Chapter 165 Long Snack

"Is it still possible not to choose someone? If you can't choose someone, then don't?" Xiao Yixuan indeed asked a question that many people wanted to ask.

"Yes, this is a privilege that is given to you, and you don't have to choose it." Qi Ye replied.

"Okay, thank you teacher." Xiao Yixuan sat down after asking, with a smug look on her face.

There was something in her words, who didn't hear it?

Shu Ruxue frowned. She always felt that this sentence was weird, but she also felt that there was nothing wrong with it. She really couldn't choose any of them... She didn't know each other very well, so how could she choose?
She opened her mouth, but in the end she still didn't know what to say.

When all the trainees in class A are selected, it's time for other trainees to choose first.

Many trainees hesitated when they went behind Shu Ruxue.

Of course, those who are familiar with Shu Ruxue know what kind of character she is.

For example, the trainees who fell from class A.

The typical one is straight, if you talk to her in a roundabout way, she can't understand, and you will be mad at you to death.

But this also has a shortcoming, look at it now, Xiao Yixuan has said that, she didn't even have a rebuttal.

Ye Tian's back was soon full of people, all of them were from the two classes of BC, ten people were full. What surprised Ye Tian was that Huang Wan'er, a trainee from Wang Qing's company, also chose her group for some reason.

This, but one of the pushers she encountered in her previous life.

Before, it was out of sight, but now it jumps in front of her eyes... Ye Tian felt that she might really be unable to bear it.

If there are many things about Shi Fei that make Ye Tian feel curious while disgusted, then this Huang Wan'er standing behind her now simply makes her only disgusted.

This woman has learned [-]% of the kung fu of double-faced and three-handed.

The ability to talk honey, belly sword, that is well practiced.

Qi Ye, who stood aside and watched the trainees freely choose, immediately noticed Ye Tian's depression.

After all, she said she was looking at others, but in reality, she was only looking at Ye Tian.

What's the matter?Could it be that someone you don't like has joined the team?

Qi Ye still knew Ye Tian very well.

I don't want to see her in a bad mood and want to coax her, but there are cameras all around.

There is no way but to suffer along with it.

Ye Tian shook her head, recovering from some things in her previous life.

Pick her team?

No matter what the other party's purpose is, don't show it to her!hold on!

On the other hand, Shi Fei also found it difficult to choose.

Against Ye Tian?
She wanted to, but it wasn't worth it.

She doesn't have enough accumulation now, and when she faces Ye Tian, ​​the possibility of turning over is very small.

Shi Fei knew very well what she wanted at all times.

After deliberation, she chose the Wang Qing group.

When Wang Qing saw her walking towards her, she was about to cry.

Why is it always her who gets hurt?
Shi Fei, Shi Fei, go away!

Ye Tian also kept an eye on Shi Fei's movements, watching Shi Fei walking towards Wang Qing, and then watching Wang Qing's expression.

Well, don't cry, be strong!

Others like Shi Fei quite a lot, because she is very gentle, generous and helpful, and often helps others. The trainees have a good impression of her.

After all the trainees had been selected, Shu Ruxue's group had the least number of people, only nine people.

All other groups are full of ten people.

After this wave of recording ended, Shu Ruxue walked to Ye Tian's side, "Just now Qianqian walked by me, let me have a snack?"

Although Li Qian wanted to choose Shu Ruxue's group, but after much deliberation, she still felt that the style was wrong, so she chose another group.

Shu Ruxue was a little troubled by this sentence.

what happened?
 I'm too sleepy, woo woo, ask for a recommendation ticket, use the recommendation ticket to smash my drowsiness away!
  These days, I only fall asleep when it is almost dawn. Today I will go to bed after typing, hoping to fall asleep!


(End of this chapter)

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