!"

"She must not be allowed to develop!"

Careful netizens suddenly discovered that with the news from Qi Ye and the other three, Hei Yetian's number of people not only did not decrease, but increased instead.

In all aspects, Ye Tian is worthless.

Netizens are not fools, so they can naturally see that something is wrong.

[emmm... Although I don't think it might be that strong, it's not that bad, right? 】

[Even if An Yunle is exaggerating, I think my ears are fine. Ye Tian is the best among all the trainees, so there is no need to question it! 】

[Ham, who did this little girl offend?You have experienced so much before you debuted? 】

On Yunle's side, they are in contact with the masters.

It is very late now, and we will have to wait until tomorrow to get a response.

But there was one exception. After seeing the video, he directly called An Yunle.

 There are still a few days left for the free list, and the ranking has been frozen at more than 20. Please recommend tickets and five-star praise for your support!

  I don't know if I can go to the front to have a look before I leave the list.

  However, thank you very much for your votes, rewards, praise and support during this time, I love you~
(End of this chapter)

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