Chapter 129 How close to him
Are his fans?That would be easy.

"Okay, Xiao Nan is on my schedule today, you can look for her later, Luo Tian should be at the studio." Their filming is about to start, and after Qi Ye finished saying this, the director started shouting .

"Okay." Xu Ying started to work, and Ye Tian and Qi Ye also walked towards the director.

Qi Ye walked in front, and Ye Tian followed behind him. They didn't seem to communicate much, but in fact, Ye Tian was staring at the back of Qi Ye's head all the time.

Well, it looks good.

Netizens all said that the back of Qi Ye's head is very beautiful.

Look now, it really is!

Qi Ye felt that Ye Tian was watching him from behind, and deliberately slowed down a lot.

"Teacher Qi, Ye Tian, ​​you two shoot first, hurry up!" The director had already divided into groups.

The most popular Ye Tian and Qi Ye are filming commercials together, which can definitely produce a good chemical effect.

There are not many endorsers, facial masks, milk, shoes.

The mask is a well-known affordable mask.

The one Ye Tian and Qi Ye took is an advertisement for milk.

After hearing the news, Ye Tian was elated.

Putting on red clothes and taking a can of milk, Ye Tian directly pulled the tab.

"Ye Tian! No props allowed!!!" Before the director started filming, he saw that Ye Tian had already opened a can and was almost finished drinking it.

Ye Tian drank the last bit quickly, and put down the bottle 'obediently'.

Tiantian doesn't know, Tiantian didn't do anything.

"Forget it, don't eat it!" The director looked at her innocent little eyes, and couldn't say anything to blame.

Shu Ruxue, who was standing beside her, saw this scene, and a smile appeared on her otherwise expressionless face.

Didn't expect to have Wang Zai's endorsement?Or the sponsor?

What did the program team talk about?Shouldn't it be all kinds of energy-enhancing water?

Can't understand, can't understand.

Ye Tian and Qi Ye started filming. Because this milk is sweeter, the filming plot is also sweet.

The two walked into the scene that had just been set up, and the director called out to start, and they started moving.

The whole advertising clip is more warm and everyday, Ye Tian and Qi Ye are two people, one is wearing a bright red Wangzai suit, the other is wearing a white Wangzai suit, they look very CP.

Ye Tian smiled, it was in line with the sweetness of milk.

"As expected of Tiantian, the smile is really too sweet!" Everyone in Class A stood by and watched.

Being able to shoot commercials with Qi Ye, is that something that many people would not envy?
Qi Ye would actually agree?This is something that many people are amazed at.

You must know that from his debut to the present, there are very few endorsed products.

On Shi Fei's side, she didn't watch Ye Tian and Qi Ye's performance, but was looking at some pictures just taken with her manager.

"These photos are all good, and the location is very good." When Shi Fei delivered coffee to Qi Ye just now, her manager was standing behind and secretly took pictures.

The angle was perfect, Qi Ye's expression was not captured, but Shi Fei's shy expression was completely captured.

As long as such a picture is released...

"During this period of time, you can take pictures with peace of mind. We will choose a good time to release the pictures, and then decide how to speculate based on the direction of public opinion."

"At that time, Qi Ye will definitely cooperate with our publicity for the sake of image."

"You run in front of him more often in the program group to get a sense of presence."

"Men, they all like harmless-looking girls like you. Is he really not attracted?"

 Babies, in PK, if you still have a recommendation ticket in hand, please vote for me!Let it expire!

  thank you all! ! !

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(End of this chapter)

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