Chapter 159 Whose fault is it?

The director looked at her 'innocent' expression, and although he knew she was faking it, his heart softened.

What can you do?

For Ye Tian, ​​it is love and hate.

She just has that charm.

"The shooting started." The director walked behind the camera and watched.

Ye Tian obediently sat on the stool, ready to pass the test.

"Ye Tian, ​​what do you think about Teacher Qi Yeqi stealing your milk?"

Before the recording started, the staff lady covered her mouth and smiled. After the recording started, she returned to her serious appearance.

When Ye Tian heard this question, she was in a bad mood.

"Why do you keep asking these sad questions?"

"Please answer positively."

"I'm so sad, I wonder why he secretly drank my baby."

"Then do you want to know? We have a video here." The staff suddenly became 'merciful' and satisfied Ye Tian's request.

Ye Tian nodded immediately: "Yes!"

It's too bad, not only drank it, but also drank it under the camera, hum!

The staff handed her a mobile phone and asked her to watch it.

After reading it, Ye Tian opened her mouth and was stunned.

Cleverness is mistaken by cleverness!

Why do this to her?

Teacher Qi is too bad!
"How did you feel after watching it?"

"Teacher Qi is too bad!!!"

"But isn't it your fault?"

"That's not it!!!" How could it be her fault? It's all Teacher Qi's fault.

It's all his fault!
"Okay, let's ask the next question."

The staff was almost amused by the rich expression on Ye Tian's face.

But she is a professional, even if she wants to smile again, she can only raise and lower the corner of her mouth slightly.

The following questions were more routine, and Ye Tian answered them easily.

After walking out of the little white room, she ran to find Qi Ye.

This matter must be made clear!
Secretly hide the milk behind your back, liar!

Qi Ye was in the room familiarizing himself with the process of the next group confrontation.

After Ye Tian came in, he looked over.

oh?Why do you look a little angry?

For some reason, Qi Ye felt a little flustered.

"What's wrong?" He put down the things in his hands and looked at Ye Tian.

Ye Tian came over and looked at Qi Ye "condescendingly".

Qi Ye raised his head and continued to ask her with a smile: "What's wrong?" He looked like he wanted to ask her to blame.

"Who messed with us Tiantian?"

He stood up and rubbed Ye Tian's hair, but then Ye Tian ruthlessly shook his hand away.

"Be serious!"

"Okay." Qi Ye couldn't help smiling.

"The director showed me a video just now!"

"It's the part where you stole my milk!"

Qi Ye suddenly thought of that day. He originally wanted to tease Ye Tian, ​​but he didn't expect that she would run away with a bottle of milk in her arms, and she didn't give out the extra bottle in the end.

Without giving it out, he drank it himself.

Whose problem is this?
"and then?"

"It's all your fault." The words were extremely aggrieved.

Qi Ye laughed out loud, and was glared at by Ye Tian.

"Is it really my fault?" Qi Ye asked, after all, Ye Tian ran away with the milk first!

"Isn't it?" she retorted.

Otherwise whose fault could it be?Could it be that she was wrong?
"Then let's sort out what happened that day." Qi Ye thought for a while and continued.

Ye Tian nodded and asked him to continue talking.

 The first principle of quarreling with your girlfriend: No matter whose fault it is, it is your fault hahahahaha.

  Previously, the recommended ticket was 2500 per day, and tomorrow will be added to the recommended ticket, and the next recommended ticket will be added to [-] per day, everyone, cheer up and show your heart.


(End of this chapter)

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