Chapter 149 Don't You Thank Teacher Qi?
The statistical columns behind the six people stopped rising.

Seeing the results of the vote, everyone was not very surprised.

Ye Tian was actually a little nervous.

After all, the wave just now was really too emotional.

If she had a bad mentality, she might collapse.

How did such a bad thing happen to him?
Her cheeks bulged, and then she let out a breath.

"Turn around and watch for yourself, or should I announce it?" Qi Ye was quite satisfied with the results of the vote.

Well, the level of the trainees is still good.

It's just that some ears don't work well.

Seeing his relaxed face, Ye Tian also instantly relaxed.

She turned her head slightly.

"Ye Tian is a trainee! I haven't turned everyone's heads yet!"

Ye Tian didn't see exactly how many votes she had. After hearing Qi Ye's voice, she immediately turned her head, stood at attention, and looked straight ahead, pretending that nothing happened.

Sitting on the instructor's seat, Zhao Wu covered her mouth and laughed.

Why is this child so cute?
"Okay, everyone, turn your heads and see for yourself!"

The trainees on the stage held their breath and did not speak.

Several people turned their heads slowly.

When Xing Ranran saw the people who supported him, he jumped excitedly and widened his eyes.

"My God." She covered her mouth with an expression of disbelief.

"How can I have so many votes?"

After finishing speaking, she turned her head and put her hands together: "Thank you, thank you."

Her number of votes was not high, but it completely exceeded her own expectations.

Everyone on the stage was amused by her behavior.

Those who didn't know thought she won the C position, and she was giving a "winning" speech.

"It's okay, no thanks!"

Xing Ranran heard this sentence and looked at the trainee: "Do you want to say the next sentence, anyway, I didn't vote for you?"

"Hahaha, how do you know?"

"My heart hurts so much, I tell you, our friendship has come to an end!"

Ye Tian also saw her voting numbers.

A smile bloomed on her face, and the burden in her heart was put down at once.

Well, give Teacher Qi a credit for his microphone.

Shu Ruxue, who was standing next to her, was a little puzzled when she saw her vote count.

She thinks that there is still a certain gap between Ye Tian and Ye Tian, ​​but the gap between their votes is really too close!
The difference of only five votes is simply unbelievable.

Could it be because of the small situation at the beginning?
She looked at Ye Tian beside her, who blinked at her and gave Shu Ruxue a thumbs up.

Ye Tian didn't care about the difference in the number of votes between the two. She also felt that Shu Ruxue was excellent, and she deserved the number of votes.

Shu Ruxue lowered her head, the smile on the corner of her mouth slowly widened, and warmth rose in her eyes instantly.

"Ye Tian's trainee, got the C position of the theme song, do you have anything to say?" Zhao Wu picked up the microphone and asked Ye Tian.

Ye Tian turned her head, Shu Ruxue handed her microphone to Ye Tian, ​​Ye Tian bowed and said, "Thank you everyone!"

"Don't you want to thank Teacher Qi?" After Zhao Wu finished speaking, everyone on the stage shouted.

"Yes, thank you, Tiantian, for Teacher Qi's microphone!"

Ye Tian looked at Qi Ye after hearing this, and Qi Ye was also looking at her.

There was a trace of expectation in his eyes, as if he really wanted to hear Ye Tian's thanks.

Ye Tian was silent for a long time, biting her lower lip, as if she was thinking.

Finally, after thinking about it, she picked up the microphone in her hand.

 I stood for a second, Tiansu, um, that's the name of the CP.

  Although I stood on the sweet crisp, I still want to recommend a ticket, and I will give you one.


(End of this chapter)

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