Chapter 163 Song Selection
Pink, the trainee who rated Class A for the first time.

All of a sudden, the number of people shrank a lot in an instant.

Everyone watched among the few trainees who fell from class A to class B.

Who on earth is it?

"is her?"

"My God, is she still insisting?"

Almost all the trainees opened their mouths when they saw the picture.

Because the person in the video is sitting on a chair with a crutch beside the chair.

Wang Qing in the video is very serious. She holds a list of lyrics in her hand and sings it over and over again.

This has sound, and everyone can hear that it went from bad at the beginning to perfect at the end.

The same is true for dancing. Although she is sitting on a chair, she does the upper body movements very well.

Everyone applauded.

Wang Qing's eyes were also slightly red, and she covered her face with her hands, as if she was a little shy.

"Go up!"

"Qingqing, go up!"

"I don't know why, but I have a tearful feeling."

Wang Qing stood up, hugged the people around, and stood up. Qi Ye held the microphone and asked, "Would you like to give an acceptance speech?"

"No, no need." She sniffed.

Although she accepted the fact that she fell, it didn't mean she wasn't sad at all.

But now, the hard work has paid off and everything seems to be worth it.

"Invite the six trainees from class A to come up, let's start the next step, song selection."

Ten people stood up, and Qi Ye held a lottery box in his hand.

"Class A, start with Ye Tian."

There are five songs in total, and the first person has the same probability of winning each song.

I started with Ye Tian because Ye Tian was the C position on the first stage.

"What song do you want to get?" Qi Ye walked up to Ye Tian with the box and asked Ye Tian to take one out of it.

"Well, it should have a stronger sense of rhythm."

There are so many of them, and if they sing, they cannot be remembered by the audience, but the dance is different.

Thrilling dance raises certain factors in the body, making people excited and cheering.

"Huh?" Ye Tian picked up the note in her hand and looked at it, the corners of her mouth instantly curled up.


This is the song she danced to when she was fighting with Xiao Yixuan.

The dance of this song is difficult, even if it is adapted, it will not be too simple.

There are very few people who can keep up with the rhythm, but she also drew this song in her previous life.

"Oh my God!"

"Why is there this song?"

"I still remember that Ye Tian danced during the first rating. Does the program team think we can all dance this?"

"The movements inside it are super difficult!"

In Ye Tian's previous life, she also got this song. I have to say that fate is like this sometimes.

"Alright, next trainee."

The remaining nine people were all worried, deeply afraid of winning the same song as Ye Tian.

First of all, I was afraid of Ye Tian's strength, and second, I felt that the song was really difficult. If I really got it in my hands, I might just drop it in my hands.

The second draw was Shu Ruxue.

She didn't really care much about it herself, and she was even looking forward to having a PK with Ye Tian.

The moment she took out the note, everyone's hearts were raised.

Are all the pieces difficult?

Will Shu Ruxue directly become rivals with Ye Tian?

She opened the note in her hand, and Qi Ye stood beside her and said to her, "Read the name of the song in your hand."

 Hee hee, please recommend tickets~

(End of this chapter)

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