Chapter 185 Do You Want To Read It Too?
"Where is Tiantian? Where are you now? I'll come and deal with it right away!" Ye Ming stood up while talking.

He usually doesn't go back to the villa at home, he lives outside and lives in his own house, and he still does now, the house he bought is not far from the company.

"She's there, unhurt."

"Call her." Ye Ming was so anxious that his original good mood disappeared all of a sudden.

At this moment, he wished he could fly to Ye Tian's side.

Must be terrified?

Ye Tian swallowed the last sip of milk in her mouth, and then took the phone.

"Second brother."

"Tiantian you... are you okay? Are you hurt? What happened?"

"How dare she do such a thing in the show?" Ye Ming regretted it to death. After finding out about that incident, he should have let that person get out of Starlight, and in the future, all programs with Starlight investment will be This person is not allowed on.

Even if Ye Tian's opponent in the show turned into a mosaic, even if that part was cut, it would be better than making Ye Tian worry.

Ye Ming blamed himself extremely now.

"Brother, I'm fine. Didn't a master teach us self-defense when we were young? How could I be hurt by her?" Self-defense is one of the necessary skills for the rich N generation.

After all, all kinds of things like kidnapping have actually happened around them.

"It's all my brother's fault. She should have been let out of the competition!" Ye Ming walked out the door while talking.

"I'm fine, I'm really fine! I'm drinking milk now!" Ye Tian emphasized that she was fine.

When Ye Ming heard this, his mood suddenly improved a lot, "Well, brother will be here soon!"

"Okay, I'll wait for you." After Ye Tian finished speaking, she handed the phone to Qi Ye. When Qi Ye answered the phone, Ye Ming's tone changed immediately.

"Take care of her."

"I'll come over to deal with this right away."

Before Qi Ye could answer, the other party hung up the phone.

Well, it's completely different from the attitude towards Ye Tian.Qi Ye was used to it.

After hanging up the phone, Qi Ye watched Ye Tian finish a bottle of milk, and then sent her to the door of the dormitory.

"Have a good night's rest." Qi Ye still had some worries in his eyes.

I don't know if Ye Tian will have nightmares after going through this kind of thing?

Although it was unharmed, it was... quite exciting.

"Okay." Ye Tian replied with a smile, opened the door and walked in, Qi Ye watched her close the door before slowly turning around and rushing to the director's lounge.

Xiao Yixuan was brought into this room by several people, and her current mood is still not so stable.

Several trainees were terrified.

"Xuanxuan, calm down!"

"What is this, isn't this a normal thing?"

"That's right, that's right, don't take it to heart!" They felt that it was incomprehensible to become like this because of this incident.

The director has arrived.


"I'll take her to the hospital for an examination later." What is this?Within a week, two trainees were admitted to the hospital.

The previous one was just a fever, but this one is obviously... crazy?
What's the matter?Why did God do anything to such a cute and innocent director like him?

"You guys go back to rest and get well adjusted. Do you need to see a psychiatrist? Why don't you go for a checkup with her too?" The director suddenly kindly said.

 Director: I think you are all sick now.

  Trainee: No, no, we didn't! ! !

  Ask for a recommendation ticket~

(End of this chapter)

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