Chapter 157 So Cool

Ye Yu's little secretary is in charge of the knight station now.

The little secretary saw that Shi Fei's fans actually touched porcelain, and immediately contacted the support club under the skin with the number of the knight station.

The other party wants to tear it up, but I'm sorry not to accompany it. We don't like tearing it up, we only like the feeling of being crushed.

This picture is a screenshot of voting for the recharge account of Knight Station.According to the requirements of the video site, after recharging as a member, there will be 99 tickets per day. If you recharge as an annual member, you will get an additional 99 tickets every time you recharge for one year.

The picture of the Cavaliers is wonderful, with 99 votes, and a membership of 1 years has been bought.

【Dad, Dad, I kneel down for you. 】

[This membership account is passed on from son to son, from grandson to grandson, from generation to generation endlessly...]

[My God, what kind of peerless hero is the knight father?This is not 99 yuan, nor 99 yuan, he is a 1-year member! 】

Shi Fei's fans were also shocked by this screenshot.

Why are Ye Tian's fans so rich?

What about them?
Looking at the number of votes, Ye Tian doesn't even have a fraction of it now.

【Shall we go to vote too?It's a shame that the square is being suppressed like this. 】

Fans of Shi Fei had never experienced this before. Seeing that their own square was being suppressed, but their own family was helpless, doubts naturally arose in their hearts.

Is my idol really much worse than others?Why is there no backhand power at all.

Of course, this wave of abuse has also produced some hardcore fans.After all, the one who was beaten had no strength to fight back, it was really too cruel.

[I have been a member for one year, everyone rush! 】

[I also rushed for a year and voted for Feifei every day. 】

【how so……】

For Ye Tian's fans, the moment they saw the screenshot, they were in a carnival.

[Although I know that Dad Knight is actually a waste of money, but I'm so happy, I'm so happy!Ah ah ah ah ah! 】

【Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 】

[Wooooow, it's sweet, it's worth it, it's worth it, I'm going to recharge it too! 】

[Mom, could it be that the upstairs is also...? 】

[No, no, no, I mean it for a year. QAQ I am holding you back. 】

[Sorry, I laughed, I saw the super chat of the store opposite, they laughed me to death. 】

[I've also watched it, and it's okay to tear it up, but it's not good to spend money. Sure enough, they're all sailors, right?Hahahaha, today's source of happiness! 】

Seeing that Shi Fei's professional fans hadn't done it, they immediately adjusted their strategy and started to quarrel with the program group. Ye Tian's fans had won a big victory and were celebrating.

The little secretary's heart trembled when she saw the news on the Internet.

God knows, she just spent money that she has never spent in her entire life.

Ye Yu didn't care about the amount of money reported by the little secretary.

"It's fine if you win. From now on, I don't care about the process, only the result." This means that it doesn't matter how much money you spend! ! !
The little secretary sat in her seat, trembling with excitement.

Ahhhhhh, this is the big boss chasing stars, so domineering! ! ! ! !

However, the sweetness is worth it! ! !

Thinking of this, she landed on the account of the Knight Station again, and began to recruit more staff.

Ye Tian didn't know anything about all the deaths on the Internet, and everyone knew that Shi Fei couldn't participate in the night mv recording.

The loss of one person does not have much impact. It is not too early for everyone to finish the rehearsal recording.

Shi Fei's fans did not cause any trouble in the end, and the program team also issued a final explanation after they made a fuss.

 Hee hee, please recommend tickets~

(End of this chapter)

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