Chapter 155 Dare?

Shi Fei was the one who had the accident?

Shi Fei's fans instantly exploded.

[Is it really just a fever?Need an ambulance for a fever? ? ?Shi Fei was training hard, why did she suddenly have a fever? 】

[Why do you have a fever?why?Is the program group squeezing?Why are the other trainees fine? 】

Fans always think the worst. Of course, fans are not all to blame. After all, many idols have a large number of professional fans.

The meaning of the existence of this group of people is to find faults, bring rhythm, purify abuse fans, drive sales, etc.

Shi Fei has quite a few professional fans. After the internal meeting, they agreed that this was a good opportunity to purify their fans.

After seeing Shi Fei's manager, he also immediately contacted several fans, and after talking about the situation, he began to sell badly.

[The program team must explain: 1. Why did Shi Fei have a fever? Is it because of the unreasonable arrangement of the program team? 2. Is there any situation that the program team squeezed the trainees?]

[Our Feifei is too miserable, what does the show crew do for food?A good person suddenly has a high fever? 】

[Hey, what a nice lady, the program team is really not human. 】

[Shi Fei's body should be in good shape, right?I've only been a trainee for a few days, and that's it?high fever?What degree of high fever?Did the program team dereliction of duty? 】

Shi Fei's fan chat also began to sell miserably.

[It's too difficult for our sister, she was suppressed by the program team from the very beginning?Did it put too much pressure on her? 】

[Come on, how can this crappy program group treat your sister?Who can't see it?Shi Fei is really miserable! 】

[In the first episode, Fei won the A scene and there were not as many trainees who got the C. At that time, I knew what kind of shit this ghost show was. I expected it to be good for your sister?Wake up, sister only has us! 】

The series of dismal comments from the fans made Shi Fei, a passer-by fan who didn't pay much attention to the fan circle, pay more attention.

It really looks miserable, this girl is like the No. 1 in the exam, but the scholarship was awarded to the students who memorized in the class.

Many people have this idea after reading Shi Fei's fans' comments.

Of course, there are also sensible people.

[The whole world suppresses your little sister?What kind of onion is she? 】

[These fans are probably not zz, right? 】

[Originally, I was sympathetic to the high fever in the program group. After all, this will definitely delay some of her recordings, but now I see the comments from fans [goodbye]]

[Fever also blames the program group?What does it have to do with the program group? 】

Noisy and noisy, the quarrel turned into a scuffle between several fans in the end.

Especially Ye Tian's fans, they were included from the very beginning.

[Your family will be miserable if it sells badly, why drag my family?Did we sweetly give her a fever? 】

[I am also drunk, brothers, prepare to fight!They want to tear us apart, are we afraid? 】

Ye Tian's fans, as the largest group among all the trainee fans of Starlight Girl, are really not afraid of any tearing up in the program group.

After all, they have experienced too much in the past few days.

Ye Tian's hot searches continue, which is a very big test for the newly established fan group.

They have survived, and the ability of the whole group to deal with various things has improved linearly.

If Shi Fei's fans came to tear her up, they definitely wouldn't be afraid.

The question is, do Shi Fei's fans dare?
 Ye Tian fans: Come tear it up!Ask for a fight!
  Me: Ask for votes! !
  What is a better name for Ye Tian's fans?

(End of this chapter)

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