177 Public Execution
【Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha】

【Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha】

【Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha】

[Hahahahahahaha, is this a strange formation? 】

[Ha X7, line up]

Netizens who originally wanted to read the comment area and watch the video were all confused.


[Is this a cross talk video?How did you become like this? 】

Then, they clicked on the video.

At last.

【Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha】

Human nature is a repeater.

Re-reading is so much fun!

Qi Ye looked at the video that was sent out, and then thought of Ye Tian who came to question him that day, his gentle eyes were a little tired.

[Qi Ye V: This Saturday//@星光女孩V: ...]

【Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhse, we know!Saturday is Saturday, my brother and niece will watch it! 】

[Okay, I will watch both you and my daughter, you two really make me worry. 】

Qi Ye's fans all know that Qi Ye likes Ye Tian very much, and Qi Ye praised his old father's red eyes, and everyone's tolerance for Ye Tian seems to have become higher.

Who told this to be Qi Ye's hand-picked daughter?

What else could it be?
[Look and see, how can you not see it?Lovely teacher Qi! 】

What the program team released was a preview, leaving a certain amount of suspense, which made many netizens scratch their heads.

This program group is really good, right?
It was stuck there like that in the last issue, and now it's coming again?

Really, can't we see it?
[I see, I don't think it's okay?It airs at [-] o'clock this Saturday night, right?I read! 】

【So did you show Ye Tian this video later?It's so devilish! 】

[Ye Tian's reaction hahaha. 】

【Ye Tiantian: Don't ask, you will regret it if you ask. 】

[I think the title sponsor of your show is very devilish, it happens to be what Ye Tian likes to drink? 】

Because of Ye Tian, ​​the sales of this milk have been very good during this period. The milk company that was not particularly willing at the beginning feels really fragrant now.

Their company has never invited any celebrities to endorse them before. After all, the company's products are star products.

But in the past few days, because of Ye Tian's relationship, the product sales have increased a lot, but some people made strange speeches after buying the product.

[If you buy this milk, can you have a lovely daughter? 】

[Can I become like Ye Tian after drinking this milk? 】

[Will people who love to drink your milk become more beautiful? 】

What are these questions! !We are just a very ordinary sweet milk!

Really, there are really no such weird functions!
Netizens made a lot of emoticons for Ye Tian because of the milk thing. Of course, they were all cute.

Now, judging from the first episode of the show, Ye Tian should be in that sweet style?
Of course, Ye Tian didn't know about the comments on the Internet. From the group group to Saturday, everyone was very busy, wishing they could stay in the practice room 24 hours a day.

After all, this is a game that is related to whether everyone can stay, and it may also be the last stage for many people in this show.

At [-]:[-] on Saturday night, the program team called all the trainees.

Everyone sits together, with a big screen in front of them.

"What is this for?"

"Is this a public execution?"

 Ask for a recommendation ticket~

(End of this chapter)

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