Chapter 189 Why?
Wang Qing, who has always been lovely and lovely, actually announced a decision that made everyone feel particularly domineering and incredible.

She wants to PK with Shi Fei?

No, not just PK with everyone in the team.

"It's too high."

"The problems of their team are indeed quite serious."

"No, in our practice room, Wang Qing usually works hard, but those people in the team are really bastards."

Some people feel that they have no chance, so they will give up on themselves, especially when the person who is giving up on themselves is not alone, and the whole team is in a sluggish state.

Their opponent was Shu Ruxue's team. Although the people in Shu Ruxue's team were not that strong because of what Xiao Yixuan asked Shu Ruxue before, but because of Shu Ruxue's own strength and character, they The training situation of the whole team is very good.

"The program team actually agreed? I thought that this kind of thing is usually resolved in private, and it will not be brought up on the stage." After all, it is not something that can be publicized when the trainees do not train well and cause the captain to collapse. .

Everyone finds it incredible. Of course, many people are very supportive.

"I don't know what's going on, those people in their team all want Shi Fei to be the C position. Shi Fei's strength is indeed good, but Wang Qing is not bad, and this C position is Wang Qing herself. Work hard to get it!"

Wang Qing's heart is now quite uncertain. It is indeed a very risky decision to bring the problems in the team to the table, but it is better than completely dead!
"Tiantian, how did you convince the teachers?" It was Ye Tian who helped convince those teachers to be judges.

"Especially Teacher Qi, he actually agreed? I think Teacher Qi is really kind!" Wang Qing liked Qi Ye very much at first, but like most fans, she felt that Qi Ye was not a special person. Very close person.

However, during this period of time, what Qi Ye showed really surprised her.

So Qi Ye can also be a very gentle person?
"Hmm...the method..." Ye Tian blushed slightly, and then she coughed lightly: "These are not important, the important thing is the result."

This is said with seriousness, as if it is true.

Wang Qing frowned suspiciously: "That's right, now the teachers have agreed, and the director is still willing to let us use the studio!"

Ye Tian did this matter early in the morning. After all, a few days have passed. If the situation in Wang Qing's group is not resolved, there is really no possibility of solving it later.

"I'm very worried now. Shi Fei is usually very strong. What if I can't beat her?" Wang Qing held Ye Tian's hand.

Shi Fei's usual level of performance is still ups and downs, but even if it is low, it can be considered a good performance in their team.

In the past few days, she has spent a lot of time practicing, but she is not so confident.

"Then do you want your team to be like this for a while?" Ye Tian also took the time to check on Wang Qing's team.

After Wang Qing's second re-rating, her dancing ability has improved linearly, and the dance of their show is not difficult at all. The difficult thing is the songs. Wang Qing has a certain talent in songs, so there is no problem at all.

"No, I don't want to." She bit her lip, then looked up, "Let's go! Go to the studio and have a confrontation with them!"

Ye Tian nodded with a smile, and at the same time, several people on Shi Fei's side became a mess.

"Is she out of her mind? Why do you think you can win Feifei?"

 Now I am in PK, to be honest I am very nervous hahaha.Although it has been PK once.

  Still the same sentence, if the PK cannot be promoted, it should be put on the shelves immediately. After the PK is promoted, the release will be delayed, and the free period will be longer.So I hope everyone can vote for recommendation and leave a message for support.

  Thank you everyone~
  Love you guys!

(End of this chapter)

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