Chapter 137
Netizens have watched all kinds of hot searches for a day, which has simply refreshed the lower limit of the three views.

Especially about Xu Ying's case, the quick turnaround and the ironclad evidence broke people's views.

A person, after being slandered for so many years, all the artists in his hands stepped on him after they left, and even the instigator of everything turned out to be his first love, he did not despise the whole society but still held hope.

Before the last artist left, he also did his best for each other, but the last artist almost became the last straw that broke the camel's back.

The hammer that Xu Ying and Xingguang Entertainment broke out made netizens feel extremely heavy about this melon.

This woman Wang Juan is really poisonous, a femme fatale, she takes up the word femme fatale.

This wave of beautiful reversal made countless people applaud.

But while they were happy for Xu Ying, everyone was constantly thinking about it. If Xu Ying really couldn't bear it in the end and chose to leave this world, would he never be rehabilitated?
Everyone's heart was a little heavy, and suddenly saw the post of Starlight Girl, which was somewhat sandy, and many people clicked in.

【? ? ? 】

[? ? ?Qi Ye? ? ? 】

【Imagine the picture and swallow my saliva. 】

[Ah, ah, does Qi Ye like to drink too? 】

[So why add an unfinished to-be-continued?Is there a sequel? 】

In the moment just now, the interaction between Ye Tian and Qi Ye made everyone feel very interesting.

The feelings that Qi Ye usually brings to everyone seem to be completely different from the feelings that he brings to everyone in the show, which is very novel to Qi Ye's fans.

[Brother, why do you have so many faces, you are usually cold and cold towards others, but now you secretly drink Wangzai milk behind their backs? 】

【Ah, I want to know if Qi Ye drank that bottle?To be continued means that your program group must have the truth, right? 】

[Hey, scumbag editor, quickly release the next video! ! ! 】

[Hahaha, Ye Tian is really cute!What a great personality! 】

[Yes, yes, my sister is really super cute, cute and cute, so awesome! 】

[Why do I feel that these two people have a sense of CP inexplicably? 】

【Me too...but I dare not say...】

The CP chat between Ye Tian and Qi Ye was quietly established at this moment.

【#also sweet#】

Someone quietly put CP Chaohua below, and many people started eating sugar as soon as they entered Chaohua.

[This CP name is really amazing, sisters, do you still remember the name of Qi Ye's song? 】

【Ah, I remember, I remember, my God!Also sweet is true, true! 】

[The interaction is so cute. 】

[I cut a lot of sugar in the first video, but I haven't found an organization, sisters, wait for me! 】




Of course, there are likes and dislikes.

[This... is the program team going to bind CP?I don't think so]

【Can Ye Tian walk independently?How many times have you tied my brother up? 】

[The ones in front are quarreling!tear! ! ! 】

Of course, there are people who have different opinions from everyone.

[What the hell, is there something wrong with your eyes?The way Ye Tian and Qi Ye get along with each other is a proper old father and her little sweetheart! 】

[I also think that my daughter is so cute. Sometimes I tease her with a bottle of milk, and with her pouting mouth, she can hang oil bottles. 】

Ye Tian's filming was still going on, and Qi Ye returned to the room in order to reduce his sense of existence.

Well, I still have to think about how to coax my girlfriend.

He looked at the news on the Internet, trying to find inspiration from the comments of sand sculpture netizens.

But he suddenly slipped his hand and liked a post.

 Today's no-prize quiz: Which one did you like?
  Babies are relatively behind in the second round of PK, so please don't be polite to me when it comes to recommending tickets!

  After the PK is passed, the free period should be extended to the next PK, but if it is not passed, the editor may ask to put it on the shelf directly.

  Please, please, get the recommended votes and five-star reviews, okay! ! !


(End of this chapter)

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