Chapter 191 Unsatisfactory
These words made those few people lose their face, and Shi Fei, who was standing by the side, did not expect this to happen.

How could Wang Qing come up with such a method?
This is simply putting his own face on the bright side to step on!
Is it something to be proud of if the team is not in harmony?no!

Shi Fei is also very nervous at the moment, because no matter whether she wins or loses, she will never be a winner.

"I don't have any opinion on Qingqing's plan, and I am very grateful to Qingqing for recognizing my strength. However, the rules of the program group are the rules. If Qingqing was selected as C before, then she will be C. Even if I win, I will win." I don't think it should change."

"Qingqing's strength has been greatly improved during this period. I am very much looking forward to the duel with her, but I hope that the duel between us is not for the C position. Since I joined this team, I have never thought about the C position. Just trying to make our team better."

She is very smart, and she said such a passage in order to be able to defend herself in the future.

Ye Tian who was sitting on the stage also looked at Shi Fei.

This person's ability to be the same as the former and the second is really amazing. No wonder so many people were sold by her in the previous life, and they all helped her count the money.Saying this kind of thing really has a certain level.

She sighed and continued to observe Shi Fei.

Shi Fei's words made Wang Qing who was standing beside her very uncomfortable.

Until now, she didn't know why those people in the team were so protective of Shi Fei?

"Since the rules are set, there is no reason not to. It is useless to say more. Since you have agreed to this PK, it means that you have approved the rules." Qi Ye did not follow Shi Fei's words. go down
The director had asked them before whether they agreed, and if they disagreed, they had to listen to Wang Qing. During practice, if they found negative situations again, they would withdraw from the competition.

Agree, as long as you can dance better than Wang Qing, you don't have to listen to Wang Qing's arrangement.

These two choices are for them.In fact, there is no choice.

Do not choose?Will you really listen to Wang Qing in the future?
I chose, and now standing on this stage, all the trainees are watching, these few trainees who usually spend their days in the program group suddenly feel a little ashamed.

"Are you ready? When you're ready, let's start." Qi Ye continued.

Wang Qing picked up the microphone in her hand and replied: "Ready!"

Several other people standing by also nodded.

This competition is not fair to Wang Qing.

Because she proposed it, she needs to compare with each other one by one.

However, fortunately, Shi Fei was the first one, and now both of them are in the best condition.

"The others go down and wait, Shi Fei and Wang Qing are ready!"

Everyone at the scene did not speak at this time.

The lights also dimmed, and soothing and relaxing music sounded.

This song is very sweet, it is written for girls, to be precise, it is written for single girls.

Own a small world of your own, happiness, joy, must be expressed through songs.

The dance was very lively, and Wang Qing smiled at everyone, with a cute effect.

She has worked very hard during this period. In order to be worthy of this C position, she will practice until late at night even if she practices alone.

"This is my little world..." He opened his mouth, and a clear, ear-scratching voice immediately filled the air.

This voice made people feel very relaxed after listening to it, and made the opponents in her group frown, so strong?

On the other hand, Shi Fei's performance was not so satisfactory!

 In the process of PK, please recommend a ticket~

(End of this chapter)

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