Chapter 143 Who Can Stay?

Ye Tian returned to the room, only she and Shu Ruxue were there, Li Qian's popularity was not high, even though she was from Class A, she was not invited to shoot the commercial.

"Are you back?" Shu Ruxue was watching the video and said politely when she saw Ye Tian coming back.

"Yeah." Ye Tian looked at the rearranged dormitory, feeling very happy in her heart.

Each of them has endorsement items on their desks, the title sponsor's milk, placed in the most conspicuous position.

"By the way, the director asked me to tell you that the placement of the props here cannot be destroyed." Shu Ruxue told Ye Tian specifically.

Ye Tian was like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, "What?"

"The director specifically asked me to tell you."

"Why did you tell me specifically? Am I such a saboteur?" Director Zhao is too much, right?
Isn't drinking the products of the sponsors something that those who participate in the show should do?
Director Zhao did this, didn't he think about the idea of ​​sponsors?This will not work!

"Director Zhao said, if you drink too much and gain weight, the fairy will instantly turn into a potato." After Shu Ruxue finished speaking, she added: "Although I think you should not get fat from eating, what Director Zhao said seems to be It also makes sense."

In a few words, Shu Ruxue sold Director Zhao outright.

"Me, potato?" Wow, so angry.


Annoyed, Ye Tian picked up a bottle of Wangzai milk and opened it.

Let's talk after drinking!

Shu Ruxue had an expression on her face that I knew: "The director also said, if you can't help but drink, remember to take a bottle from the cabinet under your dressing table to make up for it."

Director Zhao thought of all possible things and took measures.

Ye Tian bent down, opened the cabinet, and there was a lot of milk neatly placed inside.


Happiness may be that simple!Stop being angry with the director, forgive him.

Ye Tian was happy here, while Qi Ye was thinking about the photos in Ye Tian's phone, he couldn't be happy at all, he was unhappy, and neither could the employees.

After a video was played, everyone had to work overtime.

"Boss, are you done?" The employees who just thought that there would be no more meetings today were dumbfounded.

Boss... this is not good.

Real man, isn't it a little too fast?

"What kind of eyes do you have?" Qi Ye's tone became a little dangerous.

"No, it's nothing, the boss is amazing, amazing!" The other party gave a thumbs up.

"Follow what we didn't finish just now, we..." Qi Ye looked at the other party like this, and made up his mind to let the other party work overtime with him.

The next day, Ye Tian woke up and had breakfast with Wang Qingshu Ruxue. The atmosphere in the restaurant was very different.

Those people looked at Ye Tian with envy and jealousy.

When the show started filming, they knew that Ye Tian was very strong, but it was only very strong.

But now, strength has been transformed into popularity, and the intuitive numbers hang in front of everyone.

Some people who didn't care much about Ye Tian's strength before were also slapped in the face by that huge gap.

Of course, at this time, they didn't have much thought about what happened to Ye Tian, ​​but were particularly worried about what happened to themselves.

Today is the time for the second rating.

This time, it directly affects everyone.

Class A, originally 11 people, only 6 people will remain, corresponding to the last 6 debut spots.

This is not simply a matter of losing a few people, because there are still people in Class B who performed very well.

For Class A, there may only be one or two people left, and all the others will be replaced.

But for other classes, this is an opportunity.

Who can be the winner of this rating?
Among the 99 trainees, the hearts of almost all of them were beating fast.

 A new day is here, the PK is still going on, babies are rushing to the next round!The recommendation votes are up, the recommendation votes plummeted yesterday, what happened.


(End of this chapter)

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