Chapter 139 Screenshot Saving
"Tiantian, Teacher Qi hahaha."

"So Teacher Qi regards Tiantian as her daughter?"

"Tiantian hahaha." The trainees also saw the message.

Ye Tiandian went in, saw the one that Qi Ye liked, and then saw the comments below, the smile on his face couldn't be concealed.

She guessed that Teacher Qi must be embarrassed now.

The ears must be red!
Unfortunately, can't see it.

Netizens were all having a carnival, and Qi Ye's image was much more vivid in everyone's eyes, he was no longer a cold word.

This variety show allowed everyone to get to know a more comprehensive Qi Ye.

[Too bad, I now think that Qi Ye is really amazing, his acting is good, his career line doesn't need to worry people at all, and his personality is like this, ahhh, I'm so amazing! ! ! 】

[This variety show is really worth it! @星光少女, from now on you will be the father of our night sky!Ahhhhhh, I'm going to be raped to death by this man! 】

Ye Tian looked at the comments of the netizens, and intercepted them one by one, especially those who said Qi Ye was cute.

After finishing the operation, she took back the phone in satisfaction.

Hee hee, these screenshots must be used, um... three packs of potato chips can be exchanged!

"Ye Tian, ​​why are you smiling so happily?" Wang Qing next to her was very strange.

Is being treated as a daughter by Teacher Qi a happy thing?
"No, netizens are too funny."

"Oh, Mr. Qi must have slipped his hand, right? The studio explained it just now." Wang Qing also found it more interesting.

She was very afraid of Qi Ye before, and when the other party was silent, she really looked like a stranger.

But after so many days, she found that Qi Ye was not as scary as she imagined.

"Well, my hand slipped." Ye Tian smiled and nodded, thinking of Qi Ye's possible appearance now, the smile on her face became bigger.

Now that Qi Ye has broken free from his 'autism', he opens his red eyes and opens his homepage.

【Qi Ye V: It was hand skating just now, I didn't think so. 】

Always explain clearly!
[What do you think? 】

【Hahaha, what do you think? 】

[So, it's not a little sweetheart, but a little sweetheart? 】

[Stop explaining, explaining is covering up, you think that way, admit it!Heh, man. 】

After this wave, Qi Ye's red-eyed fans, who hadn't increased much, surged again, including Ye Tian.

Everyone wanted to see what this girl looked like, but they couldn't get out just by looking at it like this.

[It's really cute! 】

【Ahhh, isn't it so cute? 】

[The part of playing the piano is really cool! 】

[The singing part is very sweet! 】

The number of Ye Tian's fans continued to rise, and finally climbed to 200 million, and it continued to grow at a not slow rate.

After seeing this, the director of the program group naturally smiled from ear to ear.

Both Ye Tian and Qi Ye are the lucky stars of the program group! ! !

With these two people around, I am not afraid of lack of heat.

At the end of a day of filming, everyone was a little tired.

Although we usually shoot all day long, it is a daily routine after all.

This is a very formal shooting, and it is confirmed that it will be included in the official broadcast time.

Each one takes a long time to shoot repeatedly to ensure that there are no problems.

The other trainees were notified by the program group, but they hadn't come back at this time.

The entire dormitory was a bit empty, and the cameras were not turned on.

At this time, Ye Tian knocked on the door of Qi Ye's room.

 The recommendation vote has been refreshed. Everyone votes for the recommendation vote and brushes the five-star praise to ensure that PK will advance!

  The no-prize guessing session has started again
  Question: Can Ye Tian be replaced with potato chips?

(End of this chapter)

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