Chapter 126 Did I forget something?
Shi Fei lowered her head, her eyes were full of jealousy and resentment.

Her company is one of those companies targeting Ye Tian.

The proposal for Ye Tian was made by her to the company. After she put it forward, the senior management of the company agreed that this individual trainee who had not signed a contract with the company so far was very easy to handle.

Even, after making the decision, maybe if you give her some benefits, she will be able to sign a contract with her own company.

It's a perfect plan to whitewash her after signing the contract, and continue to suppress her if the contract is not successful.

But, what I didn't expect was that Ye Tian had already signed a contract with Starlight Entertainment! !
The company suffered huge losses due to Starlight Entertainment's counterattack, especially several of the company's artists, who broke out scandals one after another, the company spent a lot of money, and the trending searches have not been withdrawn.

As the proposer of the plan to suppress Ye Tian, ​​Shi Fei was naturally affected.

"Is Feifei okay?" Seeing Shi Fei's face turned pale, everyone was very concerned about her.

After all, Shi Fei usually looks relatively weak, and his appearance is the kind that is particularly easy to arouse sympathy from others.

Shi Fei forced a smile on the corner of his mouth: "It's okay, thank you for your concern."

Seeing her like this, some people were even more worried.

Of course, Shu Ruxue and Wang Qing were not among these people.

These two people sat next to Ye Tian, ​​one on the left and the other on the right, one with a face like ice, the other with a peach blossom face, smiling happily.

After arriving at the shooting location, all the trainees were told a news.

Teachers will shoot commercials with them! ! !
Shi Fei's originally depressed mood picked up instantly.

Qi Ye was sitting there, and when the trainees entered the studio, he instantly raised his head.

The trainees felt that his eyes seemed to be looking at themselves.

"You're all here, how was your rest yesterday?" Zhao Wu was also in a good mood seeing the trainees. This program made her feel youthful and energetic.

"I finally had a good night's sleep and a good meal. I secretly bought two chicken legs last night! The manager didn't find out!" Wang Qing whispered in Ye Tian's ear.

Speaking of chicken legs, Ye Tian suddenly thought of something, and looked at Qi Ye expectantly.

Has her little potato chips arrived yet?
Looking at her expectant eyes, Qi Ye always felt that he had forgotten something.

I think should not be?

The director in charge of filming also arrived at this time, and the program team had just talked with the managers of the trainees.

The managers came in behind the director, and when Wang Qing saw her manager, she fell silent for a moment.

"Wang Qing! I just ordered a weighing scale for you, and you must record your weight every day!" The manager walked to Wang Qing and said ruthlessly.

Wang Qing's mouth instantly opened wide.

"Boss, there are cameras in the room!"

"Otherwise, how can I urge you to lose weight? Is there an idol as fat as you? Huh?"

Hear these two sentences.

Whoops, so angry.

What's wrong with being fatter? If not, wouldn't she, Wang Qing, be No.1 in the world?
Starlight Entertainment saw that Ye Tian had a separate manager, and the two girls stood together with an unnatural expression.

They are all trainees of the same company, so how can Ye Tian have her own nanny car and her own manager?
Is she really...

Thinking of this, the two looked at each other and then fell silent.

After Xu Ying walked to Ye Tian's side, suddenly someone beside him called his name.

"Isn't this Mr. Xu's manager? Are you still in the circle?"

 Qi Ye: What did I forget?

  Ye Tian: Huh! ! !


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(End of this chapter)

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